KarmaYogi's Last Battle

How did you come to know about it before bro? Did you learn it from any GURU?

no…from a temple near by

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note to self, copied

NO Kegal exercise = NO Benefits

so its been quite a while that ive been doing my researches on Semen retention to better my nofap journey and i came across this topic of pelvic floor exercise or “Ashwini Mudra” exercise which was intresting to Search about

before That we need a solid background of how semen is created and how it leads to sexual urges and after that how this exercise can benefit us to reduce the sexual urge and make the benefits of SR 10x faster

food transforms into juice, blood, tissue, fat, bone, marrow and vital fluid in the cerebrospinal area. Till the age of physical maturity, the vital fluid remains in the cerebrospinal area. After the maturity, a small quantum descends from the brain into the sexual gland. The pressure of excretion of the fluid from the reproductive gland leads to sexual urge.
The descended sexual energy can be transmuted into spiritual energy back into the cerebrospinal area through Kaya Ashwini Mudra Exercise. Aswini Mudra helps to filter the vital fluid from the seminal fluid through centrifugal force.

Aswini Mudra exercise involves contracting and relaxing the anus muscle and hence activates the perinium muscles which then helps to filter the vital fluid. Ojas Breathing of the Kayakalpa Yoga exercise involves a simple breathing technique that recirculates the vital fluid back into the brain. It helps to transmute the sexual energy into spiritual energy.

so what is Ashwini Mudra and why is it Important implement this exercise into your DAILY ROUTINE?

Mudra is a Sanskrit word, meaning “gesture“. According to this, Ashwini mudra refers to the “horse gesture“.

Meaning this pose is derived from the lifestyle of the horse to get a horse-like agility, strength and energy. Horse is an indicator of power, so the horsepower unit of the battery consumed is also placed horsepower and horse power is also talked about in sexual enhancement advertisements, not any other animals, horse is always on his feet it never lays down like other animals and thats becuse of its pelvic floor muscle power

The horse only sits 4-5 times in its entire life, despite that it always travels long distances with agile, very heavy luggage.

The main goal of this Mudra is to bring in horse-like qualities even in humans.

this exercise was used to awaken the Kundalini, make semen upward, spiritual energy, work-energy, and store it But slowly, in addition to its spiritual benefits, many benefits related to physical life also emerged. Due to its simplicity, countless advantages, and the global expansion of yoga, Ashwini mudra spread. And today this mudra has taken a very popular form in the world of yoga.

How to do Ashwini Mudra

  • This mudra should be done on an empty stomach.

set like this “pay attention to hand position” as you breath in, contract the anus area and draw the energy up , hold both your breath and your contracting for 15s,then release and repeat this for 10 rounds “you can hold your breath longer if you feel like you can” and you can later increase rounds

1.Therapeutic Benefits

  • Reproduction of both men and women, all serious and common problems related to the bladder like dreaming, thinning of semen, premature ejaculation, loosening of the penis, bleeding with urination, excessive sexual urination, painful irregularity of women, loosening of vagina, Cures impotence, sterility, etc.
  • Ashwini mudra also helps in curing old piles. But, continue your medicines with this Mudra.
  • Ashwini mudra helps in getting rid of constipation.
  • It also helps in treating stomach problems like indigestion, food rot in the intestines, disturbance of the digestion, pressure for stool immediately after eating, frequent urination, etc.
  • Increases immunity. Improves quality of life.
  • Regular practice of this mudra brings a lot of energy, agility, and strength to the seeker of any age.
  • Regularizing this mudra helps in keeping a good grip on emotions.
  • This increases the brightness of the face and also improves Aura.
  • Also cures the disease prostate.

2.Spiritual Benefits

  • Ashwini mudra helps in awakening the Kundalini, Extending the longevity of sex by increasing sexual pleasure, and helping to increase sex energy(1).
  • Ashwini mudra also helps in increasing intelligence, understanding, and self-confidence.
  • This mudra helps yogis to maintain celibacy.

