New challenge for myself

Yes I fabbed, but regardless , lets continue the challenge still.

@Livelovebefree VS. @anon64204280
VS @WalkWithoutFear

I will do something different these days. Instead of just exercising. I will do as much push ups and sit ups I can until I get sore. If my arms get tired I will run. Anything to keep pumping. At least for these days to start to gain strength in no Fab. Also water temperature is cold like always. And sleeping with no clothes.another thing is I will set my alarm for 6 a.m. every morning that way I stay alert and focused. I am a bad procrastinator. I am day 1 now, yes relapsed but I don’t give up.
826714. Code if anyone new still wants to challenge me. If you do wish to challenge me. We will keep texting each other. That way the topic doesn’t get closed.


Yes, appreciate your goals.
But do one at a time. Form one habit at a time. If you take up so many new habits at once, it might backfire and disappointment might make you quit nofap.
Give 7 days to form one new habit and keep adding one new every week. If you find it overloading continue the same set of habits for a few months till it becomes automatic and you form a discipline.

Best of luck for your journey.


Bro that so helpful man. I will do that.thanks I hate going back to same bad habit. What day you on ?


Glad that you’ve found it helpful. :slight_smile:
I’m on day 40…


Let’s do this!

I agree don’t take more than you can.
On a separate note try the workout if you feel,bit intense but free and only require dedication to see it through


Day 40! Wow… inspiring for us peasants. :smiling_face:


I will try that workout . lets decapitate fab routine. #killfabbing

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40 days. That is alot. How did you get that much days in?

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Sure bro I am at 14 days 3fa5de is my sharing code.
Let’s go together .

Wow 14 days alot man. What you do? I am day 1.

I think if you read the harmful effects of pmo again and again then this will effect help you.
Your mind will not allow you to aap I will suggest you to read the harmful effect of the pmo daily.

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I actually don’t know how I’ve made it this far. I’m analysing myself more now… I’ve experimented many techniques… and now my schedule is a bit too packed for me to even think about fapping. So when I’m not thinking about fapping, I forget about the forum too. So right now it is easy for me and I’m not focusing on the no. of days anymore.
Initial days are the toughest, the first 2 weeks because your brain is totally confused by the changes of behaviour. Pushing through those days doesn’t obviously mean you’re free, only the frequency of urges get low. But the thoughts and urges are still there. To control my thoughts I’ve used a technique called rubber band technique. Control your thoughts and your urges are gone because thoughts fuel the urges.
Moreover, DONT EDGE. you might see this everywhere. People keep writing this when they’ve relapsed because it actually is TRUE. A year ago I was on my 5th month of nofap and I edged and I messed up. The disappointment made me give up my goal and slowly the habit of fapping multiple times a day returned. So don’t edge.


Edging is the real villain here.

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