šŸ”„ POWER-UP CHALLENGEšŸ”„ Escape Chaser effect, Improve Streak Quality & Decrease Risk of RELAPSEā˜€ļøENTERIES OPEN

CHECK IN DAY 1 :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Reading :x:
Social media :x:

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Bro , I hope you didnā€™t relapse as itā€™s been 2 days and you have not updated anything ā€¦
Donā€™t feel alone Iā€™m with you in this fight against CHASER . And we gonna fly away from here .

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Thanks broā€¦
Itā€™s chaser for me too :pensive:
I relapse because I have nothing to replace anime and MOVIES with for entertainment.
Iā€™m all bored without them. ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR FUN ACTIVITIES?

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Well I also relapsed today after 3 days

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Iā€™m doing exercise and listening to music while doing workout ā€¦ And rest of the day Iā€™m trying to stay busy ā€¦
Iā€™m thinking of waking up early also to give a good start to the day .

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Thatā€™s goodā€¦ Iā€™ll try that.
But I want something to look forward toā€¦ Like a treat in a study breakā€¦ To replace watching episodes and movies.


Maybe everything is the sameā€¦ To replace entertainment means to find a new source of high DOPAMINE. Maybe staying busy will automatically bring joy in mundane tasks. Like walking to catch fresh air. Or talking to family and friends.

Maybe I should not be worried. And let things take their course.

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Well try try again but with better reason not to relapse and better preparation.
Just need to reach day 7 to break the chaser effect.
You can do it man!.

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Well my most relapse is from 12:00pm to 2:00 pm .
I need to do something productive in this time

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Check in Day 3

I feel this streak might be the one. I have to cross 7 days to confirm the chaser effect is over. I have crossed 100 days before. I can do it again. But I have to meet the conditions.

Everything is possible but through a certain path. I must follow my previous path but with improvements learned from my relapses.

First targetā€¦ Start studying and exercising again.


Name: esodiesodi
Code: 28umex
Hs: 21days


@esodiesodi added u in the scoreboard

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Name: Priyanshu
Sharing code: qarxb3
Streak: 34 days

Peace :v:

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@Priyanshuu I added you :+1:
Best of luck


Check in Day 4

Feels good to have started studying and exercising. To free myself from the claws of anime and seasons, I downloaded a good novel. So I studied and read the novel in intervals. I also downloaded some games on my computer to provide backup entertainment when Iā€™m bored.

If I can stay busy and also prepare ahead for my boredom, it will be easier to reach a good streak.

Next goal: Start meditation and continue exercising and studying


Check in Day 0

I now realize I donā€™t have the same desire to quit PMO for good. I donā€™t have that same desire to improve my life that led me to 101 days PMO free.


Bro try reading Easypeasy and try to make notes of it and read that everyday. It works

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Iā€™ll tryā€¦ I know it works. Thanks

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My sharing code is yv9j91

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@devans added you bro

Cs: 3 hours
Ls: 3 hours

Iā€™m new to this community and I wanna try your challenge friend.