Selfmotivation for you too!

Next time you reach day 30, remove social media apps that allow mixed content and make sure web pages are blocked. Keep the right mindset, say to yourself “not this time” and never give up. Do not forget to tell yourself that you will not feel down as before, that you will not feel tired and worn out in the face. With good and healthy thinking, you will be able to avoid searching for SFW and NSFW relevant words. Force yourself to avoid searching for these as it takes only a few clicks. Keep the thought of improving yourself mentally and physically this summer as you may have planned. Keep exercising. You have managed to discipline yourself thanks to a correct, positive and healthy mindset. That you had a relapse on day 30 proves that you are on the right track and can do better. That may have not been your goal, but you kept your sexual energy after masturbating only once. Never give up! You are back to square 1 and it just gets better after each day passing. You have managed to keep your desires within yourself, you have managed to lower your gaze and have not chased pornographic images during this period before you relapse. Aim for a higher position in life. Aim for a better personality. Aim for a higher goal. Do not give up!


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