Prolonged Habits

I’ve written a small piece on soul vs body consciousness as well. Will paste it here. Have a look!


Body consciousness v/s soul consciousness

The root of PMO boils down to perspective. How we are seeing the people as a whole. PMO starts from the point when we start seeing females not as personality or souls but bodies, which slowly turns to focusing on the body parts and pleasure that’s derived from sensation. This ultimately boils down to the point when we see a woman, objectify as a body, and relate to whatever porn we like. Whatever follows next is well known. This is prime example of serious body consciousness. Things like low self esteem etc. arises from this. (We see someone and automatically become self conscious about what the other person is thinking, because we have been doing this for a while)

Soul consciousness is quite the contrary to the above, and I feel is the easiest way to reprogram your brain. We basically have to repeatedly create this thought that all of us are souls and not bodies. Each soul has been given a body be it male or female. Once we consider that, we automatically treat people on the basis of their qualities and not how they look or what they are wearing. It’s basically looking at a point of light between the forehead which is operating the body. So whenever you are talking to a female, you are basically talking to your brother. Since both of you are souls.

Now it’s easier said that done because the brain has been programmed to be body consciousness and social media earns through the promotion of body consciousness. (6 pack abs, big boobs, big butts are being glorified.) So to practice soul consciousness first look into the mirror and see yourself as a soul. You had such a wonderful childhood. You never used to masturbate when you were a 3 year old
You used to be happy and never objectified stuff.

To move towards soul consciousness, there are two things which should be done in parallel. Reboot and rewire. Rebooting means avoiding the triggers and rewiring means creating new thought patterns. New neural networks. Change the way you think about yourself. ‘i am a really strong person’, "i am a really good to be with person’. This is called positive affirmations. Do this everyday in the morning and just before sleeping because that is when our subconscious mind is the most active.

Some positive affirmations:

‘I’m a soul and not a body’
‘I’m a pure soul and free from lust’
‘God or the Supreme Soul sent me here to do extraordinary things’
‘Past is past. Now I have a new life’ (Do this even if you relapse)
You can make your own positive affirmations as well.
Stay away from guilt consciousness. Whenever we relapse, we tend to go down this hole where we feel that “now what, i already broke the streak, wouldn’t matter if i jerk off again”. This creates even more guilt and shame which decreases our emotional strength. Don’t do it.

Lastly, no amount of porn blockers etc will work if your inner self is weak.


Wonderful piece of work


I very much agree with you bro. I am there in what’s app community and there some people say blockers will help you. I told them what matters is determination, consistency and willpower.
But that guy again told determination and these things won’t work when you are having hefty charges.

I didn’t went to correct him further because if a person doesn’t understand why we waste our energy trying to correct him.

Now I am on day 2 with sheer willpower and determination and I am happy. Waiting for 90 day mark so I can show him the power of determination and willpower.


Like you told, blocker apps are cheat codes on your journey. It doesn’t help you on long run.


Well said dattebayo, @anon32080123 . Small suggestion, willpower is a limited and perishable resource. Meaning that it get used up when we fight. So avoidance is a good thing since it helps us to save the willpower. If we keep using willpower throughout the day, it will perish at some point and we will relapse. So how I tried is, I avoided some things (rebooting) which saved my time and then used that time to do something productive (rewiring)


Yes, sir, I am on the target of 30 days. Small target at first.


Very good brother. It’s so wonderful to see a community where this topic is being addressed in a scientific way!


Make sense, when will power is perished people usually relapse. Infact it works in reverse way then, say even if you have a blocker it will work against you to unlock it. So ya best way is to avoid it in the first place and engage yourself in something else.


This thread is amazing
@Sholt_Tenkerrot @Strong_one @VAGABOND @anon30406793 @BlackMagic123 @The_Ambitious_One @NeverGiveup420 @rajameghanan @Raistlin @anon33800963


Thanks for the invitation bro


Thanks for the invitation Bro.


I needed to hear this. Thank you. :pray:


Hello kings, thanks for the engagement. I suggest you guys to read this book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s a game changer. Habits are the key to winning over PMO forever. And that book basically tells you the shortest path to setting up everlasting habits.


One of the major step in this journey is identification of triggers. We tend to identify the major triggers like phone and laptop and porn etc but we skip the small triggers leading us to those triggers. For example when I talk about myself, when I was a kid i used to watch porn when my parents used to go our of home. So the subtle trigger was me being alone. Whenever I was alone, the first thought that banged my head was to go incognito. But you cannot avoid being alone all the time right, there will be times when you have to work in isolation. So what i did was that whenever I got alone, I imagined myself as a scientist. Nikola Tesla. Experimenting with myself in isolation, watching my thoughts come and go, urges going silent…and it’s a slow process for sure but it’s really effective once you start practicing everyday. Basically you’re telling your brain to think about good things when you are alone. And the brain is bound to follow you because you are the soul and you command your brain.


Yes bro, I am reading that. Currently on pause because of exams.

The 4 cues of reward is just mind blowing.


Okay, that’s great. And yes it is. Just small implementations making huge changes in life.


Changing the personality through Thought Manifestation

So the first thing that gets affected when we indulge into PMO is our thought process, i.e. the way we think and perceive situations and people. Over the time when we see a real life situation, our brain connects to the kind of porn we saw for that particular situation and almost involuntarily fantasize it. It’s no mystery why this happens. It’s happening because we have practiced that thought over porn a 100 times.

Even when we consciously know about this and try to avoid this, it gets very hard because there is no switch in the brain to stop the thoughts. So how do we do it?

We practice it by manifestation. Basically we need to practice a thought as “I’m this.” Replace this by whatever positive you want. Say, ‘I watch only good things…’ ‘I’m a sober person.’ What most of us try to do is think like, ‘I don’t want to watch porn." Or ‘I’m not a bad guy’. Saying a passive negative sentence manifests wrong thoughts in the mind. It’s telling your subconscious mind to do the exact same thing. If you’re saying I’m not a bad guy’, basically you are telling your brain that you are a bad guy’. But if you are saying, i am a good guy, the brain immediately accepts it.

So in order to manifest the correct thoughts we should be abundantly clear about the thoughts we are making:

  • “I’ve left porn. I am a completely different person.”
  • “My life is changed now. I’m over this for sure.” (Say this with a really good feeling. This worked amazing for me)
  • " I am beginning a new life and I am unstoppable."
  • " I have a purpose in life, it is to bring glory to my family."

Say all these things vocally with a smile on your face and a good feeling. Preferred in the morning when you wake up. That’s when everything changes. It’s like putting a train on track in morning and watching it run smooth over the day.

Have a nice day btw! :slight_smile:


Hey bro @Prateek.12 I am inspired by your words. I am waiting for your upcoming posts.


@rajameghanan. Thanks man. You are a king. You even have raja in your name. Will try to post some good stuff