Porn but no fapping

I’m 23 and did PMO for 10 years and stopped it a few weeks ago. My first streak of no PMO was 7 days. Then I watched porn and relapsed. Next I reached 10 days without PMO and relapsed with porn.
Now I’m again on day 8 but on several days I watched porn and didn’t have to fap because I wouldn’t touch my dick. I just find it interesting to watch it… it’s a kind of sensation seeking I guess.

Should I also stop watching porn? I mean it should be more probable to relapse one day but does watching porn also impair the healing process?

Does somebody have more experience with that?

Yes, to me, watching ■■■■ prevents you from healing. The objective is to be able to have sensations without ■■■■. If you still watch it, you keep your brain used to it when it craves dopamine.


I agree. Hmm
I must stop that shit


Actually, porn is more dangerous than faping. Porn makes you think about women as a x machine. And you will probably find yourself dreaming they are naked. Although if you do No PMO and you still watch porn don’t relapse.
And yet again then it should be called no MO…
I wish you luck on your journey!


So true…

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Is there any problem if i see my girlfriends nudes and fap…i have watched her changing clothes…so is that equivalent to porn… suggestions please

Certainly, Porn is counted as relapse and it will leads to masterbation. If you’re trying to quit masterbation But don’t want to quit porn Then you should know that becuase of porn you will do masterbation to release that horniness Which Porn filled inside you, Both are linked with each other very well, note that Porn is way harmful than masterbation.