No Excuse for Relapse,Relapsing is a ChoicešŸ“µMotivation šŸ’Æ

Edging does more Damage to the Dopamine Receptors than a regular Relapseā‰ļø
Step 1: Sexual thoughts attacks your brain

Step 2: You became tempted to think about the thoughts more

Step 3: Youā€™re getting the chills, being pressured; thus opening the porn site

Step 4: Thinking twice and thrice wether to actually relapse or not

Step 5: The pressure is too much and you said ā€œFUCK ITā€, Clicked on a video and rubbed your penis

Step 6: Furiously fapping, cum explosion after just 30 seconds or less than a minute

Step 7: Looking at yourself and seeing the mess youā€™ve made. You instantly felt like total shit after 5 seconds

Step 8: Wishing you can take back time and never went to the porn site again

Step 9: Possible case of binging because of trauma

Step 10: 5 stages of grief, getting back to your streak

ā€‹See? thatā€™s the 10 steps of relapsing. You could have prevented the incident at step 3, but ended up falling at the precipice.

You donā€™t want this to happen again, donā€™t you? Have control! Delete the thoughts!

If you edge, it counts as a relapse and you should not do it and not try to justify it, thatā€™s it. Same goes with peeking, because peeking will inevitably lead to relapsing (trust me Iā€™ve gone through this hundreds of times), it starts with just seeing a picture and you start to justify it only for you to sit there in shame 5 minutes laterā€¦

Manliness lies in controling Your mind,Lust & Hormones.if mind try to speak to u about such thought. you speak 1st &shut it,Do not give a single chance to speak. Do not think about Sexual thought at any time,your thinking & dream create ur destiny,Be aware of your thought. you Donā€™t need PMO to feel good,Donā€™t want pmo anymore, you view pmo as DISGUSTING. Start Study, take a walk,Exercise, Socialize get BUSY, Never fantasize,if a thought came focus on something else, Entertainig a thought make u Relapse. No pmo will satisfy u or make u happy or release your stressšŸ˜”.Make a strong habit of not checking girls, make some decency.Stay busy to defeat physical urge,Get a routine,stay hell away from social media,screen,movie series, you Need to TRAIN ur Mind & EYES to not checking girls.If you fulfill ur obligations everyday u donā€™t need to worry abut the future.Believe that You can permanently free from PMO.


I totally agree with you. You will always can tell yourself no! Iā€™ve had enough of this shit. I want to be a new man, I can be a new man!


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