Need help quitting

I have been trying to quit to no avail. Last year I jad a streak of 45 with some of 5-10 days, but for the last 4-5 months I cannot get a streak better than 2-3 days. Does anyone have any advice on what has worked for them? I am in grad school and am at home doing homework for a good part of the day. I think being at home is a trigger? But if I left the house during the day I still feel like I would do it at night.

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You may wanna make a weekly schedule and full every minute of your day with something to do even tho is it’s at home, like your homework and also something fun such as learn something new like a language, read a book and So, make yourself busy and commit to the schedule. There will be no room for porn, and if having a strong urge go for a very cold shower or just change the environment, go for a walk or something.

@kpwrestler2010 I’m a firm believer in vigorous exercise :running_man:t2:. It’s helped me recently with some urges. It gives me energy and motivation to do other things or to keep going in the day.

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What worked for me ?
The understanding of Sexual Enegy. Its benefit to the body & if ejaculated then The downfall of Man
Other thing that helped me is Discipline. I have maked a habit of destroying Urges with the power of decision making
There is always a choice with us whether to watch ■■■■ or not
After trying again & again you will eventualy successed

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Well, I always feel kinda curious when guys in grad school, early twenties etc. ask about how to avoid fapping. I mean at your age what your urge is probably telling you is to go meet some girls, try to learn how to form healthy and enjoyable relationships that are in line with the kind of person you want to be. Why are you just sitting at home - either trying to artificially suppress your urge or getting rid of it using porn? Go have sex!

Of course if you find that you are not getting into the kind of quality relationships that you want, then you can redirect your urge/energy to work on yourself, work out, learn new skills etc. But I really hope guys in early twenties are not using this forum and philosophy to avoid confronting their challenges with girls. Lemme know if in case I’m reading something incorrectly!

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