Edit:I’m sorry that the topic was kinda caringy, but for me before these exercises I could not feel the benefits of semen retention,Nothing but after doing these exercises I began to feel more uplifted more shining more awareness which felt good and I told to my self so if anyone isn’t getting benefits maybe they’re not using the technique ,so choose this title to be like a hope for those who are wandering why they are not getting any benefits


#note to self

A Beautiful emotional SP success story ( along with lots of money, WeightLoss, Job promotion)


This is going to be a lengthy post… Please read it till the end to know everything about manifestation and how it works… I am going to share my story, how i manifested him, what happened in 3D, how i balanced my emotions throughout the journey…I want to tell my story in detail because there are lot many people like me who are doing the same mistake like i did and are suffering…So, I hope, you all will start doing the work after reading this post…This has been a very emotional journey. Before we proceed, let me tell you all one thing…Time ( Human created concept), Limits ( Human created concept). So, its all in your mind and no where…CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS/MIND/STORY, CHANGE YOUR LIFE…So, here we go.

OLD STORY: My Sp was madly in love with me but with my insecurities, doubts and negative thoughts, I pushed him away and we broke up on March 15th 2020. He said he dont want me in his life and he removed me from his friend list and we were completely in No Contact. He literally said all the worst things and had nothing I MEAN NOTHING to do with me. 3 months straight i cried day and night, had health issues, went into depression, stayed away from all my friends, i was isolated in my home completely due to lockdown and had no contact with anyone…I felt like I am loser, no one will ever love me again, I hated human beings and stopped talking to everyone…Before all this my self concept was perfect and I was a very confident girl…But after all this, my self concept went to ZERO…I wanted him so badly but did not know how to get him back. Was into law of attraction for almost 3 months which made my situation more worse…I tried all the stupid techniques to get him back but nothing worked out.

HOW IT ALL STARTED? : I started learning about Law of assumption during June 2020 and wanted to give it a try with zero hope and belief. On July 3rd, I decided to manifest a text from him first before july 31st and I did my first SATS on July 3rd 2020. On July 7th he sent me friend request on Facebook…I was shocked. I did not accept his friend request and wanted to test more. 2 days later, he removed his request. As it worked first time, i wasnt scared anymore. I continued to imagine night after night and on July 31st, he sent me friend request again and texted me on whatsapp ( Manifested within timeframe and SATS worked). Though it was not friend ship day, he texted me " Happy Friendship day". I ignored because I wanted him to talk to me about our marriage. As I did not reply, he blocked me straight for 2 months which made me feel low… I was not aware of Mental diet, affirmations and all…Just SATS…Then i started reading more and watching other coaches and i did not know what to do apart from SATS to speed up my manifestation and to avoid negative thoughts… I wanted to imagine marriage directly but something inside me did not believe that it will happen and i wanted to take it step by step. I continued SATS and imagined a text from him here and there and later found that on October 8th 2020, he unblocked me. I was not consistent at all and in November 2020, i learned about affirmations and mental diet and it all clicked for me…Thats when i came to know that my thoughts are the main thing which is creating my reality…So, From December 1 st, i decided to get strict and affirm but somehow i was on strict mental diet from December 6th. His bday is on Dec 18th and I wanted to wish him but i wanted him to text first. I affirmed all day every day straight for 3 days and on December 11th, he texted me saying he lost my number. :joy: I can see his whatsapp status and all which means he already has my contact number(Manifested within timeframe and affirmations worked). Thats when i came to know that there will be movement behind the scenes always. Everytime you affirm/ focus on new story and persist, their thinking and behaviour will start changing. He was finding ways to talk to me. I created some boundaries and just replied him once and cut the contact. Now i started manifesting relationship but was not at all on strict mental diet again because my belief system was not strong enough ( I still did not believe that we wil be together ever again so because of that , i wasnt able to persist. You should give that surety to yourself that it will work one day…Remember why you started and how will you feel the day it manifested…Remember these two things and push yourself) . I decided to manifest a text again in February before valentines day and affirmed straight for 4 days from February 6th and he contacted me again on Feb 12th ( Manifested within time frame)and we went into No contact again…Here every time he contacted me, we just had 2-3 replies conversation and stopped( So here, what we should understand is, Its us who is hesitating to persist…If we persist, it will definitely showup) …I was so tired of all this and i decided to work on my self…I created a concept of my self where he cant live without me…I relaxed one whole month doing nothing but had a knowing that he will come back…Whenever, i thought about him, i imagined who i am in that story and relaxed… He came back on March 26th and since then we were in constant contact for 20 days and he started saying he loves me but he wants to be in living relationship with me and dont want to marry any girl, even me…( Mind you, he is a very stubborn guy and once he decides something, he will stick to it)…Hearing that, my mental diet was disturbed and I entertained negative thoughts as if they are treasure of treasures…I accept it was all my mistake…Then he contacted once in a week and once in two weeks and kept saying the same thing…He started praising other girls due to my insecurities which made me dwell on negative things…But I revised and said I am the only girl he has ever wanted and he acted as if nothing happened and said I am the only one he wants to be with( Revision worked) …We met on June 10th 2021 after a year and the moment i saw him, i cried and he did not react much…I felt so bad that he was not emotionally available and dwelled in that for almost 15 days. Through out this journey, I cried every time he contacted and went into no contact because it made me miss him more and i couldnt control my emotions…I Cried, had very bad days, had wavering self concept, worst days etc etc…But never took first step to contact him because thats not what i wanted… FINALLY, on June 26th 2021, I decided enough is enough. Like Literally E.N.O.U.G.H. … I asked what i want? MARRIAGE ( No more texts, relations, specific things etc) I WANT MARRIAGE, THATS IT. Created a scene where me and my SP were holding hands and standing on terrace as wife and husband looking at the world…Who am I in the story? A person with whom he is madly in love with and I am his wife. How i did this? Used telephone technique. Heard him saying Love you love you love you…I cant live with out you. You are mine. You are my wife now…You are my girl…Heard all the lovely things from him and ONLY lovely things…It was little hard but not more than the pain which ive gone through out one year… On July 1st 2021, he called me and I thought he will again say shitty things but that was not my dominent thought…As I was on strict mental diet for 5 days, i also believed that he can talk about our marriage and I answered the call. AGH, Finally he said, I WILL MARRY YOU AND SAID ALL THE LOVELY THINGS.

