Porn blocker challenge

Hey there guys,

Well, we all have different views on how to stop porn. No one is an actual master at it. The basic thing why I created this challenge is in order for you struggling with porn to learn basics of doing it yourself, whilst challenging others and yourself.

See porn blockers are good, but frustrating at the same time, but it doesn’t really matter if you use them here, as there will be different categories here and also this challenge is to grow and motivate each other in beating porn and that is what truely counts!


Name: Cubenix

Age: 23

Gender : Male

Sharing code: qx9fy3

Porn blocker app being used : None

Risk apps being used: Google, Instagram, Youtube

Any adult restrictions active: none


  1. You can use this challenge as a small diary entry or counter. You are going to be active atleast every 2nd day.

  2. You may enter an unlimited amounts of time in a challenge, maybe 2 at a time one if you are going for a hybrid challenge, and a normal challenge with or without a porn blocker.

  3. Please talk about you experience on how you lost or also which is super motivating how you beat porn.

  4. Please report if you have not succeeded in the challenge. Don’t fool yourself as this is a serious thing and you have to be honest with yourself to beat this anyways!

Competion categories:

  1. No porn blockers not even adult restrictions on apps

  2. No porn blocker apps but restricted modes in apps are active

  3. Hybrid ( No porn blocker vs. Porn blocker)

  4. Porn blockers being used but cannot delete or bypass it

  5. Porn blocker app being used

Again guys not classing anyone as a loser we all are winners with one goal in mind and that is beating porn.

The only thing is I wanna create awareness that you can beat it with no blocker at all, also want guys to talk about it and wanna learn more too!

Why is porn blockers also added here?

Well, guys it is sad to say it, but porn blocker apps are installed and get deleted at a point to view porn anyways or for that matter as well as restricted content gets allowed back on apps.

So I wanna build awareness if you do use any of it and to optimise the use thereof and even how to build yourself up so you don’t need it or if you still need a nudge to stay of it without porn blockers then we are here to motivate you!

Welcome and let’s give this our best! Good luck stay strong and awesome!

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