Sacred's Diary (23 M)

Thanks brother. Much love.

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Day 32

I had a huge revelation today. It’s something some people don’t want to hear, but it’s absolutely something everyone must know.

Wherever you are now is fully of your own doing. While you might want to blame other things, other things don’t control you. For so long I wanted to blame pmo for bringing me into poverty. I wanted to blame pmo for making me depressed and anxious. I wanted to blame it for ruining my relationships. But ultimately who pmo’d in the first place? Who decided to stay in the circumstances that brought about all the negativity? Me alone. While bad things may happen to us (and it happens to us all) it’s what we do that shapes our lives. Will we get back up and fight, or will we stay down and blame the thing which hurt us? Pmo was simply a means to an end.

Now i’m not saying pmo does not bring effects with it. It certainly does. I’m saying that it is all in my control whether I even pmo to begin with. With pmo you must accept the effects that come along. So in sort you bring along pmo and the effects all in your own doing.

We all need to take control of our lives, and take responsibility for it. Once we do that then we can fully start living how we want to. This to me is a hope.


Absolutely brother :fire: … we should stop blaming and start taking responsibilities!


Day 33

Realized another thing today. I replaced the crutch of pmo with another crutch. My phone. I realized this when after an urge I went straight to my phone to distract myself rather then going to God as i planned. So today I start consciously limiting my phone use to only necessary things. All forms of entertainment will only come from my entertainment center. For others having entertainment and social media in their pocket isn’t a problem, but I know my situation and what it does for me. I will write down a plan for this when I get back home.

It is a great thing having the drive to change. Before no pmo I didn’t have this drive to be better. Thank God for everything.


Day 35

Had a wet dream last night and a dream about relapsing. It came after a hard time for me. I know myself better then ever this time around. I got some discouraging news yesterday. If I had been weak I probably would’ve relapsed, but my voice of reason is far stronger nowadays. I hold onto the hope of bettering myself in this tough time and continuing to work hard. Thank God for all you’ve done for me. I know your plan is greater than mine.

Song of the Day
Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry


Day 40

Thank God for 40 days! Benefits are real and I’m grateful for them. I won’t lie life is tough, but I finally have a reason to fight. Been super productive. 5 more days and I’m half way to 90 baby.

Song of the Day
Incubus - Talk Shows on Mute


Day 42 (insightful post)

Hopeless to Hopeful

Personally I’ve come to the conclusion that I am more broken then I thought. Yes, I’ve been doing good things this streak. Working hard everyday, exercising, eating better, being more productive in general. But I still had this hole in my soul that always brought me down. During this streak I’ve changed so much that I no longer see life as I did just 42 days ago. Meaning I feel as though I’ve awakened. Even in previous streak when I thought I knew everything about myself I wasn’t even close. Now this time I’ve come to know not only my core insecurities and problems, but also I’ve come to know why I have them and how to fix them. So that’s what I’m doing now, fixing what was broken for so many years (since childhood.) To me this is a God send. For so many years I did not know what was wrong with me or how to fix it. Now I do, now there is a chance for redemption.

If anyone is having these type of problems of not knowing what’s wrong in their lives I urge you to go on nopmo. It may be a life saver. With pmo your mind is in sort of a deluded state where you cannot think clearly, you cannot plan effectively, nor do you have the motivation to do so. You’re sort of just living and dealing with your problems daily, atleast that’s how I felt. But when you finally are able to think without the neurological effects pmo gives you, you will see that there hope for any situation. Life can be unnecessarily hard if you aren’t in control of it. I believe for some people this journey is an absolute necessity, for others it is beneficial, and for some it’s a burden. It really just depends on yourself. This post is for the hopeless, this thing can really save your life. If you are feeling that there is no hope, let yourself be that hope. And for me that meant taking back control of the one thing I should have control over, my own life.

Song of the Day
Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want

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Yes bro I believe it’s absolutely necessary for some people to do nopmo. Otherwise you’re stuck in a cycle of pmo’ing and not really progressing in your personal life. Cheers.

Day 44

Tomorrow I am half way to 90 days. Amazing. This is good, but I am always humble remembering how I would fall every other day or every other week or every other month. This fight is not over. This fight is just beginning, this is life long.

Yesterday was a good day. All good is from God. Thank you Lord for giving me my life back.

Song of the Day
Balmorhea - Truth


Stay vigilant brother, you’re climbing back up again. It’s a great sight to behold. You can do this bro!

GOD be with you, my friend.


Thanks brother, it really is a great sight to behold. I’m absolutely amazed here man. I wasn’t living before. May God help you aswell brother, God bless.


Day 45

I’ve NEVER had this much motivation in life, it’s amazing to me. And straight confidence. Eye contact is a breeze now. Still my conversation skills could use some work, but I am working on that now. Still just feel a lot more comfortable socially.

Half way to 90 days now. Awesome feeling. If even this is my final resting place with nopmo benefits I am totally satisfied and never turning back.

Some strange thing that’s happened is semen leakage during the daytime. I usually get nocturnal leakage, but i see it as another sign as progress.

Thank God for everything!

Song of the Day
Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World


Day 48

Wow. Wow. Wow! This journey has really opened my eyes. I’m saying it now, I plan on never returning to this evil addiction.

No need to eloborate on why or how this journey has opened my eyes, but I will say that everyone needs to be on this lifestyle. If you’re not you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Thank God for EVERYTHING.

Song of the Day
Bombay Bicycle Club - You Already Know

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Congratulations, almost 50 days! :partying_face:

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Good the ppl here over become my inspiration Day 3 almost everything going fine and stubborn not to fap during alone hours and made up my list
1.Shower twice
2.Stop trying for pseudo urges
3.Listen to songs3
4.Stop watching youtube.
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Thanks bro. Much love. :grin:

@Davidfredrich not sure if you meant to write this post here but either way much love bro! :blush:


This is my personal experience and much more i have listened to much of the ppl i know.:bouquet:

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Day 50

So I’m coming up here to day 50 in a couple of hours. I just thought I’d write down my day 50 journal now since I’m feeling motivated and want to share some thoughts.

Crucial things I’ve realized this Journey:

  1. Results come with Effort - I didn’t really fully understand this before this journey. I thought if I just barley tried things were bound the happen for me. Not at all the case. This journey for example, would I have gotten this far without continual effort to stay sober? Never.
  2. I wasn’t living before - I think some people don’t really graps how bad this addiction can ruin you. Take it from me, I was just going through the motions of life. I had no real purpose, and was on the borderline of ending things. If a change as simple as quitting pmo can bring back hope and joy in my life it’s something people should really consider.

I could fill up a 1000 word essay on the benefits I’ve experienced, but we all know what those benefits are. They’re real! All I want to say though is you, whoever is reading this, you can do it too. Don’t lose hope, things can and will get better! Keep fighting brothers! THANK GOD FOR EVERYTHING!

Song of the Day
This Will Destroy You - The Mighty Rio Grande


Day 52

Had a bad porn dream. Made it 5x harder to think clearly without sexual thoughts. It’s pretty screwed up how your brain will remind you even when you don’t want it too. None the less it drives me to keep going. It shows me that the damage is still there. It’s going to take a while for it to “go away” even though it never really goes away completely. Also I’ve been leaking seminal fluid everyday for a while now. It concerns me a little bit, but it’s part of the process I guess. Pushing forward.