Not Ejaculated fffff

Today I Try To Masturbate And Stop my Self From Being Ejaculated It This Consider in Masturbate Or not bcz Its My day33😢


Nope,if u didn’t ejaculate or your pants didn’t get wet then it’s not a relapse,although it’s quite harmful.


It is called “edging” and that’s a real nasty habit. Try not to do it in future. As you get stronger in self control there will be a point where you’ll consider this a relapse. As for the beginner, let it be for now


I mistakenly :cry: sorry

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It might be demotivating but you might relapse in a day or two or might take little more days since you planted that very weed that you were destroying from the garden of your brain and this weed has a growth multiplier unless you use some controllable measures. Just wanna say the truth even if it’s bitter, sorry.


That’s called edging. If you keep doing it again you’ll either ejaculate or worse have something called as"blue balls" and this blueballs thing hurts like someone has punched you in the testicles. so it’s probably better relapse and start again then edging.

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