My amazing experience

More power to you brother :fire:
You can do it

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@The_Ambitious_One out of likes so here:

@Sholt_Tenkerrot @debellator you guys might love this


I have downloaded almost every DB OSTs , i can say that this is good but i love the original OSTs more than this piano cover. Just my POV.

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I am so glad that you confessed here.
Best of Luck ćƒ¾(ļ¼¾-ļ¼¾)惎
This upcoming month November I want to see you more than big words or big paragraphs.


@BlackMagic123 Yes sir!!!

Actions speak louder than words

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November 1st :ballot_box_with_check: :fire:

Daily Habits

:green_circle: = Successfully done
:orange_circle: = Involuntarily undone
:white_circle: = Voluntarily undone

:green_circle: No PMO
:green_circle: No edging
:green_circle: Sleeping between 8:30 p.m and 9:30 p.m
:green_circle: Sleeping enough
:green_circle: Waking up at 4:30 a.m
:green_circle: Morning exercise
:green_circle: Laying down on the floor for 15 minutes
:green_circle: Daily visualization
:green_circle: Daily affirmation
:orange_circle: Praying Fajr on time
:green_circle: Reading Athkar
Meditating for 30 minutes
:orange_circle: Helping mom by preparing the lunch table
:white_circle: Exercising
:white_circle: Walking at least 5000 steps
:white_circle: Breathwork
:green_circle: Drinking enough water
:white_circle: Taking a cold shower
:green_circle: Eating healthy food
:green_circle: No junk food
:green_circle: Family time
:white_circle: Playing more than 1 hour of piano
:white_circle: Studying more than 3 hours
:green_circle: Reading
:white_circle: Writing
:white_circle: Concentrating while studying
:white_circle: Less than 3 hours of screen time
:green_circle: Brushing my teeth 3 times a day
:green_circle: Perfume 3 times a day
:white_circle: 5 Prayers
:white_circle: Reading Coran
:green_circle: Cleaning my room
:green_circle: Screen detox starting from 1 hour before sleeping
:green_circle: Spending time with nature / outside the house
:white_circle: Laying down on my back 3 times a day
:green_circle: Using the Internet only for knowledge and self-improvement
:green_circle: Daily Diary
:green_circle: Preparing for tomorrow


Only 62% of daily habits were successfully done.

38% of the undone habits were caused by laziness and spending too much time on my mobile phone mostly on Rewire Companion and Youtube.

Some of my morning routines were done a bit later than usual because mom wanted me to go back to sleep.

Daily Diary:

So yeh, I woke up early at 4:30 a.m but my morning routines were interrupted by mom :man_facepalming:t2: she was so scared to see me awake in the early morning. She thought I was a burglar :joy: she is so overprotective that she wanted me to go back to sleep. So I went back to sleep.

I woke up again at 8:00 a.m and I finished what I started even if it was later than expected. I spent most of the day on my mobile phone which resulted in missing most of my daily habits.

I helped mom a lot today by preparing the house and cooking and buying some stuff. My grandmother and uncle are coming to my house in a few minutes. I am so excited :hugs:

What I learned:

I must reduce phone usage at all costs :no_mobile_phones:

Iā€™ll try to improve tomorrow :muscle:
Thanks for reading
Good night/day :fire:

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Still thatā€™s great, keep improving my friend!

Looks like she saw you awake at 4:30am for the first time, donā€™t worry she will get used to it.

My parents want me to wake up early lol.

:100: you can do this my friend (i also want to reduce it :sweat_smile::joy:).

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Out of likes so here:


Thanks Bhai

Yeh, I usually wake up early secretly :shushing_face:

Man youā€™re lucky

Thanks :smile: I will do this I can do this
Letā€™s do it tomorrow :muscle:


Day :two: :ballot_box_with_check:

:green_circle: = Successfully done
:orange_circle: = Involuntarily undone
:white_circle: = Voluntarily undone

:green_circle: No PMO
:green_circle: No edging
:green_circle: Sleeping between 8:30 p.m and 9:30 p.m
:green_circle: Sleeping enough
:green_circle: Waking up at 4:30 a.m
:white_circle: Morning exercise
:green_circle: Laying down on the floor for 15 minutes
:green_circle: Daily visualization
:green_circle: Daily affirmation
:orange_circle: Praying Fajr on time
:green_circle: Reading Athkar
:green_circle: Meditating for 30 minutes
:orange_circle: Helping mom by preparing the lunch table
:orange_circle: Exercising
:green_circle: Walking at least 1000 steps
:green_circle: Breathwork
:green_circle: Drinking enough water
:white_circle: Taking a cold shower
:green_circle: Eating healthy food
:orange_circle: No junk food
:green_circle: Family time
:green_circle: Playing more than 1 hour of piano
:green_circle: Studying more than 3 hours
:green_circle: Reading
:green_circle: Writing
:green_circle: Concentrating while studying
:white_circle: Less than 3 hours of screen time
:green_circle: Brushing my teeth 3 times a day
:green_circle: Perfume 3 times a day
:green_circle: 5 Prayers
:green_circle: Reading Coran
:green_circle: Cleaning my room
:green_circle: Screen detox starting from 1 hour before sleeping
:green_circle: Spending time with nature / outside the house
:green_circle: Laying down on my back 3 times a day
:white_circle: Using the Internet only for knowledge and self-improvement
:green_circle: Daily Diary
:green_circle: Preparing for tomorrow


71% of habits were done successfully

50% of the missed habits were Involuntarily undone

Daily Diary:

I experienced the laziest morning ever today. I started at my phone for 3 straight hours but then I realized that I didnā€™t do many of my habits and morning routines.

I decided then to step up and do something about it. I wanted to edit this dayā€™s future :fire: so I went outside of my room and started living November 2nd! I actually exercised, I ate healthy food, I played the piano, I read and wroteā€¦

And Finally, I felt proud of myself cause maybe it wasnā€™t only this day that I edited but maybe my future.

What I learned:

A bad start doesnā€™t always make a bad ending

I am planing on 10 hours cell phone detox tomorrow
Thanks for reading
Good night/day :fire:


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