What did you understand from the above story? Half assing work gives half assing results. You can have bad days but still you will get what you want if you persist…THOUGHTS–> IF PERSISTED, CREATES FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. If you are crying about something, you have persisted in that negative story enough… No matter what, if you decide you want something, stick to it. Even on June 26,2021 i did not believe that he will marry me but my work made me believe slowly. Understand how human brain works. Everything you believe now is once you repeated even if it was not true. By repeation I dont mean to repeat mindlessly. I will help you with it in techniques part. Thank you for making it till here and please continue reading this.

TIPS : Before I give you all the tips, let me tell you all that I tried out each and every technique and every time, I learned more about this law. Every day was a learning for me and finally I am acing in manifestation now. So, Dont be a hearer, be the doer…Always test the law. Always always always. So, here are my tips.

  1. First of all, you need to calm down everything thats happening in your mind right now, yes this second and beat the thought that " You create your reality" into ua head. How will you know that you create your reality? When you test it on random simple things and every person you meet, you will know , you are creating your reality. Whenever you want to ask some question, stop yourself then abd there and give yourself the answer…For example, many times, I wanted to ask, why is it not working even if im persisting…Something inside me said, “you are not persisiting…you are half assing…” You have all the answers within you…You know the answer better than anyone else…
  2. Step into the power…Know that you are the GOD. By GOD, I mean the one which we heard since childhood. The most powerful one, who can create anything instantly, who always gets everything, who is very powerful, who is unstoppable, will never take a no for an answer. The god which our parents taught us…Now you know you are that GOD. Now step into that power. When fears, doubts creep in, remind yourself of your power and how powerful you are.
  3. Persistence. This is where so many will quit and then comeback to starting point like i did. Decide what you want and i truly believe that your godself knows how much time it takes. If you feel manifesting some money takes one month, then give yourself that time frame and stay commited till that date…Even if you dont get it by then, keep persisting. It will and should come to you. It has no other choice.
  4. For me personally, I manifested money , weightloss, SP( several times), Job promotion and it all took from 3 days to one month and not more than that. Everytime, i felt low, bad, I jumped right into Neville lectures and i used to listen/ read his lectures which gave so much stength to my heart…
  5. An easy way to manifest everything is, Ask who you are in the story? ( the one you want to be) and who are they in the story? ( Be it money, SP, job anything and create a story how you want it to be) and dwell in that story. How you do that? Il explain that in techniques part. ( I become you technique…Continue to read to know more about this.)
  6. What is Living in the end? So, here most of us think, living in the end means living as if it has already happened. No, you can also think as if its happening now this second and can happen any second now… What is end? We can have multiple ends…Marriage is not the end.There is more life after marriage…So, if you are manifesting in steps to build your belief, then you can do that. Text message can be the end. Relationship can be end, marriage is the end, having kids is the end, $100 can be the end. You can have multiple ends and manifest one by one…Once you see some momentum, then move one step ahead and keep going… Think about what you want is happening now instead of dwelling on negative things… Negative thoughts, past, thinking sympathetically serves you nothing. Your past is just a memory in ua mind which you are holiding on. Release, Revise and let it go. What I did to let go of my old man? I closed my eyes and spoke to my old self everything i wanted to tell and cried and imagined somethinf going out of my body and disappearing. From next day, whenever, i caught myself thinking about past, I firmly shaked my head and said " I AM THE NEW VERSION NOW". Create the life you want. Only you can give yourself the best life you want. So, decide if you want to dwell in the past and create it again and again or STOP now and create the life you want. It is possible. Everything is possible with your inner work in this world. The best part is you dont need anyone and you dont need to change anyone in this world… Just change yourself , change the story which you gave to everything in this world and stick to that story. This whole world will conform.
  7. This is one most important tip…Once you get your manifestation, dont stop assuming the next… Dont relax…Until you strongly believe that it is not going to leave you and go anywhere, keep assuming and live in that assumption…Live your whole life by persisiting in your assumptions…Everything is POSSIBLE.

