Hello everyone, I have decided that it was time to share my Journey, so that I can grow from other and other can grow from/with me.
Here’s my story : I am 27, I live in France(French) I have been addicted to PMO since I was 16. I was/am suffering from social anxiety/shyness and I have taken many different approch to overcome this.
I met a few profesionnal coaches and psychologs to help me be more happy and enthusiasm in life.
After many failed attempt with coaches, I finally met one who told me about a community that stopped watching porn and masturbation, he told me that they felt a regain in self confidence, many improvement in their lifes.
I was shocked and dubious, but decided to give it a try, I went on a few forum and was amazed by the success story written, it was very inspiring.
I said ok let;'s stop and see(it was three years ago).
The next day, when I went to school, I was looking at the sky and I never saw it looking that beautiful, then I stepped in the classroom, and I began talking, my voiced had changed, my ex-girlfriend in the class began to gaze at me with such an expression I had never see in a woman’s eyes.
Then I went back home, and on my way I encountered another girl of my class, we began talking and when I said “can I ask you somehting?” she began to smile and make sort of a little feminine dance lol, it was very Strange because it was the first in my life that girl were reacting that way.
The next day, I went in class, my voiced was even stronger, there was a debate and the people in my “team” decied that I should be the leader representating them. So I talked and at the end, my ex-grilfriend(she was my ex at that time) said “escuse me can you repeat” and when I repeated she said “oh my god you are so funny” the teacher said why do you want him to repeat, he said it so good (pronouciation, it was an English class)
I was amazed,
Then I had to give a speech in front of my class in the afternoon, almost every girl in the class was smilling and looking at me, that’s nice lol.
Then one girl watched my lips when we were close lol.
Then I went back home, and another girl went to me, asking what time it was, when clearly she didn’t gave a damn about my answer and was looking at me very intensively and close to me lol.
All of that in just two days, voiced changed, demanour changed, girl attraction, confidence changed.
that’s the first time in my life that I said to myself “ok I am not so shy afterall” and I was looking at life very excited.
Then the next day I crashed, brainfog, and everything, I was a zombie, and my body was crashing lol.
Then 3 years from now, I have never experienced those benefits again.
My record is 180 days without PMO.
I am going to write often here, a couples time a week.