Prox's Journal(18 M)

You will get better brother, Unless you don’t give up.
You are amoung us brother. You got to know about nofap so early. Be grateful and Lets give our best. We should keep moving Foward :fire::handshake:
Have you watched the season 4 attack on titans part 1?


Yeah eagerly waiting for finale :grin:

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Man, I am happy to see that people from India are too getting aware of anime and increasing the standard of their content watching. Still many make fun of it.


Well yeaah my own family does it

I’ve been watching naruto and got till 200 eps then my brother said why don’t you study rather than watching 700 eps :stuck_out_tongue:


Same here, My parents and little siblings make fun of it too. But I say to them very proudly Soon anime will be popular in India too and You too will become the part of it.
The only problem is it’s not available in hindi. :joy::rofl::rofl:
Those who dont understand english very well.


Yesh it will… btw good night now gonna sleep early today and would try best for waking up early


See ya good Night !
20 character limit


Day 15
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Wake up early | :x: (8 am) snoozed |
| Workout | :white_check_mark: 20 minutes jog/walking inside home) |
| Meditation | :white_check_mark: 10 minutes|
| Study 10+ hours | :x: ( did 1 hour 50 minutes )|
| Reading books | :x:|
| Cold shower | :white_check_mark: |
| Screen time less than half hours | :x: (used for 3 hours ) |

So the 2nd week of nofap had started this is where many of my streaks have been lost so would try my best to get out of it… After the peek last night the day was filled with many and many urges so I tried meditation for 10 minutes and it helped and in studies I’m getting distracted a lot. good night !

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One more advice :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:.
Keep a sheet of paper with you while studying, write down the thought as soon as it pops up in your head, say I’ll think about it later and get back to studies, keep doing this for a while and in sometime you’ll see that you are studying almost thought free.

I just go on giving advices because they help me myself too :joy:, and repeating such conceptions helps me strengthen them.

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Oh yes knew about this but never applied saw in an shwetabh gangwar’s vid once… Would try!!


Day 16—> 0

Tasks status
Wake up early :x: (9 am)slept for 13 hours
Workout :x:
Meditation :x:
Study 10+ hours :x: ( did 2 hour 18 minutes )
Reading books :x:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Screen time less than half hours :x: (used for 6 hours )

Day 1

Tasks status
Wake up early :x: (8 am)
Workout :white_check_mark: walking inside house 10 mins
Meditation :white_check_mark: 15 minutes
Study 10+ hours :x: ( did 3 hour 43 minutes )
Reading books :white_check_mark: half an hour
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Screen time less than half hours :x: (used for 2 hours 15 minutes )

Nice bro, keep improving


Day 2 - - - > 0

Tasks status
Wake up early :x: (10 am)
Workout :x:
Meditation :white_check_mark: 15 minutes
Study 10+ hours :x: ( did 1 hour )
Reading books :x:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Screen time less than half hours :x: (used for 1 hours 15 minutes )
Anger management :x:

Relapsed in morning due to coming across porn and rather than removing it I ended up fapping to it


Day 1

Tasks status
Wake up early :x: (10 am)
Workout :x:
Meditation :x:
Study 10+ hours :x: ( did 1 hour 30 minutes)
Reading books :white_check_mark:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Screen time less than half hours :x: (used for 3 hours )
Anger management :x:

Notes to self : do something


Day 2

Tasks status
Wake up early :x: (1 pm)
Workout :x:
Meditation :x:
Study 10+ hours :x: ( did 3 hour 45 minutes)
Reading books :white_check_mark: 30 minutes
Cold shower :x:
Screen time less than half hours :x: (used for 1 hour 23 minutes )
Anger management :white_check_mark:

Day 3 -->>0

Tasks status
Wake up early :x: (7 pm)
Workout :x:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Study 10+ hours :x: ( did 3 hour 35 minutes)
Reading books :white_check_mark: 15 minutes (atomic habits)
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Screen time less than half hours :x: (used for 55 minutes )
Anger management :x:

And again the chaser got me …saw an trigger meme by mistake and later on relapsed myself after the urges
this sucks badly…today while I was lost in post relapse thoughts I figured that from 183 days from now on I’ll be 18 yo (an adult ) feels really weird since teenage would be over and all I remember of these years is complete regret and nothing else which are killing me …
I cant even tell my parents since I already know how they’ll react to it (which isn’t nice)
Just venting out here in diary felt a little nice then before
now off to sleep good night!


Hello bro, I’m very proud of you, you’re amazing
Just keep trying and pushing

Chase your dreams, your goals, connect with more people, don’t give up :muscle:


Day 1

Tasks status
Wake up early :white_check_mark: (5 pm)
Workout :x:
Meditation :white_check_mark: 30 minutes
Study 10+ hours :x: ( did 2 hour 40 minutes)
Reading books :white_check_mark: 45 minutes (atomic habits)
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Screen time less than half hours :x: (used for 1 hour 15 minutes )
Anger management :x:

Nice and sober day with minute urges and mood swings


Day 2

Tasks status
Wake up early :x: (8 pm)
Workout :x:
Meditation :white_check_mark: 30 minutes
Study 10+ hours :x: ( did 1 hour)
Reading books :x:)
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Screen time less than half hours :white_check_mark: zero usage
Anger management :x:

Was just sleeping /sadly thinking in mind while day glad didn’t even touched devices today just kept procrastinating though

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