TECHNIQUES: So, All the techniques we use is to bring us to the state of wish fulfilled. The knowing that your desire is yours is the state of wish fulfilled. So, here are some techniques to balance ua emotions through out the manifestation Journey.

  1. REVISION : If something is bothering you while doing the inner work, its a sure shot sign that you need to revise your past. How do you revise? Close your eyes and imagine everything in your life has happened the way you wanted it to have happened. Repeat it till you feel satisfied and let go. All the things, experiences, people, your memories everthing will be changed by doing this.
  2. MENTAL DIET: Once you decide to be on a strict mental diet, you need to stop thinking in a logical way( how can this happen? How will that money come to me?NO, Its happening this moment…You dont care how what when…Its happening NOW…but he said that, she said that and how can he marry me now…No, tell those thoughts to shutup abd you live as if its happening now…YOUR LIFE CAN CHANGE ANY MOMENT NOW), remove all the limiting beliefs ( But since childhood this hasnt happen, is this possible? YES EVERY SINGLE DAMN THING IS POSSIBLE) , Stop the negative thought then and there, Your focus should be only on the new story. What is FOCUS? The thing which you are concious of right now is FOCUS. The best way to explain it is : You are in your house right now but you are not concious of being in your house all day. Your mind is thinking about something and you are concious of some story in your mind. That is FOCUS. Create a story for everything and whenever you think of it, go to that story and dwell. In my case, i imagined the terrace scene every time i was thinking about him and heard him say lovely things. I imagined money raining on my and i manifested 1 lakh…In my head, I lived working in my desired job and i am working there now in my reality…Thats it. Its easy. It took me so long to understand but its easy. Maintain this diet all day every day until you see what you want in your 3D.
  3. SATS( State Akin To Sleep) : The most powerful time to impress your Subconcious mind is when you are drowsy. You are drowsy multiple times a day. So, when you are relaxed, your logical mind is shut off and it is easy to think about the thing you want. In this state, Get into the story and live it. You can fall asleep from that state or you can wakeup and go about your day. As soon as you wakeup, There will be some tough mornings. I had so many anxiety attacks as soon as i wokeup and my heart beat raised so badly. What I did was, Imagined the same scene and said Its done Its done Its done until i felt calm and I hugged him so tightly in my imagination. This made my heart beat come back to normal. Even if you are feeling good or bad about your current situation, just focus on that story. It will happen.
  4. I BECOME YOU : This is the least spoken technique but this is my favourite technique. This helps a lot to increase your self concept. You become Sp/job recruiter / anyone you want and think from their point of view. In my case, I became my SP and started thinking from his side. " Ah, she is so beautiful. i want to marry her, She is my wife, No one can replace her, She is mine" and then I became me and assuming he is thinking all those things about me. Its easy. Dont get too much into details…Just try it out and feel good. This way i increased my self concept and changed his thoughts about me…
  5. Affirmations/ Askformations : Choose two to three sentences which imply your desire. Dont repeat them mindlessly. Create a picture. For example, My SP is texting me constantly. When i say this affirmation, I see that picture in my mind and repeat it. Hear what you are saying in your mind, this way you can focus on your affirmations and new story. Repeat these affirmations over and over until you feel satisfied and then you can go about your day. Again affirm the same story/ affirmations till you feel good. keep doing it with focus and your negative thoughts, bad feelings, emotions attached to your past, everything will fade away. Use askformations like Why is he so madly in love with me? And try to get into that feeling as much as you can. Its not the number of times you repeat, its about what are feeling and thinking while repeating the affirmations…Focus on what you are saying and think as if it is happening now…CLAIM WITH AUTHORITY…You have nothing to loose…

