Last Person Standing Match 4.0

Scoreboard L.P.S 4.0

List of Remaining Players

  1. Martial_Beast
    Age - 21
    Gender - M
    Country - :india:
    Highest Streak - 90
    Current Streak - 90
    Sharing code - xatx66
    Dream - To do M.Sc from a govt. college/university
    Action Plan - 3+ hours study daily
    Tasks: Meditation 7/7, Daily Check-in 7/7, Affirmations 7/7, Study 7/7
    Points :- 130 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 50 (for crossing highest streak) + 100 + 130 + 100 + 100 +100 + 100 + 100 + 130 = 1440
    13/13 weeks completed

  2. 17ripu.jhala/ Rjhala
    Age - 22
    Gender - M
    Country - :india:
    Highest Streak - 200
    Current Streak - 200
    Sharing code - 4fcb57
    Dream: To become a RAS and complete my Bsc
    Action Plan- Study 3 hours daily
    Tasks: Meditation 0, Daily Check-in 0, Affirmation 0

  3. Tuku
    Age - 22
    Gender - M
    Country - :india:
    Highest Streak - current
    Current Streak - 104
    Sharing code - ve1hew
    Dream - To become a filmmaker
    Action Plan - To complete my unfinished scripts
    Tasks: Meditation, Daily Check-in, Affirmation , Writing
    Points 1390