My journey to self mastery- DisciplinedSelf's Diary

Thank you very much for your support :heart:

Also something I would like to point out- I am using the dark mode of this app and it is very much a nicer interface in my opinion. Just thought of sharing.


I am ashamed to say I relapsed again. I think it was because I saw sexual images but didn’t take action.

What I have changed this time to do better:

  • I relapsed on my laptop, as always, due to Chrome. I have now disabled the options of incognito (which was already disabled), guest mode (which was already disabled) but also New Profile creator (newly disabled). Microsoft Edge I have already disabled entirely. If anyone needs help on how to do this I can show, but disclaimer: it involves editing your computer registry. Though I have not ever faced bad effects from this, it’s always good to warn.
  • Created a new time schedule to follow ( I can work out again) and will ask my girl to keep me accountable to it.

With the help of my dear friends like @VARAD @erenyaeger @Dean_Ambrose @Abishek @Yash21 @Forerunner I hope to do better.

Time to re-read my EasyPeasy summary notes here- but on the flip side, that was why I posted them here anyway. So anyone who needs to can refer them, if if only one post a day.


No, brother you are stronger…
Just Fight back with more energy, power and determination… You will succeed… Trust you…:crossed_fingers::v:


About your hackbook I will definitely read it … no, doubt…:sweat_smile:


Thank you very much for you support!! :heart:

I hope it will help you when you need it :slight_smile:

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What do I do if I relapsed?

10 things I would suggest that I do.

  1. Change my mindset. I am not a bad person. I am a good person that made a bad decision. Well I’m not inherently good cause I’m human but that’s religious so not the full focal point here Guilt says that I did something bad, but shame says I am bad. There is a difference.
  2. Relapses are often due to extra time not being used well- time I need to learn how to use better.
  3. Don’t get caught in PRS (Post-Relapse Shame)
  4. Take a cold shower, and pretend to wash-away the old self and become a new you. As cold as possible. But don’t take it as a punishment, but rather a training.
  5. Post here on Rewire Companion cause there are great companions who will encourage. Then go do something I love.
  6. Drink lots of water
  7. Do not binge possibly the worst mistake
  8. Investigate and find the cause of relapse (already done)
  9. Eat healthy and watch a nofap motivation video- especially Lucid’s ones, I like those.
  10. Write down your goals and get your mind into beast mode to do them.

Bro, there is nothing to be ashamed of that’s just a setback. keep analysing what made you relapse & don’t repeat it.

All this motivation & willpower bs won’t last long. maybe you can go for a week or two after that you’ll lose motivation.
So discipline & patience is the key, those two are the most important ingredients in No fap or any other goal you want to achieve. I learnt it the hard way, I failed many times in the past due to lack of these things.

Start again brother with a stronger commitment towards nofap & don’t fall for the chaser effect.


Rise Again :mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm:


Thank you for the wise words @Yash21 yeah motivation doesn’t last long but nether does food, that’s why we eat everyday :smile: and willpower I agree we have little so it should be used conservingly.
Discipline I agree but I hadn’t thought about patience- but that’s also important. Thanks for pointing that out :thinking:

@Dean_Ambrose yes I hope to rise again. Thanks! :muscle:

  • EasyPeasy, Chapter 8

People triumph from that fact that slavery is dead- but that’s a lie, it’s just changed forms instead.
Now the worst slavery was one that was late to come- self-imposed slavery is the worst kind of one.

The more brainwashing is removed, the easier it is to rewire.

Most users don’t consider that ■■■■ is usually a life time addiction- unless you fight it off. Even a very little use (just half an hour a day) is a whole month a year. Imagine that-
Using a whole month in a year in no productive work but rather to just destroy yourself and your future
Why would anyone want that?

Internet ■■■■ is a chain reaction and a chain for life if you don’t break free.

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Success story I found on YBOP. My daily dose of motivation :blush:

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Act smart, not hard.

The CEO of a Toothpaste company was always looking for ways to make his factory more efficient. One of the areas he was looking into was the problems caused when an empty box somehow made its way to a store without containing a tube of toothpaste. When a large box packed with individual boxes of toothpaste arrived at a store, the store would check in the big box and then unpack the individual boxes onto the shelves. If one of the individual boxes was missing a tube of toothpaste, it caused a lot of inconvenience for the store and the company because of the amount of time it took to straighten out the accounting, refunds, etc. On top of all that, empty boxes made the toothpaste company look bad to their customers.

He knew he could improve their efficiency and bolster their relationship with stores if they could make sure they didn’t ever ship out a box that was missing a tube of toothpaste. A high priced consultant was brought in who studied the assembly line and installed a laser system that would shine on the side of each box as it came down the line. If there was no tube in the box, a faint red glow would show up on the opposite side of the box. A sensor could detect this, stop the line, and set off an alarm to notify workers that the box needed to be removed before it got packed. If a tube was present, the sensor wouldn’t see the glow and the box would continue normally down the line.

