My first diary - 2022

yes you do

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I wrotre that name by consequence
It tirns out:
Masturbating :point_right:t2: surbating+si :joy:

ooh :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I’m having issues with my internet connection so if I don’t answer or post don’t get too surprised😂.

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Day 9 / 2nd day of the monk mode:

1_Sleeping more than 8 hours :sleeping_bed:t2: : :white_check_mark:

2_Wake up at 5:00 a.m :brain:: :x:

Reason: I woke up last night and stayed up till in hour or tow, if I woked up at 5, I would have slept less then 6 hours.

3_Drinking more than 1.5 liters of water :sweat_drops: :white_check_mark:

4_Prayer :place_of_worship: :white_check_mark:

5_1-hour Meditation :man_in_lotus_position:t2:: :white_check_mark:
30 minutes after waking up while looking at nature :seedling::rose:
30 minutes in the afternoon while looking at nature :seedling::rose:

6_Exercise more than 30 minutes :man_running:t2::white_check_mark:

7_Taking cold showers :shower: ::x:
One after exercising
One before sleeping

Reason: In Lebanon, sometimes, we don’t have electricity, or water :sweat_drops:

8_Perfume 3 times a day :rose::x:

Reason I was out of perfume :joy: but I went to by new one so I did 2 times a day only.

9_Eating healthy food : :white_check_mark:

10_Brushing my teeth :tooth: after eating :white_check_mark:

11_Reading :green_book:: and dialogue what I learned with my grandfather :man_curly_haired:t2::man_white_haired:t2:: :white_check_mark::x:

Reason: I did read but my grandfather went to work

12_Playing the piano :musical_keyboard: : More than an hour :white_check_mark:

13_Daily diary :notebook:: :white_check_mark:

14_Nofap :fire:: :white_check_mark:

15_Satisfaction :innocent:: 75% :smile:


I read this today, “Willpower doesn’t work, here is why:”

“Many people think that what the addict needs is willpower, but nothing could be further from the truth.” — Arnold M. Washton, Ph.D.

If you want to make any permanent change in your life, willpower won’t get you there.

Whether you want to get healthier, stop using social media so much, improve your relationships, be happier, write a book, or start a business — willpower won’t help you with any of these things.

Personal progress and achieving success are best approached like you’re overcoming addiction. Because, quite literally, that’s what you’re doing. As human beings, we all have addictions.

I openly admit being addicted to social media, my current belief system, my comfort zone, and my excuses. I’m also addicted to a lot of other behaviors that contradict my goals.

We are all addicted. And the cognitive dissonance is numbing.

If you’re serious about the changes you want to make, willpower won’t be enough. Quite the opposite. Willpower is what’s holding you back.

Willpower is a broken approach to thriving and success:

“Willpower is for people who are still uncertain about what they want to do.” — Helia

If you’re required to exert willpower to do something, there is an obvious internal conflict. You want to eat the cookie, but you also want to be healthy. Environment versus goal.

The tension is mounting…


What are you going to do?

Are you going to be strong this time and resist? Or are you going to crumble?

According to psychological research, your willpower is like a muscle. It’s a finite resource that depletes with use. As a result, by the end of your strenuous days, your willpower muscles are exhausted and you’re left to your naked and defenseless self — with zero control to stop the night-time munchies and time wasters.

At least, that’s what you’ve been taught.

Clearly, the research on willpower explains human behavior. But only on the surface level — the effects. The very fact that willpower is required comes from two more fundamental sources — the causes:

  1. You don’t know what you want, and are thus internally conflicted.

  2. You haven’t committed to something and created conditions that facilitate your commitment.

What do you want?

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

If your life requires willpower, you haven’t fully determined what you want. Because once you make a decision, the internal debate is over. As Michael Jordan has said, “Once I made a decision, I never thought about it again.”

After you decide what you want, the decision is made. Thus, all future decisions regarding that matter have also been made. No questions.

So, are you serious about this? Or are you just talking? Are you still on the fence, or have you decided?

Until you decide, you’ll be required to use willpower, and will continue making minimal progress.

Are you committed?

How do you know if you’re truly committed to something?

When it comes to achieving goals, commitment involves:

:fire:Investing upfront

:fire:Making it public

:fire:Setting a timeline

:fire:Installing several forms of feedback/accountability

:fire:Removing or altering everything in your environment that opposes your commitment

If you’re truly committed to something, in your mind, it’s as though you’ve already succeeded. All doubt and disbelief are gone.

If you’re committed to running a marathon, you’re going to put everything in place to make sure it happens. You’re not going to leave it up to chance.

You’re going to start by signing up for a race (investment). You’re going to make it public (phase one of accountability). You’re going to get a running partner who holds you accountable. You’re going to track your progress (feedback) and account your progress to your accountability partner. Lastly, you’re going to remove things in your life that keep you from running.

Commitment means you build external defense systems around your goals. Your internal resolve, naked to an undefended and opposing environment is not commitment.

