Nofapstar's Rant housešŸ›–

I put ash ketchums photo infront of my study table , whenever ā– ā– ā– ā–  related stuff comes to my mind i just look at his pumped up face and all those thoughts goes away!! Its a nice trick lolā€‹:laughing::grin:


You know who should be your motivation?

Your DADā€¦He never gives upā€¦Keeps sacrifising and working hard ā€¦for you!


My dad? He is and he always will be.
And i dont have to show that . You think i dont care about my dad? Lmao do you even know me personaly?


In my case, my dad is a drunkard. Always abusing & creating hell in family.

I have my mom as my god.


I mean why the hell he is judging people just because they like somethinh? Errā€¦
Your mentality is not that good bruh. How can you assume randomly??? Its not even a thing you should say to someone.
I never even mentioned anything about my dad because its my family matter. From where he took my dad lmaoā€¦


Let go bro.
He may dont like pickachu and thats ok.
Let go.


Yeah, letting go is the right way. I dont want any kind of online quarrels,
I wont reply to him even if he replies, ill just ignore.


I am not judging you buddy!! I am just saying ā€¦move on from whats not realā€¦focus on what isā€¦anime is fictionalā€¦

It seemsā€¦I caught you in a bad moodā€¦We perceive the world and its emotions from our own glassesā€¦

No worries! Sorry for the misunderstandingā€¦Peace


Brother @nofapstar123 chill :sweat_smile:
@bb1508 wasnā€™t insulting you in any way, rather he was trying to motivate you by saying that even around you, you have role models. Keep up the good work!




Maybe he was trying to motivate me but the way if his typing/conveying the massage was not right.
His comment conveys like " I dont care about my father" Who in the world will do that

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Because it depends on the reader how he reads the sentence, i read it in other way that made the meaning of it completely different
And if im wrong a sorry from my side.


Its okay buddy! Happens!


My favorite team mumbai indians won the finals today! Im very happy!


Yea it was mine favourite too :blue_heart::blue_heart::fist_right::fist_left:


Everyday is new lesson for me, im always curious whats gonna come the next momment.
Semen retention/ nofap will surely give you amazing gifts in the way. But never keep doubts like ā€œam i on the right path?ā€ , because doubts kills more dreams than failures ever will
Believe in yourself that im doing the right way. If you lack something, there are many users who will remind you about that.
Keep learning new things everyday. You dont need any 2s pleasure right bro?
I hope good for you , god bless you!


A week is gonna complete today!!

As i said, life gives many opportunities to get up even though you fall many times in the past. Doesnt matter how many times you fall, but if you are always ready to get up, and you believe that you can do it, then yes of course you can do it. Someone recommended EASYPEASYWAYHACKBOOK , and im listening to it daily.

Importance of productivity : we are not doing nofap for only ā€œnot to fapā€. From nofap we get mental clarity which will help us in completing the tasks of the day. But , you need to work for it.
A productive days sleep is always better than an unproductive days sleep . We can sleep with satisfaction. Of course the starting is the hardest part since newtons law states An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion . All we need is a small push/force which can be applied by ourselvs but we resist to.

Among sattva, Rajas and Tamo gunas, the third one(tamo) is the worst
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Yesterday dream was pretty weird and awesome, i saw that i was tooconfiedent while walking in the roads and random people started talking to me, :laughing:


Urge time : i have urges today,
This is the time where i tend to forget all my goals, plans for starting nofap. This is the time where i start to see porn as normal. I know if i survive 3 days without touching my pp i can easily get out of this. Till now i have never been able to get through those three days,


Relapsed once again i give in to those sudden urges. Im sorry guys but nofap is seeming impossible for me. I never thought i am so weak willed.

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