The system was expensive and by the time it was all wired into the controls and the consultant was paid it cost over half a million dollars. Still, the CEO was satisfied. It worked well in all their tests and the cost of dealing with even infrequent empty boxes was high enough to justify the investment.

After the system had been running for over a month, the CEO was pleased to see in his monthly report that they had not shipped a single empty box. Happy that everything was working as designed, he continued going through the report but was confused when he got to a new line on the report that indicated how many times the system had detected an empty box. There were a few detections the first week the system was installed, but none in the last few weeks. This was unusual and he assumed that something wasn’t reported correctly, so he went down to the line to take a closer look at the laser sensing equipment.

Everything was still there and each box was correctly illuminated with the laser. Starting up the line to get an empty box to test with, his foot crushed an empty box. Looking around he saw a handful of other boxes strewn randomly across the concrete floor–all empty. Then he noticed a desk fan on the opposite side of the conveyor belt blowing toward him.

About that time, the line manager came over to see what he was doing. “Why are all these boxes on the floor?” asked the CEO.

“Oh sorry about that,” said the line manager, “the new system kept stopping the line and setting off an annoying alarm.” After the first two or three times, Bill had gotten tired of the interruptions and had brought that fan over from his desk and set it up to blow the lighter empty boxes off the line so he didn’t have to deal with taking each one off and restarting the line. The line manager said, “I guess I should get a bin over here so we can reuse the boxes instead of dumping them on the floor.”

So in the end, who knew that you could use a fan to do the same work as a whole machine? The one who thought smart.

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Day 1

Daily goals

:x: Over 8 hours of study/work (6 hours :weary: )
:white_check_mark: No peeking/edging/relapsing
:white_check_mark: One cold shower at least, besides my regular bathing
:white_check_mark: Working out
:white_check_mark: Meditation
:white_check_mark: Check-in here
:x: No perusing unneccesary sites till my exams are over. This includes things like gaming of any sort, browsing through reddit for memes or jokes (checked out some memes again :/)

New schedule was okay, need to stick to it.

Victory is in having done your best. If you’ve done your best, you’ve won.

  • EasyPeasy, chapter 9

If you had to face a choice between watching ■■■■ and your head exploding or staying alive, obviously you would choose the latter. ■■■■ has a lot of poor effects on helath, and younger people think they have time and they can ignore those effects but they are lying to themselves.

if we felt there was the slightest fault in an airplane we wouldn’t go up in it – even though the risks are millions to one – yet we take more than a one-in-four certainty with ■■■■ and are apparently oblivious to it? What does the user get out of this? Absolutely nothing!

It’s better to quit PMO when young, since the body has a greater capacity to produce dopamine when young. so withdrawal symptoms will be less and the rewiring will be easier. Don’t wait for tomorrow, start today. Take care of your body and don’t abuse it, it’s the vehicle that will take you through life.

■■■■ is not just a single peek. That peek will lead to another and another and another. It’s a never ending chain unless you break free.

When you think that you are scared or bored and that ■■■■ is pleasurable, remember that it’s not. It’s fear speaking. It’s not that ■■■■ is pleasurable in anyway, it’s that you don’t know how to be happy without ■■■■.

Non-users don’t feel miserable if they aren’t allowed to use ■■■■ – it’s only users that suffer that feeling. Internet ■■■■ doesn’t relieve the feeling, it causes it.

Next lines are direct quotes from EP:

Effects of the brainwashing make us tend to think like the man who, having fallen off a 100 storey building, is quoted saying as he whizzes past the fiftieth floor, “So far, so good!” We think that as we’ve gotten away with it so far, one more ■■■■ session won’t make the difference. See it another way, the ’habit’ is a continuous chain for life with each session creating the need for the next. When you start the habit, you light a fuse. The trouble is, you don’t know how long the fuse is. Every time you give in to a ■■■■ session you’re one step closer to the bomb exploding. HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF IT’S THE NEXT ONE?

I had an urge just now so that’s why I decided to continue my summary of EP. It’s gone now. Urges last very short but they hit like a truck.

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  • Easy Peasy, chapter 10

This whole chapter is about the advantages a ■■■■ user has. Here’s the link it’s a quite comprehensive list.