There are many techniques but i use only these 4 everytime because i felt these are good enough to manifest anything you want…

Here is some motivation for you all:

Listen, Do you remember those days where you prayed to some unknown god outside and not knowing if your desire will showup or not, but still you prayed. begged, pleeded to some unknown power outside. Now is the time to wakeup, push yourself, change your thinking pattern, Change all the stories you assigned to everything in this world, Create the best concept for your self in regards to Money, SP, jobs, weight loss/gain, people around, things, every thing every single damn thing…CREATE THE BEST CONCEPT YOU WANT IT TO BE AS and dwell there… Its easy guys…Its Damn easy…All you need to do is create a small story in regards to your desire ( who you are and who are they) and focus on it everytime you think of it from their point of you abd your point of view and say its done its done…Slowly you will see bridge of incidents and signs and sometimes you may not see any signs but still it will showup… DONT BE LAZYYYYYY. Do the work and get everything you want…If you dont like affirming, focus on the story using ua imagination…If you dont like imagining, use affirmations, find an alternative. Thats why you need to test the law to know what best suits you. Let me tell you all that I manifested every thing i want. Money( 1 lakh in just one month) , Job promotion( It has everything i want), Changed so many peoples mind, I lost weight just by changing my mind, Appearance changes, Manifested my SP as the version i want him( I want to change him more and il do it)…Live the best life you want…Dont wait or think it wont work…THIS LAW IS 100% REAL…THIS IS THE LAW BY WHICH WE ARE LIVING SINCE CHILDHOOD WITHOUT KNOWING…NOW WE KNOW HOW IT WORKS…GET UP, CRY, DESTROY YOUR OLD PATTERNS, BE THE NEW VERSION FROM TODAY AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE… If you start by thinking its tough, it gets tougher… Tell yourself you can do it and start from there…Even of you dont believe, dwell in the new story…Eventually you will start believing…Doubts will creep in…Thats when you need to stay strong and say it will happen for sure…Give yourself that surety…

Once it all clicks, it will be so easy to manifest everything you want…All you need to do is relax and figure it out…Make a plan and stick to it…It will all come…

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8th July, 21

Hair Care:
:x: Shirshashan
:white_check_mark: Balayam
:white_check_mark: Detumescene Therapy

Physical and Mental Well being
:x: waking up by 5:00 AM
:x: Yoga
:x: Gayatri Mantra Jap - Twice a day (and affirmations)
:x: Kegel Exercise (3 sets of 5)
:white_check_mark: Drinking 3+ L of water
:x: Reading a religious/ethics book

Professional Growth
:x: 5 Hours of Study (8+ hours)
:white_check_mark: 6 Hours of Office Work with full dedication
:x: Maintaining a time logger
:white_check_mark: Planning for the next day

:x: Better at tasks than the previous day
:x: Staying obsessed with my goals

note to self

read in Atomic Habits that skipping a habit once is an accident, skipping twice is the start of a new habit.

But what didn’t click for a while -and what changed everything for me when it finally did click- is that this means you can never skip today when thinking about your habits. Even if you don’t feel like it, you can’t skip today because you can’t guarantee that you won’t accidentally skip tomorrow.

