Nofapstar's Rant housešŸ›–

Im sorry i failed. Fuck it.

Im making it harder to quit now
Whole november i wasant able to get more than 10 days streak


Stay strong buddy , Iā€™m not able to make 3 days + streak , but donā€™t quit keep trying . I have taped my left hand so that I couldnā€™t relapse. Idk will this trick work or no , but u can also try if every strategy is failing


You know what, im trying very muchā€¦
But the days when urges hit, i dont know what to do. Other days im totally fine. How long will god keep testing me? Like this? Im tired of failing again and again. I have lost all my selfconfiedence. Even after todays relapse i dont believe myself when i say ā€œim not gonna relapse next timeā€ Because i have fooled myself alot in my past. My mind laughs at my condition

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Pmo had alot of negative effects on me till today, still i cant stop. You guys always support me but im the guy who always dissapoints myself.


Buddy , u need to realise ur having a disease which have taken lifeā€™s, destroyed careers. And think of the day when u will be free from this . U must be the most happiest person as u have defeated the disease that could end your life . Stay Strong u will get out of this .

Just block every source of this relapse , Your hand ,Your phone and everything .


Idk why bro. Even motivation isnt working for me now. I ā€¦ I dont have any words. My mind wont believe me untill i reach day 10 or 14.

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I now realize how serious this disease is. Its spreading fast , even faster than COVID-19 virus.
But the problem is external force cant stop it. Its more a mental thing than physical. Its all ups and downs. Life is ups and downs. I feel bad for everyone who is suffering through it(not the coomers) . This disease is present in most of the teens yet they dont even realize this as the so called pseudo doctors call it as a normal activity. Teens are getting fooled . We were also fooled by them but we have realized it and we are trying to stop it.
I feel that the pain of a relapse is the worst relapse.
This disease can only be stopped by people like us,
But we ourselvs have to get of it ASAP. once we get out of this shit we can encourage alot of people and one day this disease will be over. OH Im sorry its never gonna happen because most of the people cannot accept the truth.



Damn man, you failed the journey to purity again?


Yes, all mistakes were done by myself.

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What was the trigger, social media?

From last night, sudden urges hit me( without any reason, it happens with me everytime)
Then in the morning i woke up with urges, but i managed to stop them. But at 12:30 pm it came back and so on
Trigger was nothing


Oof, i know those urges are the worst thing ever, even meditation doesnā€™t work at all, the only thing that helped me with that in NNN, was thinking that if i fap i would have to fuck another man or a supreme fat woman lol

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haha thats kinda funny though :laughing:

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hmhmhm, but in your case what can you do to stop those intense urges.

Watching videos or playing video games helps you?

reading bhagwaat geeta(religious text) also watching some youtube videos helped me , i reached 25 days in october with help of these. i like games but i dont get time to play games.

i feel like a loser i shouldnt have relapsed :weary:

guys i dont think i will bever be able to get over this , im sorry i am losing all hope , as i stopped believing in myself you all should unfollow me as there is no need of losers like me, im tierd
of failing again and again to this trap. i know even if i start again im gonna fail again someday, im badly trapped in this addiction. i want to get out but im unable toā€¦ today i wasnt even thinking about pmo stuff but suddenlyā€¦ im fallen deep into it. i tried everything i could but still there is something missing. i dont know why. with last three relapses i cried alot. even today. im feeling so worse rn. i am lacking something very important.

i have made my memory worst. i forgot most of the things i learned of my syllabus. i dont see any light that i can do well in my exams. what shit have i done to meā€¦
i wish i was never into porn. Whenever i think i have to try again i get freaked out.
I Dont know how i will manage all those stress. im just confused. im stuck in a cycle .

i seriously need some helpā€¦ this time i was very boosted and i was improving everyday but today i did a big mistake that i have to regret for a long time , if it was happening, it should have happened this time. not the other

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Donā€™t give in. Get up, but donā€™t give up man. Focus on your goals.

How did you relapse? What device?

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