Last Person Standing Match 3.0

The Last Person Standing Match 3.0

I welcome everyone to the third version of Last Person Standing Match. This match has helped a lot of people in getting serious about nofap and achieve a significant amount of success. From the last two versions, we have learnt a lot, and this version aims to make this match even better by adding a habit tracker. The importance of habits can not be over-emphasised. They are the key to a successful nofap journey.

Having said this, I mention the rules we have already discussed in the thread:


  1. Entry deadline is first week. No new participant will be entertained after week 1.
  2. Duration of match is 3 months. Hence the match would end on 13th November, 2019.
  3. Participants will get eliminated upon first relapse.

Scoring Rules:

  1. 100 points for every week on nofap.
  2. 50 points once someone crosses his highest streak.
  3. Every participant should take up at least 3 tasks from the list of tasks. 30 points will be given when someone completes at least 2/3 tasks on at least 6 days of the week.
  4. Every 4th week the participants should take up one additional task. Then they should do at least (all tasks - 1) on at least 6 days of the week to get 30 points.
  5. Tasks have been divided into mandatory tasks and elective tasks.
  6. Participants should share their improvement stories weekly once , this would motivate everyone else.

Task Rules:

Participants must do the below mentioned 3 mandatory tasks in first 3 weeks.
From the fourth week they can select one additional task from the tasks list.

Mandatory Tasks:

These are the tasks which must be done by everyone. These are aimed at brainwashing the subconscious mind against PMO and making everyone obsessed with the goals that matter.

  1. Meditation : For the beginners 5-10 minutes meditation once a day is good enough.
  2. Affirmations : Maintain a journal and write (One-time activity) :
    a. why you are doing nofap ?
    b. how has it harmed you ?
    Read these answers daily.

First thing in the morning write (Daily activity):
a. what you want to achieve in life ?
b. why is it so important ?
In the night before going to sleep:
Read the journal again and introspect how aligned are you actions with your goals.

  1. Track your progress daily and check in rewire app with a summary.

Elective Tasks:

  1. Fixing the sleep schedule
  2. Cold Shower
  3. Yoga
  4. Workout
  5. Facing Your Fears Like Social Anxiety / Socialize /Talk to one new person
  6. Studying hard for your Goals.
  7. Going Outside Daily.
  8. Quitting other addictions.
  9. Worshipping or any spiritual practice
  10. Reading few pages of a good book daily
  11. Practising gratitude / Giving back to society / Social work
  12. Spending quality time with your family
  13. Creative recreation (dancing, singing, playing an instrument)
  14. Cooking

To address any confusion about tasks:

First three weeks:
3 mandatory tasks - meditation, affirmation, daily check in

From fourth week:
3 mandatory tasks + 1 new task from list of elective tasks

I encourage everyone to use the below telegram group for daily check - in.
If you have any concerns related to privacy. Please Google about privacy settings in telegram. With proper settings none can see yout contact details.
If you still have any privacy concerns then you can continue checking in here itself.

Daily check in telegram group


Add yourself in the following format:

Age -
Gender -
Country -
Highest Streak -
Sharing code -
Tasks: Meditation 0, Daily Check-in 0, Affirmation 0

Mandatory tasks are mentioned and the count of days is mentioned adjacent to that.
The count will be reset to 0 every week.



  1. Redemption84
    Age - 35
    Gender - Male
    Country - :brazil:
    Highest Streak - 250
    Current Streak - 250
    Sharing code - tatgsw
    Tasks: Meditation 0, Daily Check-in 0, Affirmations 0
    Total Points - 130*13+50 = 1740

  2. 17ripu.jhala/ Rpjhala
    Age - 21
    Gender - Male
    Country - :india:
    Highest Streak - 131
    Current Streak - 96
    Sharing code - 4fcb57
    Tasks: Meditation 0, Daily Check-in 0, Affirmation 0
    Points : 130*12+50 - 90 = 1520
    ( - 90 Points because I couldn’t check in 2 times and meditation on regular basis due to late night work )

  3. MrXYZ
    Gender - male
    Country - :india:
    Highest streak - 169 days
    Current Streak- 122 days
    Sharing code - 7b48bd
    Tasks: Meditation 0, Daily Check-in 0, Affirmation 0
    Points: 100+30+130+130=390

:x:sourabh (sp9923)
:x:Boris Kw


week1 winners:
_KarmaYogi , MrXYZ aapoorv75 Redemption84 Alegend Sahas 17ripu.jhala sikandar2907, romanmuni8 , Martial_Beast

week2 winners:
KarmaYogi , MrXYZ aapoorv75 Redemption84 Alegend Sahas 17ripu.jhala romanmuni8 Winicius Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude

week3 winners:
Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude Alegend 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 Winicius romanmuni8 aapoorv75

week4 winners:
MrXYZ Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude Alegend 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 Winicius romanmuni8 aapoorv75 Tushard964

week5 winners:
MrXYZ Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude Alegend 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 Winicius romanmuni8 aapoorv75 Tushard964

week6 winners:
MrXYZ Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude Alegend 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 Winicius aapoorv75 Tushard964

week7 winners:
MrXYZ Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude Alegend 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 Winicius aapoorv75 Tushard964

week7 winners:
MrXYZ Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude Alegend 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 Winicius aapoorv75 Tushard964

week8 winners:
MrXYZ Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude Alegend 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 aapoorv75 Tushard964

week9 winners:
MrXYZ Invincible_Knight KillerAttitude Alegend 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 aapoorv75 Tushard964

week10 winners:
MrXYZ KillerAttitude 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 aapoorv75 Tushard964

week11 winners:
MrXYZ 17ripu.jhala Redemption84 Tushard964

week12 winners:
MrXYZ 17ripu.jhala Redemption84





Im in. Lets rock the party like its 1999. :smile:


I want to participate. I was a part of Last Man Standing and it worked very well for me. I have a feeling this will too


You are welcome Apoorv, glad to have you onboard :slight_smile:

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Can I participate ? I wanted to participate in the previous one but I was a bit too late.

Age - 22
Gender - Male
Country - :earth_asia:
Highest Streak - 300+ days
Sharing code - vvmh9j

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add yourself in scoreboard (page2). before that go through page1.

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Please add current streak line. It is very important.

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Thanks somehow got missed.will add shortly

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Hey @_KarmaYogi i want to participate in this match. Please add me…

Age : 18
Current streak : 0
Highest streak : 29
Sharing code : qu235a

I can’t add myself because i am a new user.

@anon98741803 you should be here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey @_KarmaYogi i added myself to the scoreboard @:slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry folks, I was down with fever. Just lying on bed from last three days. Hence, couldnt respond


Please join this group for daily check ins

You fine now man? . .

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I am very excited about the match, waiting for 13th August :hugs:


Grower code k7jzw2 India add me plz

#Last Person Standing 3.0

