Let's stop watching porn together

Don’t think about any streak. Just let days pass. Focus completely on whatever work you are doing now. I use evernote to write my schedules before sleep . Just right a schedule on hour by hour basis already so that in the whole day you won’t feel that you are free.

I have to study.I keep on studying and I only sleep for 4 hrs so I can get more time for my studies. But shitty porn just destroyed my focus and I cant even focus for 1 hr properly without imagining those videos. But I wont give up.

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Wa alikom el salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakato,
First of all, congratulations my brother for choosing to live the celibate life of virtue.
Secondly, it will be my pleasure to help you with all what i can do from advice, support, prayers or by sharing my experience with you.
So send me your telegram name and lets keep in touch.

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That is great and thanks very much. I appreciate that.

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I hope everyone had a great day

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Yes I feel much better today


Damn almost relapsed but I stopped myself


Yo feel the same man. Eventually started watching trans porn too although I dont really consider myself bi or gay really. I just couldnt stop but think, that all the girls in porn seemed too fake and are not really enjoying it, which was a downturn. Well, since this thought applied itself onto real life while I was trying to have sex, I really struggled to get it up… Im sick of this though, so Im with you on giving up porn already bro


Am 26 and i am back on the fight its all a generational thing most of us started at early stages i got pron magazines as very young man, and then i would finally watch it when i was 15 i was sitting in my bed watching this movie about surfers and then there is this one guy who strangles himself with a belt and start wacking off, let me remind you i am 15 and i don’t even know if that even was possible, i was grossed out and the devil whispered and i mimicked what the actor just did on the screen and for the first time in my life i ejaculated, obviously the first time feels as if you discovered your sexuality, but truly i didn’t know what i was getting myself into this was me entering the abyss, when my family left i went to the living and searched that nonsense up, i remember clearly feeling a sense of innocence leaving and cold creeping in, i knew i did something wrong, but i kept going. Looking back i wish my future self could travel and warn me about what i was going to put myself into, but i am here now after having had a long successful streak i let my ego take over me and i relapse biggest regret of my life it was pure arrogance that made me relapse, i should have either turned my device off or take a shower, but i have learned a lesson from that failure and that is to put aside my ego on this journey.

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Great thats amazing! Every time you resist your mind gets stronger.


Well I’m only 15 I started watching porn at 13

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Hey man i have started watching porn videos and masturbation 6 years ago . I want to stop both for my future life . I dont know this is the way of participating the challenge

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Samething has happened to me also.
When I was 12 an elder shown me this video whom I respected the most but now i’m 15 I can’t get over through it. Because of that person I have now got this addition. It feels really terrible. I want to win over porn.


day ⁴ and going strong

It’s the dopamine rush watching new things that’s all. I am just surprised how quickly your mind start getting twisted as you watch. Of course everyone need to be mindful every seconds so that they can just shut the door whenever those images start coming into mind.

Hope everyone had a great day. Maybe busy but not giving up to negative things

Stop that friendship and say no if he comes back

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I’m sorry. I feel like a total idiot. I fapped 2 times yesterday. I regret it today. But the the thing which scared me most was that I did not regret it, I felt that I should stop no fap and continue watching porn for the rest of my life. After that I fapped again at night, I did not feel bad at all, I even forgot that I had an exam today and I had not finished studying. Then what I did was that I went to my bedroom to sleep, I did not have the will power to study and i did not think much about it. Just when I thought that Porn had taken over my body and mind. I thought about my future, I keep reading these past stories of people who ended up being not what they wanted to be in this app, I thought about what I would become in the future I know I have so much potential and I dont want to be a failure. Then the feeling of regret came, I went to my PC and put up blockers for stopping porn and went to sleep. I Dont want to think like that again ever in my whole life. That is why I wont ever stop no fap. Thank you for reading my post.


Consider yourself lucky, you have the answer already at such young age, i started when i was 15 or 16 back in 2011 when almost no one kne2 about nofap i struggled alot, you don’t have to take care, learn a new skill or do something you truly love

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I’m on day 8 and going strong guys… let’s keep walking there’s light at the end of the tunnel