Nofapstar's Gym housešŸ‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Intense training sessions can last 45 minutes even. It is about the intensity of training more than volume. In fact, exercising beyond certain limits can cause muscle loss. Because your protein intake is unable to make up for the wear and tear caused during the workouts.

Supplementation must be need based. If your diet doesnā€™t provide you with enough protein, go for supplements. A regular Indian vegetarian diet cannot provide this. Even for a non-vegetarian, like me, not all days comprise of meat and egg stuff. And Protein needs are irrespective of whether you train or not. When you train your muscles the need goes up. Any muscle gain is a sign of increasing strength. The body adapts to the increasing load. That is why there are natural limits for bodies of all kind, beyond which you cannot go even if you keep taking bulk and bulk of protein. Muscle building is an adaptation technique of the body. Something that the body does and uses the nutrients supplied to it. Once you have acquired muscles corresponding to your height and bone density and all, your body will stop growing muscles and your strength will hit its natural limit.

At this stage, certain supplements like Creatine help to break this barrier and launch you into the Intermediate phase. Again even with Creatine you will reach your enhanced limit, and it is still called natural in the bodybuilding discourse.

The third stage is where the anabolic steroid comes into picture and now you are breaking your natural limit and going much beyond what your body can bear.

Yes, but who is exercising with that intensity here? Most people here are beginners, their bodies cannot even endure those sort of workouts.

Exactly my point as well. Most people here do not need it.

I get where your information is coming from. As per various researches its actually a different case. The intake of carbohydrates and fats is much more in Indians, and protein much less. And that is because of dietary choices. Most Indians consume way more cereals than legumes, vegetables and dairy products. If they balance their diet, they can meet their daily requirements everyday. Unfortunately for most Indians who are poor, cereals are way cheaper than other products and hence their diet is carb-heavy and protein-deficient. These poor people unfortunately cannot afford whey protein or plant protein as well, that is why government has been providing more lentils and dairy products in government schools now, alongwith providing eggs to children who eat non-veg. Unfortunately most of the gym-going Indians do not understand that the sample population used for these studies mostly comprises of poor people who cannot afford to eat many things besides cereals.
Iā€™m not saying you should not use protein supplements, go with it if you want. I have even suggested supplements and can still give other insights regarding them. But just clearing the highly exaggerated misconception that is promoted by fitness supplement companie to increase their market base and earn profits.
Also, I wonā€™t say whey is bad because I have used them myself in the past, but back then I was on a strict diet for a competition (not body-building LOL), training 3 hours a day. I donā€™t use it anymore because I donā€™t need it.

Just pasting link to a reliable study here for everyone to read it, you can search for more using google scholar: A comparison of the Indian diet with the EAT-Lancet reference diet - PMC

Now this is problematic, man. Why? Especially if you are mot into show business, I donā€™t see any reason for anybody doing this. Creatine requires a large amount of water intake for proper digestion, and anabolic steroids LOL, do not even get me started there. I know people who are in very bad condition because of using them.

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after 1st leg day


I am not suggesting things like steroids or Creatine even. I was merely telling about the transformation of body with respect to training and protein intake. And the last phrase ā€˜beyond what your body can bearā€™ clearly underlines that I do not support steroid usage at all. I already wrote that Beginners donā€™t need Creatine as well and you can reach your natural limit merely by optimum protein intake.

And I am not in show business at all.

I do, and anyone can. It is not objective that if you push around 50 lbs on dumbbell press for 15 reps in 4 sets that you train hard. Intensity is defined by how close to your failure are you training. For most muscle groups 8-12 sets is a sufficient amount to reach failure. For smaller muscles like the Triceps shorthead, even 3 sets of solid technique bar pushdowns can be sufficient. In other terms it is not objective and one can train hard, even after being a beginner.

yeah. Muscle group recruitment and activation play a big role here but most people arenā€™t learned enough to know that. Iā€™ve worked a fair amount on my muscle group activation which is why I can lift elite for my weight (bench press a little more than my body weight, squat more than 1.5x my body weight). I havenā€™t tried deadlift but Iā€™m pretty sure I can easily to 2x my body weight, especially cause mine is not that high lol

depends on the supplement. Definitely agree on protein powder and creatine though. Most people who take it donā€™t necessarily need it.

yeah, thatā€™s good.

To be honest from a scientific point of view meat is the best source. Because humans canā€™t get protein from plants, only herbivores can (you may have noticed gorillas and other herbivores have huge muscles even with only plant diet. This is because their body is adapted to breakdown the cellulose and eventually generate protein. Only a herbivore can do this)

there are a lot of other factors to it, but I think I understand what youā€™re trying to say

yeah thatā€™s what. I guess for vegetarians itā€™s understandable because they canā€™t get another source. But always be cautious and donā€™t be fooled by these brands when consuming it.

Youā€™ve seen my physique. But my focus is not size always. When you train like an athlete your approach in the gym itself changes. But the best way to train for athletics is playing sports outside the gym. And even all other athletic training like plyos etc. doesnā€™t even need gym, can be done at home.

But for hybrid approach (which is ideal) there is nothing like a gym. Especially the environment and the accountability because you paid for it.


Should i keep exercising with DOMS?
Or i should avoid working those sore muscles?


Courageous you are to do that, it will hurt more this way :laughing:


Donā€™t train those muscles until they get recovered, recovery is also very important.


Was not talking about you personally, man. But the general trend about it and how most people arenā€™t well educated about supplements, and even when they are, many indulge in consuming such things which can can harm them in the long run.

Good for you, bro. Most people here though, I donā€™t see them pushing that hard atm. Taking supplements in this stage is not recommended at all. Digestion will be a major problem for them in initial days as well. Though there are beginner protein supplements in the market too, but I donā€™t find any utility in beginners investing that much into something they are only getting started with. Once they begin to perform at that level regularly, then sure they can.


Focus on different muscle group if possible


Century completed !
gaining weight!
going to gym regularly
studying properly
giving myself rest properly!
sleeping well and sound!
hydrating well!

yeah prime is back


Donā€™t be overconfident there is no bar about what you can achieve keep grinding :fire:


i dont have to be overconfiedent or confiedent. im a man who knows what i am doing . and i know my limits as well. i trust in discipline


i always used to have this mindest of fearing good days. whenever i had good days i felt scared and thought that bad time might be coming. but that does not matter at all. you just have to be at present.


Yeah it happens with me

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nofap showdown challenge cancelled.
very tight schedule so i wont be able to maintain this challenge in november :sleeping:


day 105+
irritability and anger at its peak. i have increased meditation.
missed gym yesterday due to diwali.
need to transmute the extra energy by working out!