Love your Life,

Hello Everyone,
Love your Life is an initiative which helps people quit porn, quit Masturbation and change their lives.
There are multiple packages and plans with money back guarantee.
Single day - Rs 500
10 day plan - Rs 3000
21 day plan - Rs 4000
45 day plan - Rs 4500

The package includes one to one counselling, 24 * 7 support, regularly follow up, accountability, yoga, meditation, excercize, workout, meal plan, hypnotherapy, basic tools, systematic procedures, daily guidelines, routine chart, activities, task, motivation, goal setting, time management, swot analysis and lots and lots more with gifts and items.

Please call 090253 06175 for more details.
Email - [email protected]

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Rulebreaker spotted ^

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Dear Sir,
Rules are not been broken nor violated. Please check the rules.
This message is meant to help people quit Masturbation, Quit Porn and start a new life.
If you dont agree or don’t want to help people it’s your problem but please don’t misguide others with wrong comments.


I do believe that this is not the right place for marketing.
we are a community which helps each other.
Or goal is that everyone is free of this addiction and reaching this goal alone should be reward enough.