कृष्णदास's Journey


जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज
Day :zero::two:

:white_check_mark:1]Wake up [8 am]
:white_check_mark:2]Drink Water AMAP in Vajra asan
:white_check_mark:3]Make your bed and clean your room
:white_check_mark:4]Cold Shower
:white_check_mark:5]Naam jap + pray
6]Pranayam = 10 mins
:white_check_mark:7]yoga = 10 mins
:white_check_mark:8]Remember your sankalp , pranaam gurus , pranaam mata-pita and pranaam to god
:white_check_mark:9]Read Hanuman Chalisa
11]Study(min) :- 3 hrs
12]Complete To-do-list (today)
13]Srimad Bhagwat Gita
14]Drink Water :- 3 L [1.5 L]
:white_check_mark:15]Don’t sleep at day time
16]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/Non Veg foods :- No
[Caffeine - 1 time]
17]No You tube shorts/No fake Motivational or dopamine hit videos/only satsung related videos ≈ 2 hrs :- Use it wisely
:white_check_mark:18]Workout:- 20 mins then take a cold shower
:white_check_mark:19]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9 pm
:white_check_mark:20] Journal/Dairy Writting
:white_check_mark:21]Make To-do-list/plan for tomorrow
:white_check_mark:22]Pray before going to sleep and dedicate all your deeds to God and keep chanting the holy name till you go to sleep and do not think about anything else
23]Sleep at 10 Pm [10:30 Pm]

जब तक तन में स्वांस रहेंगे तब तक युद्ध करूंगा मैं इस सर्वभक्षी पापी मन से

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे


जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज
Day :zero::one:

1]Wake up :- 5 am [7 am]
:white_check_mark:2]Make your bed and clean your room
3]Study(minimum) :- 3 hrs [0 hr]
4]Complete To-do-list (today)
5]Use You tube/Insta/WA wisely
6]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9:20 pm
:white_check_mark:7] Journal/Dairy Writting
:white_check_mark:8]Make To-do-list/plan for tomorrow
9]Sleep at 10 Pm [11 PM]
:white_check_mark::white_check_mark:10]Learn a language(Duolingo) :- 30 mins [75 mins]

:white_check_mark:1]Drink Water AMAP in Vajra asan
:white_check_mark:2]Cold Shower
3]Pranayam = 10 mins
:white_check_mark:4]yoga = 10 mins
5]Drink Water :- 3 L [2 L]
:white_check_mark:6]Don’t sleep at day time
7]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/Non Veg foods :- No
[Drank caffeine two times]
:white_check_mark::white_check_mark:8]Workout:- 30 mins [60 mins] then take a cold shower

:white_check_mark:1]Naam jap + pray
:white_check_mark:2]Remember your sankalp , pranaam gurus , pranaam mata-pita and pranaam to god
:white_check_mark:3]Read Hanuman Chalisa
5]Srimad Bhagwat Gita
:white_check_mark:6]Pray before going to sleep and dedicate all your deeds to God and keep chanting the holy name till you go to sleep and do not think about anything else

:white_check_mark:1]Accountablity (RC+WA+G+N)

Mental win :- 4/10
Physical win :- 5/8
Spiritual win :- 5/6
Accountablity win :- 1/1

Total points :- 15/25

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे


जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज
Day :zero::two:

1]Wake up :- 5 am
2]Make your bed and clean your room
3]Study(minimum) :- 3 hrs
4]Complete To-do-list (today)
5]Use You tube/Insta/WA wisely
6]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9:20 pm
7] Journal/Dairy Writting
8]Make To-do-list/plan for tomorrow
9]Sleep at 10 Pm
10]Learn a language(Duolingo) :- 30 mins

1]Drink Water AMAP in Vajra asan
2]Cold Shower
3]Pranayam = 10 mins
4]yoga = 10 mins
5]Drink Water :- 3 L
6]Don’t sleep at day time
7]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/Non Veg foods :- No
8]Workout:- 30 mins then take a cold shower

1]Naam jap + pray
2]Remember your sankalp , pranaam gurus , pranaam mata-pita and pranaam to god
3]Read Hanuman Chalisa
5]Srimad Bhagwat Gita
6]Pray before going to sleep and dedicate all your deeds to God and keep chanting the holy name till you go to sleep and do not think about anything else

1]Accountablity (RC+WA+G+N)

Mental win :- /10
Physical win :- /8
Spiritual win :- /6
Accountablity win :- /1

Total points :- /25

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे


हरे कृष्ण भाई साहब
कैसे हो ? क्या नया अनुभव आज का ?