I used to often think “I’ll do it tomorrow” but now I realized that I have no idea if I’ll do it tomorrow or not. Tomorrow might be a weird and abnormal day, and I might not have the chance to do it then. Which means I have to do it right now, today, while I still can, even though I don’t feel like it. Because if I skip both today and tomorrow I’ve started a new habit of skipping.

So I don’t skip today, no matter how inconvenient or how annoying it feels today, just in case I accidentally end up skipping tomorrow.

I’ve now got half a dozen new habits I’ve done without skipping for a month, for the first time in my life.

Also… Future You is an unreliable twat who cannot be counted on to be responsible. Never delegate important tasks to them. They’re much more likely to fuck off and not do them than Today You is.

1 Like

Hair Care:
:white_check_mark: Shirshashan
:white_check_mark: Balayam
:x: Detumescene Therapy

Physical and Mental Well being
:white_check_mark: waking up by 5:00 AM
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:x: Gayatri Mantra Jap - Twice a day (and affirmations)
:x: Kegel Exercise (3 sets of 5)
:white_check_mark: Drinking 3+ L of water
:white_check_mark: Reading a religious/ethics book

Professional Growth
:x: 5 Hours of Study (8+ hours)
:white_check_mark: 6 Hours of Office Work with full dedication
:x: Maintaining a time logger
:white_check_mark: Planning for the next day

:white_check_mark: Better at tasks than the previous day
:white_check_mark: Staying obsessed with my goals
:x: Being the most hard working guy in online coaching batch


Hair Care:
:white_check_mark: Shirshashan
:white_check_mark: Balayam
:white_check_mark: Detumescene Therapy

Physical and Mental Well being
:white_check_mark: waking up by 5:00 AM
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Gayatri Mantra Jap - Twice a day (and affirmations)
:x: Kegel Exercise (3 sets of 5)
:white_check_mark: Drinking 3+ L of water
:white_check_mark: Reading a religious/ethics book

Professional Growth
:white_check_mark: 5 Hours of Study (

:white_check_mark: Maintaining a time logger
:white_check_mark: Planning for the next day

:white_check_mark: Better at tasks than the previous day
:white_check_mark: Staying obsessed with my goals


1 Like

note to self


The refinement and sublimation of personality depends upon cultivation of virtuous qualities. All of you can shape your personality in a better way and transform it into a glorious one. Eminence and nobility of personality is an invaluable asset which leads to success in all domains of the physical (worldly ) and spiritual life. Wealth, materialistic tools or support and cooperation of others alone is not sufficient for worthwhile achievements. These resources are useful and could be necessary, but above all this, the master key is sublimity of one’s own personality. How to refine the talents? How to develop an elevated personality? How to endow it with virtuous qualities and potentials? This is the paramount question, the central focus of the “Art of Living”. Finding its methodology and proceeding accordingly – is indeed like achieving at least half the goal towards a brilliant and fulfilling life.

From crudity to chiseled refinement: -
Jivan Sadhana means – transmutation and enhancement of potentials , abilities and conduct by self-endeavor. The subtle mental imprints of the previous lives in the chain of eighty- four hundred thousands yonis (different life-forms ) continue to influence one’s tendencies in the human life as well. As a result, in the crude state of human life, one’s cravings, behavior and actions are often driven by beastly instincts and negative mental tendencies. Until uprooted and thrown out, these kusansakras (evil impressions on the mind) hinder the refinement of personality. Elimination of these untoward, negative and pernicious instincts, habits and desires by untiring efforts and simultaneous cultivation of ennobling character and deeds is the real sadhana of human life. This sadhana is no less exacting than taming and training a wild animal and to engage it in constructive activities as per our will.

As crude metal from the mines is melted and refined in the fire before it could be processed to make shining ornaments, likewise the impurities of the kusanskaras need to be burnt out in the ‘fire’ of devout ascetic practices (tapa) of self- restraint and penance. The endeavors towards self- refinement are simultaneously accompanied by those of self- development through cultivation of noble qualities, upright conduct and character, values of human life and promotion of the worthy potentials and talents. This is how we can ‘manufacture and design’ the precious jewels from the ‘gold- mine’ of capabilities gifted to us by Nature. We should root out– from the field of our life – all the thorny weeds of evil tendencies and weaknesses of our nature and remold ourselves as civilized and cultured human beings.

