Looking for partner interested in cognition,performance and health

In soft mode (married)
Sharing code - 34f9c9

Current streak - 1 day
Highest streak - 30 days
Age - 28
Gender - M
Location - canada

Why I want a companion - I have been on and off of Nofap since 2012.

I would like to talk to other people interested in mental performance, and health, both physical and mental. I am studying for the LSAT to go to law school. I enjoy lifting weights and I eat a low carb diet.

I have been on and off nofap, and I hope to finally looking to stop.
If any of this is of interest to you, send me a message. Let’s slay this beast!

Hi I am new. I have done no fap before and back again after 8 months.

M -24
My code- 8cf93e

Hi I’m 20
Have been struggling with pmo for the last 13 years
My longest streak is 44 days
My current streak is 29 days
My sharing code is 8a0643
Definitely looking for active partners who can help each other and hold each other accountable

Hi looking for some friends to overcome this with.

Highest streak 7 days
Current streak 1 day

Here’s my code 81c01d

In need of companions too!

Streak: 10 days
Current Streak: 2 days

Code: ccc83d

soft mode - single

Current 0
Longest 40

On and off since 2009
Locarb diet while intermittent fasting
Calisthenics daily full body
Starting nootropic regiment in 7 days
daily penis enhancement

CST time zone
Work 14 hrs per day 6 days a week

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