My amazing experience

Hey @Sholt_Tenkerrot, I challenge you for a first round of 3 days ( I’m starting easy on you :wink: )

Emprovement pill, yes I love that channel​:fire::fire::fire:


Thank you, that is the key to strengthen Willpower.


To be honest you don’t need to block anything, if you block it, it creates forbidden fruit effect, your minds tricks you into thinking, I am blocking this thing so this thing must be forbidden and something precious, so you subconsciously fall back.
So my advice, try streaking without any blockers and rather control any urges to search obscene content.
You might find this hard in first few days but once you get a hang of it, you will thank yourself.


Day 1 completed :smirk:. Wbu?

Title of your st.

Btw i want an intense fight my brother.

F to frieza.


You can’t fight freizsa if you don’t fight his army, intill than, freiza will still be hiding :relaxed:


Hey bro wassup, did you relapse yesterday?


No, but I could relapse at any time.
I am trying to add somethings to my task list and waiting for the right time to start again seriously.

A wise man doesn’t sale his bote only if all the conditions around him are stable. That’s why I want to make sure that the next time I start, there is no turning back.

Don’t get me wrong, I could start this week or tomorrow or even today.

Intill then, I will make a better task list
A better combat training, with vegeta :joy::joy:


Bro wassup, babies are waiting.

Especially this one

And one more kid is waiting, but that’s a surprise.


Can you suggest some good apps to measure digital detox. I planned it like this
1st week only control masturbation and porn
2nd week Add Digital detox (controlling phone usage)
3rd week Start exercising
The 3 steps of discipline I need
For the 1st one this Rewire Companion App is the best
Please suggest something for the 2nd one

Also I am a fan of Sherlock for his ability to remain stony and mostly devoid of emotions , unaffected by anything. And intense urge to do his own work

I’m back guys, sorry, my internet connection was on fire :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

Here is what I wrote n my diary during 1 and half days:

I am searching for something valuable, maybe a golden activity, or a strategy.
While I was sleeping last night, I had a dream that I was saling a bote, I was far away from the land, every thing was fine and peaceful till climate change happened, I once again Opened my plan but it flew away by the wind, I was drowning, trying to resist but can’t then when I thought that it was all over, a strange man grabbed my hand and rescued me, he was hiding his face from me, he was wearing old green and wight clothes but they were so beautiful.
He put me back on land and repaired my bote, just when I was about to sale again, he stopped me and said:
I replied:
_ Wait for what?
_ Wait
_ but I want to sale right now so I could go to a beautiful land.
_ Wait, something is missing.
_ What is missing? I made a perfect new plan this time and I think it’s going to work, you repaired my bote and I am ready now.
He pointed at me and said:
_ listen, hold on, you will not succeed, you will not win cause something is missing
Something is waiting to be found.
I don’t know why but after I heard those words I felt fear :confounded:, then he went away from me but I heard him saying:
_ Inside… Inside… Inside

Then I woke up at 3 a.m. I was sweating from fear, I at mediately wrote everything I saw in that dream.

Right now, It’s 7 a.m, I am copying what I wrote on my paper in this reply while traying to translate from Arabic to English.

I think that that dream pointed to something that I have never thought about before,
Inside, but I think I’m changed from inside
I am making peace with my addiction, I am satisfied with life, what could I need?

I found it!

After I woke up, I saw myself on the mirror and realized: is that me?
I looked so scared, I looked like an unconfident person.
After I looked to myself on the mirror, I at mediately remembered that man’s hand pointing at me, that mirror was pointing at me.

Inside doesn’t always mean satisfaction and how you take things, it’s how you take yourself, how you feel from inside about yourself.


Confidence is that missing thing that I was looking for, after a week of Nofap I lost it, I will try to analyze it; what confidence is, how to build It, how to remain confident, etc…

Next time I start Nofap, I will be confident, I will remain confident, if an urge comes say: Who do you think you are? You are not even alive? I should control you not the opposite! Bow down, I am the controller here, I am more powerful than you, I am more confident than you!

Today morning I went playing football :soccer: with some friends, on our way, we were talking about indians, yeh, indians.
Some of us said that they like them and some don’t.
So, we decided to play a football match to settle this :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
The problem is that those who liked them, they were less than 11 years old :flushed: ( my team )
While the others were more than 14 :roll_eyes:
They were like unstable, I was their guardian and their captain, the score was big for them ( 8 - 3 ) my team was so tired, It was then I decided to sacrifice my body for the ball and put my whole strength to catch it then I said to my team:
“What’s wrong with you guys? Come on!!
It is not over yet, there is still time, indians never give up, they always rise up to the challenge and never stop, even if it seems impossible!”
Then they told me: “how do you know that?”
Then I answered: "I know that cause I have Indian friends, they told me how to live: When life knocks you down, it’s on you to decide rather or not to get back up again, or to stay down.
We rised up, we played with our hearts and soles and we were moving together like our lives depended on it and after we made equality ( 8 - 8 ), they started harsh playing, they used their bodies to push the kids down, while for me, they ahooted the ball into my face on purpose.
But in the end, we won :trophy:
Yeeeeeeeh :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire: that’s what they get for messing with indians


that dream story definitely wanted to convey something to you :fire: , it might be god’s direct indication for you . Go ahead with confidence :fire:



Chat revived

Ants :ant:, those small creatures that we sometimes kill without paying attention, those fascinating creatures who work day and night. Did they stop?
they lived in the worst conditions, they lift more than the weight, they work in the heatest temperatures, and they never stop.

When winter comes after a long period of suffering, and after storing their food, they can enjoy their success cause after working hard day and night, they resolute their survival.

I want to be like those ants, yes like those creatures that we don’t pay attention to what they do, I want to start a new task list that I will never, ever ignore:

1_ Sleeping between 9 p.m - 10 p.m :last_quarter_moon_with_face::


my room is for sleeping only.
cleaning my room needs to be done in the morning.
never drink tea or cafe except in the morning.
exercising’s last time is less than 4,5 hours before sleeping.
dinner’s last time is less than 2 hours before sleeping.
drinking water’s last time is less than an hour before sleeping.
listening to music before sleeping and after waking up.
ventilating my room every morning.
No screen before an hour of sleeping.

2_ Drinking water :sweat_drops::


Drinking water must be done while sitting.
drinking water must be done slowly
no cold water
drink at the least 1 litre of water and less than 2.

3_ Prayer :place_of_worship::

No Rules (I think that the word praying is enough)

4_ Breathing :rose::


Breathing must be done outside.
Breathing must be done more than 5 minutes slowly.
Breathing must be done while my eyes closed ( Thanks for the advice samaranjay )

5_ Meditation :man_in_lotus_position:t2::


meditation must be done while looking to nature.
meditation must be done more than a half an hour a day.
meditation must be done without thinking of negative thoughts.
meditation must be done in the early morning.

6_ Exercising💪:


stretching exercises ( obliged every morning).
body building exercises ( obliged every morning).
plank exercises.
walking after dinner.
flexibility exercises.
No water exept before a half an hour of exercising and after exercising.

7_ Cold :snowflake: Shower :shower::

Rules: (I think that the word cold shower is enough)

10_ perfume :tulip: 3 times a day​:wink:

9_ Food :apple:


eat foods that contain protein, calcium, and vitamin ( in the morning ).
eat healthy food not junk food that has to contain some Carbohydrates with less sugar and salt and no sodas.
be as vegan as possible; eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day.
at night, don’t eat to much.
While you eat, don’t think about anything but food and try to think about it’s ingredients.
eat the food slowly.

10_ Play the piano :musical_keyboard::


Play the piano more than an hour.
play old pieces already learned and my compositions to not forget them.
practicing new pieces must be done slowly.

11_ reading :books: and dialogue what I learned with my grand-father :man_curly_haired:t2::man_white_haired:t2:.


Read news.
Read books.

12_ No video games, only brain games allowed.


less than an hour.

13_ daily diary :green_book::


( I think that the word diary is enough)

14_ Confidence actions :sunglasses:

15_ the stress management challenge :upside_down_face:

16_ study more than half an hour :man_teacher:t2:.

17_ Do at least 5 kind things to others :handshake:

18_ Screen time less than 2 hours :eye:

19_ Nofap :fire:

You know the rules.

20_ Satisfaction :innocent::


More than 75% :facepunch:t2:

God gives every bird it’s food but he doesn’t throw it into its nest.
I will rise up and fight like a man, I will make something happen, I will be the reason to start this new and epic journey.

day 1 :white_check_mark: / FOREVER


Appreciate your enthusiasm, but it’s not always accurate. There are both kind of people everywhere.


True body, true, but I 've seen this at many indians at most.
Of course there are many kinds of people who are strong and brave like you and me and many other people on earth.
I wish for you all an amazing day :sparkling_heart:


Yesterday July 25th 2022 / 1st day of the ultimate streak :arrow_double_up::

1_ Nofap / No PMO: :white_check_mark:

2_ Habits:

1_ Sleeping between 9 p.m - 10 p.m :first_quarter_moon_with_face:: :x:

2_ Drinking lots of water :sweat_drops: ::x:

3_ Prayer :place_of_worship: : :white_check_mark:

4_ Breathing :seedling:: :white_check_mark:

5_ Meditation :man_in_lotus_position:: :white_check_mark:

6_ Exercising :man_lifting_weights:: :white_check_mark:

7_ Cold :snowflake: Shower :shower:: :white_check_mark:

10_ perfume​:rose:3 times a day​: :white_check_mark:

9_ Healthy Food​:apple:: :white_check_mark:

10_ Play the piano :musical_keyboard: : :white_check_mark:

11_ reading :orange_book: and dialogue what I learned with my grand-father :man_curly_haired:t2::man_white_haired:t2:: :x:

12_ No video games, only brain games allowed: :white_check_mark:

13_ daily diary :writing_hand:: :white_check_mark:

14_ Confidence actions :sunglasses:: :white_check_mark:

15_ the stress management challenge: :x:

16_ study more than half an hour :man_teacher:: :x:

17_ Do at least 5 kind things to others: :white_check_mark:

18_ Screen time less than 2 hours: :white_check_mark:

19_ Satisfaction :innocent:: 72,22% :x: ( less than 75% )

I’m back guys, you have no idea what I’ve learned these last few days.
This time, this streak is going to be legendary :woman_climbing:.



Yesterday July 26th 2022 / 2nd day of the ultimate streak :arrow_double_up::

1_ Nofap / No PMO: :white_check_mark:

2_ Habits:

1_ Sleeping between 9 p.m - 10 p.m :first_quarter_moon_with_face:: :white_check_mark:

2_ Drinking lots of water :sweat_drops: ::white_check_mark:

3_ Prayer :place_of_worship: : :white_check_mark:

4_ Breathing :seedling:: :white_check_mark:

5_ Meditation :man_in_lotus_position:: :white_check_mark:

6_ Exercising :man_lifting_weights:: :white_check_mark:

7_ Cold :snowflake: Shower :shower:: :white_check_mark:

10_ perfume​:rose:3 times a day​: :white_check_mark:

9_ Healthy Food​:apple:: :white_check_mark:

10_ Play the piano :musical_keyboard: : :white_check_mark:

11_ reading :orange_book: and dialogue what I learned with my grand-father :man_curly_haired:t2::man_white_haired:t2:: :white_check_mark:

12_ No video games, only brain games allowed: :white_check_mark:

13_ daily diary :writing_hand:: :white_check_mark:

14_ Confidence actions :sunglasses:: :white_check_mark:

15_ the stress management challenge: :white_check_mark:

16_ study more than half an hour :man_teacher:: :white_check_mark:

17_ Do at least 5 kind things to others: :white_check_mark:

18_ Screen time less than 2 hours: :white_check_mark:

19_ Satisfaction :innocent:: 100%
:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::cloud_with_lightning::zap::trident::man_climbing:t2: yeeeeeees :muscle::sunglasses::fire:



