Rewire Companion's birthday! 🎉

Rewire Companion was launched exactly six years ago, on August 23rd, 2016! :rocket:

Since today is Rewire Companion’s birthday :birthday:, I think it would be a good occasion to send @Taher some appreciation and thanks. (He is the one who made the app). I can’t imagine the time and effort that has gone into making and running this.


I also think it is a good time to spread the word :blush:, anonymous or otherwise, and invite others to join the community Forum where we can support, help and encourage each other on our journeys to rewire :fist_right::fist_left:.

Have a great night/day everyone!

Note: Big thanks and appreciation for @keepFighting , it was his post from last year.


Thanks to @Taher for making this platform ! Only because of this app we are able to connect to people who understand each other.
Helped many bro’s out there !!
This app was what helped me in lockdown period to stay clean and still helping to this day!


@Taher ,If I have to choose between RC and eternal life I will choose RC.

I prefer a normal life without PMO then an eternal life with this addiction. I prefer a wonderful life with family and friends, people you can always rely on and support each other. I prefer:

Rewire Companion

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