Also check this well written post by @Forerunner


Feeling demotivated right now, so I am posting some motivational quotes so that I don’t give in. People who are liking and reading my diary, thank you for that motivation too @Abishek @Dean_Ambrose @VARAD

Character is what you do on your third and fourth try. :footprints:

Winners never quit, quitter never win :basketball:

It always seems impossible until it’s done :white_check_mark:

How long should I try? Until. :red_circle:

You can’t beat someone who never gives up :fire:

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept on trying even when there seemed to be no hope at all :crossed_swords:

Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn :droplet:

The most certain way to succeed is to try one more time :blush:

If you fall behind, just run faster :zap:

It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. :brain:

A winner is someone who gets up one more time than he is knocked down. :boxing_glove:

I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is a step forward. :bulb:

Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful. :latin_cross:

It is not wanting to win that makes you a winner; it is refusing to fail that does :100:

Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering ‘I will try again tomorrow. :anchor:

When I succeed- and I will- I will look back at today and smile. I will be happy I hung on this ride, no matter how crazy it got. I’m going all in.


Exams are over and I’m so relieved :blush: just waiting for the results now. I re-read my old entries and feel that stress again, and I’m wondering how I managed to handle all the stress :joy: because I feel so care-free now.
Regarding nofap, well, I’m around only a week or so. I’m not sure, since I don’t count the days. My focus is not nofap but just to live my life well, and part of that is no PMO.
God bless!

  • EasyPeasy, Chapter 11

Stopping ■■■■ is not hard
Lifting 300 kgs? Now that is hard. But to stop ■■■■, all one has to do is not open the browser and click on bad links, all the while making sure that no one else sees you. In fact, it is easier to not watch ■■■■!
Nobody forces you to masturbate- it’s not like it’s essential for survival. Quitting ■■■■ is EASY.

Then why do we become users in the first place?

We don’t decide to become users, we merely experiment with ■■■■ magazines or websites and because they’re awful apart from our desired clip, we’re convinced that we can stop whenever we want to. But we don’t stop. Why? Because we are brainwashed into believing that we can’t enjoy life or handle stress without an orgasm.

It’s usually not until we actually try to stop that we realise a problem exists

If a user has come across scientific material or online communities, they’ll be having a tug-of-war in their mind, resisting temptations and feeling deprived. Their way to usually relieve stress is now unavailable, suffering a triple blow. The probable result after this period of torture is compromise – “I’ll cut down ” or “I’ve picked the wrong time ” or perhaps, “I’ll wait until the stress has gone from my life. ” However, once the stress has gone there’s no reason to stop and the user doesn’t decide to quit again until the next stressful time- I can relate to this, because right now I am quite stress-free, and PMO urges hit quite hard.

Don’t read stories about people who stopped ‘just like that’. That’s not the whole story. The former addict would have been wanting to stop for a while, they just used a certain situation as a spring board to stop the addiction. STOP TODAY. The younger you are, the easier recovery is.

Just like Pascal’s Wager, by quitting you’re losing almost nothing, with high chances of gains and higher chances of not losing.

Although the user knows that they’ll be better off as a non-user, the belief they’re making a sacrifice trips them up. Although an illusion, it’s powerful. They don’t know why, but the user has the belief that during the good and bad times of life, the sessions appear to help. But that is a lie!

Many people complain that girls around them trigger them on nofap so they relapse. That is wrong- the fact that they are attracted to girls and not pixelated images is a good thing, it means that their brains are rewiring and that they are getting back to normal. How unfortunate is it that instead of taking this as a positive developement, they relapse instead. Imagine what they could have achieved otherwise. :frowning:

Suppose you get intense urges on nofap and give in, then all you do is fire up the browser and start jacking off. On one hand, you are relieved that the urges are gone, but on the other, you are simply wondering why you are doing this filthy thing if you are not even enjoying it. Is your willpower so weak?
Indeed it is not so. You made a rational decision that the pros of watching ■■■■ outweighed the cons and so you watched. If you can remove this brainwashing and realize that there are NO pros and ONLY cons to watching ■■■■, you can make the right decision.

The misery the user is suffering isn’t due to withdrawal pangs – though it’s initially triggered by them – the actual agony is the tug-of-war in the mind caused by doubt and uncertainty. Because the user starts by feeling they’re making a sacrifice, they then begin to feel deprived, which is a form of stress.


As said previously, enjoyment doesn’t come into it. It never did! If we watched because of enjoyment, nobody would stay on the tube sites for longer than it takes to finish the deed.

When we try to block our minds to the bad side, we feel stupid. If we had to face it, that would be intolerable! If you watch a user in action, you’ll see they’re happy only when unaware they’re using. Once aware, they tend to be uncomfortable and apologetic. ■■■■ feeds the little monster so upon purging it from your body along with the brainwashing (big monster), you’ll have neither need or desire to watch!

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How are you buddy?
How is your streak going?

You posted after a quite long time🙂

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