No Fap Challenge for new members only [ENTRIES CLOSED]

First of all Hello! to all the new members of this community. We’ve taken wrong decisions and actions till now. But no more, the fact that you’ve reading this is the first step of becoming a greater self in your future. I’m also new here and have failed quite a bit times so we all are at the same level. In a few days I’ve learned that we masturbate because we are lonely and no one is seeing us and thinking that nobody cares too what we do alone in our room makes us comfortable to do that. So walking this rehabilitation journey alone is quite pointless because after a bit our mind starts thinking that nobody is seeing us then for whom are we doing this, nobody will ever know and nobody cares.

So we don’t have to walk alone, we have to unitedly fight this habit. We need each others support. Trust me doing this with some companions will make this journey much smoother, so the whole point of this challenge is,

We all challenge each other to not masturbate. This will go on till next year i.e. 1st January, 2021. Each member who participate, their name will be written on the leaderboard with their scores the more days you last the more you score like for eg. 1st Day + 2nd Day = 3
If you relapse then your pace will be slowed down.

Sign up if you really want to win over your mind.
Entries Open till 28th Nov.


Ok Vicky. Lets challenge each other.

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Ok, l’m in…

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I’m also new and gonna participate too to this

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I am in
Add me aeo22v

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Iam in brother! Add me in. I will recover and you all!

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Ok I’m in.
Let’s do this💪


I am in!!
Add me please


I wanna participate too !
My code is : arcghl

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This is mine: 5q1y4l
Add me :raised_hands:

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I never thought we would have this many participants!
Everyone who is participating just tell me whatever your streak is tomorrow so that I can setup the leaderboard. And message me privately. Here’s my sharing code» lvsdhc

11 days

15 years old

So your streak will be 12 tomorrow?

No 11 days.

Today is 10th day.

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I guess you’re in lead

My code is 8wkpr7. Add me too. Lets challenge each other.:facepunch:t3:

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Iam in Mr. Vickyx and I’ll do it my best… :+1:


Me too. I am still new to ldeaderboards and stuff :joy:


I don’t even know how I’ll manage this many scores :joy:
But we’ll make it there together. We’ll enter the year with positivity.

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We should stop playing games, pmo and any other stuffs which makes us unproductive.

I will do no pmo, no games , no social media challenge
And everyday i will do exercise and 6+ hrs study.
With 2 days fasting in a week.

If you dont want to do fasting. You can leave it.

If we do it for 21 days. It will become a habit.