Marvel vs DC: Contest of Champions, Season 1 (Challenge Over)

Your efforts are not unappreciated man. Kudos to you for taking the time and managing this so well. :+1:


The song for our forum members always listen in weak moment and tell how you feel. TheFatRat - Rise Up (Lyrics) - YouTube

Also remember to remove brainwashing and then remove all porn blockers as I did

You will think why , what if I’ll relapse and then I’ll say that’s because it will show your determination towards yourself. I deleted blockers today because despite of blockers there is always way to watch porn then what’s the point

Be sure the time you watch porn will be your last time . I found that in easy peasy book and YBOP and you should be dependent on yourself not on blockers.

Make sure meditate last time before you watch and observe the feeling.

Those who are on streak more than 21 days make sure that you stop counting and start involving good habits. If you still feel the urge. Know that why you left it otherwise read the book mentioned ( No promotion) . Just a care towards you guys.



Daily checkin Antivenom :white_check_mark:

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@ysub Ok with this relapse i am all down from 75 to 0

I just wanna say sorry to myself for letting myself down everytime and to those who helped me till date …

After all these relapse since i joined the forum the one thing about which i am 110% sure , the most important thing while doing nofap is stay busy in something be it studies , your hobby , anything what you do .
Don’t waste your time . The moment u sit idle , alone with no work , the first thought that comes to ur mind is to peek and the chances are very less u will survive until and unless u don’t divert ur mind …

This NOFAP thing is hard , it’s not easy if it were easy everyone would have done that . And that’s not the case in present time . But but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be achieved . Many have conquered and destroyed their addiction and if they can so we can…

Take pride in yourself , Be proud of yourself for doing a thing that’s not easy . The thing in which majority of the population is trapped and they don’t even realise that this is a trap and they are gaining nothing by it , rather they are just losing what they already have, making their life more miserable . Feel happy about the thought that atleast you are not among them and is doing his best to come out of this shit and u will come out of it …just the thing is u are distracted from ur life goals, u are not giving ur best effort to achieve ur life goals , stay busy in fulfilling your dreams , NOFAP will follow alongside it

That’s it … signing out
Kanu :v:


Thats a great song :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

But regarding that wild adventure u suggested :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: I’m not sure it’s a good thing to do…

True That blockers won’t filter 100 percentage filth!! But they r doing it by atleast 50 percentage… And that ain’t a joke brother…

Eventually, what we see, we think, what we think, we do!

Not starting an argument here… Just my views… :+1:


Yo @kanu u just figured it out how to do it man… U were so repetitive back then… Look at you now… U understood how to maintain long streaks and most importantly u figured out how to restart if u relapse!!

I wonder if i can be half of u if i relapse again!! U r my motivation brother…

And yes… U r ready for another again… U already started ur next journey n that im sure…
Just keep doing what u were doing all these days… Trust in urself… Pray to God and keep going…


Daily Check-in Wolverine.


Daily check in :white_check_mark:


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:fire: U are much much more than it bro … :muscle::fire:

and thnx for ur words brother :boom::v:

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@ysub Bro i am taking my name back from all the challenges except the study challenge …sorry for that but as my exam is near i have to limit my mobile and rc usage …and thnx for the challenge and your efforts :v::fire:

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Man streaks is not the case. You have some left brainwashing in your mind bro the physical withdrawal are gone within 7 days. (The panic or something to do) feeling.

I want that even if we are relaxing we should think that wow what a journey we have came through. But we think that something is missing. That’s why you relapsed after so much long time. Because in your heart you are still considering that you have done a sacrifice but that’s not the case. We escape from bad things we don’t sacrifice them. And thank god for that

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Ok @kanu no problem… But since u came so far, a suggestion-
Keep updating counter in app… Rest ill take care. At the month end check where u r…what do u think?
I think thats best… but its upto u.

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If u dont reply by 13/7/21 11:59 pm ill consider u r out. Take care… Do well in ur exams

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Marvel League

Results (10.07.2021) :

Match no 123 Thanos vs Shang Chi (TIE)
Match no 125 Spiderman vs One Above All (TIE)
Match no 127 Venom vs Loki (Loki)
Match no 130 Professor X vs Black Panther (Black Panther)
Match no 132 Groot vs Wolverine (Wolverine)
Match no 134 MODOK vs The Punisher (MODOK)

Keep fighting guys…not the right time to give up…


DC League

Results (10.07.2021) :

Match no 132 Batman vs Robin (TIE)
Match no 135 Darkseid vs Captain Atom (Captain Atom)
Match no 136 Black Adam vs Jonah Hex (Jonah Hex)
Match no 144 John Constantine vs Green Lantern (John Constantine)
Match no 145 Shazam vs Red Death (Shazam)

“there is no shame in accepting mistake/defeat…its very shameful when u dont start rectifying it/when u give up in middle”…take these words to heart guys…forget about streaks and everything…start fresh from this moment…commit urself…and start fighting…dont give in dont give up…


Marvel League

New Matches from: 10.07.21 7 AM to 15.07.21 6:59 AM

Match no 140 Thanos (@rewire_user) vs Loki (@GOVIND-19)

Match no 141 Spiderman (@loser12) vs Groot (@Yash21)

Match no 142 Professor X (@anon65589122) vs Shang Chi (@Sikandarr)

Match no 143 Black Panther(@WalKir) vs Venom (@Dean_Ambrose)

Match no 144 Wolverine (@HealingSpade) vs MODOK (the occupied character)

All the best guys.


Marvel League

New Matches from: 10.07.21 7 AM to 15.07.21 6:59 AM

Match no 145 One Above All (@NOTTODAYRITIK) vs The Punisher (@Skx009)



Lol… I’m relapsing just before the end of the battles .
@ysub did you see that ? It’s just like a pattern.

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DC League

New Matches from: 10.07.21 7 AM to 15.07.21 6:59 AM

Match no 146 Batman (@Strong_one) vs Black Adam (@Hradheya)

Match no 147 Shazam (@masterofemotions) vs Green Lantern (@VARAD)

Match no 148 Darkseid (@ayushbantaiji) vs Jonah Hex (@TheJedinator13)

Match no 149 John Constantine (@Winter_Soldier) vs Captain Atom (@Undefeated1234)

Match no 150 Robin (@read) vs Red Death (@AtrocitusXL)

keep fighting guys…i want to see all these matches as TIE…enough is enough…commit urselves to make these matches TIE…come on boys…