P90🛡️PRODUCTIVITY 90 DAYS Challenge (Entries Open)

Wake up :white_check_mark:
Drink water :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Workout :white_check_mark:
Reading will update tonight…:sweat_smile:

So, 4 points till now.

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Today and tommorow are trial days. Points will not be added. But according to your doing tasks, i will give you badges.

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@The_Brave_Pilot bro I am interested in this challenge.

My sharing code is dvn3cf.

Kindly count me in

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:triangular_flag_on_post:Tasks update
•Wake up
•PMO Clean day.
•Cold shower
Total 7 tasks. If you do these 7 tasks you will get 7 points otherwise it will be less than 7.So all the best. We have challenges also. I will inform all about challenges by today night.


Lemme invite some people here whom i know or might be interested
@vedantshah005 @KiddoJay2021
@achu890 (brother join here in this thread)
@prothekter_aden @babi @drago @Thenofap_king @Leverage @ysub @nofapstar123 and all


Heavy rains and cold weather here cold showers is impossible lol :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:

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Cold shower means bathing. It can be done by normal Temp water.:sweat_smile:

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Cold shower :white_check_mark::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
It’s trial but stllllll

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I’m in for the challenge bro. Let’s go. :muscle: :sun_with_face: :pouting_cat: :fire: :fire:

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I am in 90 days challenge of hardcore productive and pmo

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Badging system :triangular_flag_on_post:

:crystal_ball:Admiral (admin)


:coat:Vice Admiral (co admin)



those whom reach 90days


those whom reach 50days and get 300 points

:mortar_board:Vice Captains

those whom reach 30 days and get 250 points


those who complete 1 trial day
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You can complete 1 trial day by today or tommorow by doing respective tasks and comment it below

Thanks for the invitation buddy…
But im kinda well occupied… Ill be a spectator for this one :+1::+1:


@The_Brave_Pilot Thanks for inviting me :blush:
I really like the main theme of the challenge on increasing your productivity :+1:


Count me in
SC- i5yihn :v:

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I want to join but how?


Thanks @The_Brave_Pilot for the invitation. I wanted to build a morning routine, but couldn’t beacuse of my messed up sleep schedule. I am interested in joining this challenge.

With many people doing it, its enough motivation for me to do it as well!

Sharing Code - 0nin9f

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I like this. I think it will gonna help. Add me SC: wbn9y8

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Thanks for inviting bro - Let’s do this !
Cold Shower - I am currently in Mumbai and do not have a cooler - so will have a normal temp of water
Wake up - I do wake up everyday at around 7 for classes
Meditation - I do it occasionally when I feel urges - But will start from today for 5 min
Exercises - I do Skipping lol😅( I pulled a muscle sometime back doing hard exercises)
so 45 seconds ( 2 skips per sec on average ) done for 5 min with 15 sec rest in between.
Reading - I have to study anyways
PMO Clean Day - I mean we are all here for that :joy:could you put some points deduction system in case PMO Happens? As in 10 points deducted if PMO is done . It will motivate further to not PMO. Just a suggestion.
I gotta do the Meditation, and Drinking water part everyday.
Please add me - oki7gu
17 M


Brother yes you are right this challenge is not yet started it will take 2 to 3 days we are still working on the challenge to make it more interesting its just temporary the scenario will change a lot but the main idea of challenge that is habit challenge will not change so invite more people up we plan for something unique lets see how it goes