Creating conditions that make success inevitable:

“The addict only needs to change one thing… their whole damn life.” — Ben Hill, Ph.D.

No matter how much internal resolve you have, you will fail to change your life if you don’t change your environment.

This is where the willpower approach fails. The willpower approach doesn’t focus on changing the environment, but instead, on increasing personal efforts to overcome the current environment. What ends up happening? Eventually, you succumb to your environment despite your greatest efforts to resist.

The environment is more powerful than your internal resolve. As a human being, you always take on the form of the environments you continually place yourself in.

Consequently, the best use of your choices is consciously designing environments that facilitate your commitments. If you’re ed to something, this is exactly what you’ll do.

If you’re trying to stop drinking alcohol, you must stop being 1) around people that drink alcohol and 2) at places that serve alcohol. Your willpower will fail if you don’t. You need to truly decide you’re done, to commit, and then ate an environment to make the success of your commitment inevitable.

If you want to become a professional rock-climber, you need to surround yourself with professional rock-climbers and orient your whole lifestyle to that goal.

This is how evolution works. We adapt to our environments. Thus, conscious evolution involves purposefully choosing or creating environments that mold us into the person we want to become.

Everything in life is a natural and organic process. We adapt and evolve based on the environments we select. You are who you are because of your environment. Want to change? Then change your environment. Stop the willpower madness already.


Napoleon Hill once said, “When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.” Similarly, Bill Walsh said, “If your why is strong enough you will figure out how!”

If you’re required to use willpower:

:fire:You haven’t made up your mind.

:fire:Your desire (your “why”) for your goals isn’t strong enough.

:fire:You haven’t fully committed to what you’re going to do.

:fire:Your environment opposes your goals. Thus, you haven’t created an environment that makes your goals inevitable.

Willpower sucks. Forget about it.

Instead of focusing on your behavior, focus on your environment. Your environment — including the people you surround yourself with — is the clearest indicator of who you are and who you’re becoming.

What do you think of that?


Why 1 hour of meditation:

“Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It’s like the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.”


Do you meditate with your eyes open?
As you said you meditate while looking at nature.
If you are focusing on breath and nature at the same time that’s two things you are focusing on at once :sweat_smile:.
I think it would be better to be in nature and close your eyes so that you can focus on breath purely while still experience the calm of nature around you.

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One and only @The_integrous_one, thank you so much,:handshake: you are one of those men who knows how and when to speak and once you talk, you say something truly meaningful, Respect Man :love_you_gesture:.



Thanks man. I feel honoured you liked the advice.
I also did 2 meditation sessions while sitting outside today rather than my usual meditation in room, and it was nice, I could hear good natural voices in between and also after I completed the meditation and opened my eyes the natural view in front of me hit differently.

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Day 10 / 3rd day of the monk mode

It has been a long time since I have passed this day, it’s nice to finally see 1% at the 1000 day badge, I can’t wait to finally reach it :hugs:

1_Sleeping more than 8 hours :sleeping_bed:t2: :white_check_mark:

2_Wake up at 5:00 a.m :brain: :x:

Reason: dog barks woke me up at night and I stayed up a while so I had to get back to sleep for more than 8 hours and woke up at 6 a.m.

( That’s one of the reasons why I don’t like dogs :wink: )

3_Drinking more than 1.5 liters of water :sweat_drops: :white_check_mark:

4_Prayer :place_of_worship: :white_check_mark:

5_1-hour Meditation :man_in_lotus_position:t2:: :white_check_mark:
30 minutes after waking up while looking at nature :seedling::rose:
30 minutes in the afternoon while looking at nature :seedling::rose:

6_Exercise more than 30 minutes :man_running:t2: :white_check_mark:

7_Taking cold showers :shower:: :white_check_mark:
One after exercising
One before sleeping

8_Perfume 3 times a day :rose::white_check_mark:

9_Eating healthy food :apple: :white_check_mark:

10_Brushing my teeth :tooth: after eating :white_check_mark:

11_Reading :green_book: and dialogue what I :white_check_mark: learned with my grandfather :man_curly_haired:t2::man_white_haired:t2:

12_Playing the piano :musical_keyboard: More than an :x: hour

I was at my uncle’s house ( who doesn’t have a piano )

13_Daily diary :notebook_with_decorative_cover: :white_check_mark:

14_Nofap :fire: :white_check_mark:

15_Satisfaction :innocent:: 85.71%

Tomorrow, I’m going to try to do 100% satisfaction :fire:.


All the best Sabeur.


Sabeur Khalid what does your name mean?


I wasn’t able to remember his name .

So,I pronounce it as “sur-bating-si” for my sake :joy:.


And yeh toh theek hai.
I thought his name was Sabateur not Sabeur :joy:.
That’s why asking the meaning of the name now.


I think it is pronounced as “Saboor”


I am pronouncing as sab yur
But I want to know the meaning


If it is Saboor, then it means
Patient in the sense of patience, not bimaar


Toh ye waala patient kyu likha bhai :joy::joy: