Master of Hard Mode

Okay, thank you for that.

@Pierretomas181 your last seen is about a month ago…seems like you have left this forum.

You have 10 days to respond, and if you did not respond within 10 days, you’ll be eliminated due to inactivity!

Elimination no.16 @udi

You were doing great, what led to your relapse brother…?

What about those who are inactive? @Martial_Beast

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Day 50 in my sights going to own it! Almost halfway there! Good luck and stay strong and awesome


@Pierretomas181 you are eliminated due to inactivity!

@DevH You are not updating your streak on the scoreboard. Your ‘last seen’ was about 20 days ago. Are you still with us?

Seems like you have left this forum.
You have 10 days to respond, and if you did not respond within 10 days, you’ll be eliminated due to inactivity!


:no_entry_sign:Eliminated due to inactivity!! @DevH

Day 60 here I come!!!

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Had a very weird nightfall last night. It induced a major urge last night just as it happend luckily I just did a cleanup and went back to sleep. Day 67 day 70 just outta reach but I’ll get there for sure no backing down!!


Last 5 days for you @Martial_Beast! Well done keep it going bro you are almost there!!

Last quarter for me! Getting excited to get there. With the minor bumps in the road, but can’t quit now!

Let’s go for the title!! Stay strong and awesome!


:tada::tada::tada: Congrats @Martial_Beast for reaching the title Master of hard mode. :medal_sports::medal_sports:.

What is the next thing you wanna achieve and also give some of our readers a bit of tips please?

All the best to you and our readers! :tada::tada::tada:

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13 days remaining for me to become a master


Wow just 5 days to go in a few min

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So this is weird I am now 20 days in but I honestly dont feel much change I feel like am doing something wrong :thinking: Even my energy ismt that great :thinking:

Hey @TheForeverChampion. That’s a very good statement and question you have made.

You ain’t doing something wrong unless you still watching porn or if you are doing edging.

Edging isn’t seen as a relapse, but it still affect the body as you are still technically f!^#&@ and in turn can hinder you rewiring of this habit and ultimately affect your progress.

However your probably also saying: " Yo Cubenix I ain’t into that stuff, but the progress is not showing."
Well remember everyone of our bodies are unique and handle stuff different. Some guys give hormones quicker of then others and have differences in rate of the body matabolise the hormones aswell.

Other contributors to this is your age, your diet and also how active you are (like doing exercises). Also if you suffer from stress and insufficient or no sleeping.
Also you might have low testosterone levels. Simptoms for this will be low libido, ed and low energy levels etc. I know there is probably more symptoms as it varriers from guys as well.

Also, PIED is also a factor so easy cure is to stop porn and abstain and it will fix it.

Now you thinking the fix you gave meit should work right? Absolutely it will work, but it takes time. Think of it this way if you scrape yourself it bleeds, forms a scab and then it heals completely after a couple of days . And the deeper the scare or cut the longer it takes.

The same with this the longer you continue with the porn and the fapping( it is how deep your cut will be) and the abstaince will be your heal time and it might take a month or 2 or 3 for you to start effectively feel the difference and like I said some guys heal quicker than others.

Just don’t give up based on no results I can also compere this to going to the gym. After your first session at the gym you don’t immediately after your session like your biscep suddenly grew a 1/4inch. You see a gradual growth with every session.

The advice I can give you is. Change your diet to be a healthy and balanced one. Make sure you ingest enough Vitamins and minerals.
If you feel like you think you Testosterone levels are low or you might have ED consult your doctor so that you can receive the proper treatment.
Also try out some bodyweight workouts at home you can go to the gym as well, but if you do bodyweight exercises you lower your costs and might be more motivated. Plus there is loads of drills and tutorials on Youtube for some handy cheap and effective gym equipment.

So please stay focused, strong and awesome keep it going!!

DISCLAIMER : I am not a medical doctor and also not a dietitian. Consult them if you are ever unsure of your health.