DC League
Match 160 from: 14.07.21 7 AM to: 19.07.21 6:59 AM
Joker (@ali4th) vs Deathstroke (@Robin869)
is Speed enough?
Role Model vs Aspirant!!!
okay pops!!!
Never meeting worlds!
Daily Check-in
Match no 148 Darkseid vs Jonah Hex (Jonah Hex)
Match no 149 John Constantine vs Captain Atom (TIE)
Match no 158 Green Lantern vs The Brain (The Brain)
We’ve lost so much already that by trying once more, we have ntg to lose! Fight!!!
Quite a match!
cant guess!!!
Match no 140 Thanos vs Loki (Loki)
Match no 141 Spiderman vs Groot (TIE)
Match no 142 Professor X vs Shang Chi (TIE)
Match no 144 Wolverine vs MODOK (TIE)
Good fights…
alright then… gotta go, all the best buddies!
Will do scoreboards of both sides later in the day!!
Adios now…take care guys…