Need a group of friends ASAP!

Hello everyone, I’ve been in this community for a long time, yet still I don’t have a group a companions, and I reeeealllllyyy need a group that I can contact when the urges are bad. I’ve been clean of any pornography for 182 days, but I still find myself relapsing on some micro actions that keep my guilt feelings present, and I’m trying to quit masturbation to, yet I don’t get really far. Please help!

Sharing code - 6170aa

Current streak - 182 days
Highest streak - 182 days
Age - 24
Gender - F
Location - MX

Why I want a companion - I have kept my addiction as a secret from family and friends, and sometimes I really feel the need to talk with somebody who understands.


I will ad you.
Hablas español?
Puedes agregarle si gustas 1f0f2a

Btw, your sharing code is invalid

Listo ya te agregue :slight_smile:
And I’ve change my sharing code! Thanks

1 Like

Hey you can add me. My goal is a year and a half so I can be there to struggle with you. bd8a36

Agregada !

Eres una emperadora! :open_mouth:

add me purity6 996ff4

I just joined this community. I quit PMO for the first time in earnest 22 days ago. So not much in the way of experience, but I am very motivated, even more so now thanks to the good folks of this forum.
Feel free to add me: 9155e5

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