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I am going to start fresh and have made some rules regarding it from tomorrow

Rule 1] :-
For completing each task, you will get +1 point and for not completing it, you will get -1 point

Rule 2] :-
You will get +1 point for studying for more than 3 hours and +1 point for studying for additional hour

Rule 3] :-
You will get +3 points for following celibacy properly

Rule 4] :-
You will get -2 points if you use (you tube + insta + other entertainment apps) for more than 3 hours


जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज
Day :zero::one:

1]Wake up :- 7 am
2]Make your bed and clean your room
3]Study :- 3 hrs
4]Complete To-do-list (today)
5]Use You tube/Insta/WA wisely ≈ 3 hours
6]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9:30 pm
7] Journal/Dairy Writting
8]Make To-do-list/plan for tomorrow
9]Sleep at 11 Pm
10]Learn a language(Duolingo) :- 30 mins
11]Watch a video of an English cartoon/movies to improve my English
12]Watch a video of self-improvement :- 20 mins
13] Don’t watch Mobile while eating
14]Do not look at or use mobile/digital devices while breakfast
15]Do not look at or use mobile/digital devices while lunch
16]Do not look at or use mobile/digital devices while dinner

1]Drink Water AMAP in Vajra asan
2]Cold Shower
3]Pranayam = 10 mins
4]yoga = 10 mins
5]Drink Water :- 3 L
6]Don’t sleep at day time
7]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/Non Veg foods :- No
8]Workout:- 30 mins then take a cold shower

1]Naam jap + pray
2]Remember your sankalp , pranaam gurus , pranaam mata-pita and pranaam to god
3]Read Hanuman Chalisa
7]Food should be eaten only after offering it to कृष्ण
8]Srimad Bhagwat Gita :- 20 mins
9]Pray before going to sleep and dedicate all your deeds to God and keep chanting the holy name till you go to sleep and do not think about anything else

1]Accountability (RC+WA+G+N)

1]Practice celibacy with all your heart and soul

Mental win :- /16
Physical win :- /8
Spiritual win :- /9
Accountablity win :- /1
Celibacy win :- /1

Total points :-

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे


"Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached "
Come on brother.!!
We can do this :muscle: :raised_hands:
Swami Vivekananda’s blessings are with us :pray: :raised_hands:


thanks a lot brother

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Rule 1] :-
For completing each task, you will get +1 point and for not completing it, you will get -1 point

Rule 2] :-
For every hour of study you will get +1 point and if you study for less than 3 hours on any day then you will get -5 points

For Example :-
:diamonds:If I study for 1 hour then I will get -5+1 i.e. -4 points
:diamonds:If I study for 2 hour then I will get -5+2 i.e. -3 points
:diamonds:If I study for 4 hour then I will get +4 points

Rule 3] :-
You will get +5 points (Because we have 5 senses which we have to control) for following celibacy properly

Rule 4] :-
You will get -2 points if you use (you tube + insta + other entertainment apps) for more than 3 hours mins either for entertainment or educational purposes

For Example :-
:diamonds:If I use it for more than 3 hours then I will get -2 points
:diamonds:If I use it for more than 4 hours then I will get -4 points


जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज

Day :zero::one:/:zero::seven:

1]Wake up at 7 am [9:30 am]
:white_check_mark:2]Make your bed and clean your room
3]Study [0 hrs]
4]Complete To-do-list (today)
:white_check_mark:5]Use You tube/Insta/WA wisely ≈ 3 hours [2 hrs]
6]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9 pm
:white_check_mark:7] Journal/Dairy Writting
:white_check_mark:8]Make To-do-list/plan for tomorrow
9]Sleep at 11 pm [11:45 pm]
:white_check_mark:10]Learn a language(Duolingo) :- 30 mins
11]Watch a video of an English cartoon/movies to improve my English
12]Watch a video of self-improvement :- 20 mins
13]Do not watch or use mobile/digital devices while breakfast
:white_check_mark:14]Do not watch or use mobile/digital devices while lunch
:white_check_mark:15]Do not watch or use mobile/digital devices while dinner

:white_check_mark:1]Drink Water AMAP in Vajra asan
:white_check_mark:2]Cold Shower
:white_check_mark:3]Pranayam [3 mins]
:white_check_mark:4]yoga [10 mins]
:white_check_mark:5]Drink Water :- 3 L
:white_check_mark:6]Don’t sleep at day time
7]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/Non Veg foods :- No
[Caffeine - 1 time , ate a slice of cake , a chocolate]
:white_check_mark:8]Workout [15 mins] then take a cold shower

:white_check_mark:1]Naam jap(Morning time)+ pray
:white_check_mark:2]Naam jap(Night time)+ pray
:white_check_mark:3]Remember your sankalp , pranaam gurus , pranaam mata-pita and pranaam to god
:white_check_mark:4]Read Hanuman Chalisa
:x::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:8]Food should be eaten only after offering it to कृष्ण
9]Srimad Bhagwat Gita
:white_check_mark:10]Pray before going to sleep and dedicate all your deeds to God and keep chanting the holy name till you go to sleep and do not think about anything else

:white_check_mark:1]Accountability (RC+WA+G+N)

:white_check_mark:1]Practice celibacy with all your heart and soul

Mental win :- 7/15
Physical win :- 7/8
Spiritual win :- 8/10
Accountablity win :- 1/1
Celibacy win :- 1/1

Total points :- +24+5-12-2-2-2 = 11 points earned

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे


जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज

Day :zero::one:

:white_check_mark:1]Wake up at 5 am
:white_check_mark:2]Make your bed and clean your room
3]Study = 3 hrs
4]Complete To-do-list (today)
5]Use You tube/Insta/WA wisely ≈ 2.5 hours
6]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9 pm
7] Journal/Dairy Writting
8]Make To-do-list/plan for tomorrow
9]Sleep at 10 pm
:white_check_mark:10]Learn a language(Duolingo) :- 30 mins
11]Watch a video of an English cartoon/movies to improve my English
12]Watch a video of self-improvement :- 20 mins
:white_check_mark:13]Do not watch or use mobile/digital devices while breakfast
14]Do not watch or use mobile/digital devices while lunch
15]Do not watch or use mobile/digital devices while dinner/anytime when you are eating
16]Don’t eat anything after 7 Pm

:white_check_mark:1]Drink Water AMAP in Vajra asan after just wake up
:white_check_mark:2]Morning Running/Workout
:white_check_mark:3]Cold Shower
6]Drink Water :- 3 L
7]Don’t sleep at day time
8]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/NV/Oily/Fast foods :- Strictly NO
9]Workout then take a cold shower
10]Face and Hair care

:white_check_mark:1]Naam jap(Morning time)+ pray
2]Naam jap(Night time)+ pray
:white_check_mark:3]Remember your sankalp , pranaam gurus , pranaam mata-pita and pranaam to god
:white_check_mark:4]Read Hanuman Chalisa
8]Food should be eaten only after offering it to कृष्ण
9]Srimad Bhagwat Gita
10]Pray before going to sleep and dedicate all your deeds to God and keep chanting the holy name till you go to sleep and do not think about anything else

1] Rewire companion forum - कृष्णदास’s Journey (My Diary)
2] Rewire companion forum - Study challenge group
3] What’s app companion group (JOURNEY TO SELF-TRANSFORMATION)
4] What’s app companion group (STUDY challenge)
5] What’s app companion group (PUSH-UP + PLANK challenge)
6] What’s app companion group (DESTROYING body challenge)

1]Practice celibacy with all your heart and soul

Mental win :- /16
Physical win :- /10
Spiritual win :- /10
Accountability win :- /6
Celibacy win :- /1

Total points :-

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे

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जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज

Day :zero::one: (2 October,2024) :-

:white_check_mark:1]Wake up [8:45 am]
:white_check_mark:2]Study [1 hr]
:white_check_mark:3]Drink Water :- 3 Litres
:white_check_mark:4]Workout [1 hr]
:white_check_mark:5]Cold shower a day
:white_check_mark:6]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/NV/Oily/Fast foods :- Strictly NO
:white_check_mark:7] Accountability
:white_check_mark:8]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9 pm
:white_check_mark:9]Naam jap
:white_check_mark:10]Diary Writting
:white_check_mark:11]Sleep at [11:30 pm]

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे

1 Like

जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज

Day :zero::two: (3 October,2024) :-

:white_check_mark:1]Wake up [8:30 am]
:white_check_mark:2]Study [1 hr 30 mins]
:white_check_mark:3]Drink Water :- 3 Litres
:white_check_mark:4]Workout [45 mins]
:white_check_mark:5]Cold shower a day
:white_check_mark:6]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/NV/Oily/Fast foods :- Strictly NO
:white_check_mark:7] Accountability
:white_check_mark:8]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9 pm [9:40 pm]
:white_check_mark:9]Naam jap
:white_check_mark:10]Diary writting
:white_check_mark:11]Sleep at [11:30 pm]

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे

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जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज

Day :zero::three: (4 October,2024) :-

:white_check_mark:1]Wake up [8:30 am]
:white_check_mark:2]Study [1 hr 30 mins]
:white_check_mark:3]Drink Water :- 3 Litres
:white_check_mark:4]Workout [45 mins]
:white_check_mark:5]Cold shower a day
:white_check_mark:6]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/NV/Oily/Fast foods :- Strictly NO
:white_check_mark:7] Accountability
:white_check_mark:8]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9 pm [9:30 pm]
:white_check_mark:9]Naam jap
:white_check_mark:10]Diary writting
:white_check_mark:11]Sleep at [11:45 pm]

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे

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जय पूज्य श्री स्वामी प्रेमानंद जी महाराज

Day :zero::four: (5 October,2024) :-

:white_check_mark:1]Wake up [10 am]
:white_check_mark:2]Study [1.5 hrs]
:white_check_mark:3]Drink Water :- 3 Litres
:white_check_mark:4]Workout [45 mins]
:white_check_mark:5]Cold shower a day
:white_check_mark:6]Caffeine/Sugar/junk/packed/NV/Oily/Fast foods :- Strictly NO
:white_check_mark:7] Accountability
:white_check_mark:8]Keep your mobile in another room and don’t use it when it’s 9 pm [9:45 pm]
:white_check_mark:9]Naam jap
:white_check_mark:10]Diary writting
:white_check_mark:11]Learn English [Duolingo]
:white_check_mark:12]Sleep at [11 pm]

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे

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