True success possible only through single pointed sadhana: -
Sadhana is the key to paranormal attainments and preeminent success in human life. Jivan-sadhana should be an integral part of our lives. For this, we should introspect and analyze our thoughts, our conduct and our activities impartially and thoroughly. We should also develop positive attitude and sincerely endeavor to uproot the infirmities, untoward and evil tendencies lying dormant within us. This process of constant self effort of gradual refinement and upliftment also implies conscious self- development, widening of outlook and altruistic involvement in the sorrows and joys of others. Self- development is achieved by substitution of selfishness by selflessness. This is what leads to super normal attainments and awakening of divinity in the human heart.

Positive transformation of attitude: -
The corner stone of overall self-transformation is transformation of the attitude. Change your outlook towards yourself; think and feel yourself not as the gross body, the immortal soul, for which this life and the body is only a sojourn in the infinite journey. You are born for the self-realization, for enlightenment, unbounded spiritual progress. No doubt, you should take care of healthy sustenance of the body. But don’t confine the goal of your life only to blindly pursue after the possession of its comforts and pleasures. Your attitude should be – “eating to survive” and not “surviving to eat”; take proper care of the body as an instrument for the optimum use of the faculties of your sense organs and the mind. Change your views and behavior on the personal, familial and social fronts of life accordingly. Once you turn your attention inward and look at yourself as the soul, you will find marvellous solutions to all your problems and worries; the door of immense joy and progress will be wide open before you.

True devotion: -
Life is a precious gift. Don’t let worldly allurements and attachments overpower and overshadow the beatitude and sublimity of your real self and the pristine dignity of your life. Look at the life of Goswami Tulsidas, for example! When he was blindly driven by sensual attractions and attachments, he received nothing but disdain, scorn and agony. But once his inner self was lit by the light of devotion to God, the same man (Rambola) became the great, venerable saint Tulsidas – the author of the holy Ramcharit Manas of immortal glory! But see…, his devotion was not like ours…; we chant the mantras, rotate the rosary, but our minds remain restive and unstable - roving around our tensions, desires, and what not. His was a total self-surrender. Nothing mattered to him except the devotion to Lord Ram. Such was the potency of his inner fervor for his Deity that it could compel Lord Ram Himself to appear before him and bless him in His Embodied Form.

Fight the Mahabharata within yourself: -
Mahabharata is said to be the greatest war ever fought on this earth. Friends! You should know that the first step towards spiritual upliftment is to fight this gigantic war yourself in the battlefield of your own psyche, to wipe out its accumulated vices and tendencies. Our lives remain enslaved to the insane appetites and tendencies of the mind until and unless we are able to win this perpetual war against hostile hordes of Kauravas entrenched within us. Winning this war means attaining ultimate victory; becoming omnipotent. Those who conquer their minds are called manaswi. Success lies at their feet; they are the ones

who become truly great personalities, saints, divine beings. If you care and aspire for elevation to higher domains in life, join the great battle against the evils lodged within you. The first step towards triumph in this battle is the adoption of the principle of “simple living and high thinking”.

Rise and march towards higher goals: -
If you adopt the principle of “simple living and high thinking” you would soon start attaining rapid progress in life. Simplicity of life-style will automatically eliminate your sense of scarcity. This together with the positive and constructive transformation of your thinking and feelings will enable you to make constructive use of whatever resources you have. You would be happier with the same set of tools, facilities and resources you had earlier. Not only that, by prudent use of your potentials you will also be able to help others. Even if you are not able to go out and work for social service or offer visible help to others, you must keep your thoughts open for that; think good, think high; think like the great, the wise. Your imaginations, your aspirations must now be directed towards better, brighter and nobler objectives.

Leave the slippery path of decline; come out of the hell and look at beauty of the heaven; live for ultimate salvation. Salvation implies –– emancipation from all evils, sensual attractions, selfish attachments, illusions and sufferings. Moving towards the heaven (divine paradise ) means –– pursuing those ideals and principles which bestow everlasting peace, unalloyed joy, pure knowledge and soul-contentment. Start bringing about the needed change

in your thinking, living, behavior, actions from this very moment, so that you could march ahead towards the attainment of the preeminent goal of life.

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Hair Care:
:white_check_mark: Shirshashan
:white_check_mark: Balayam
:white_check_mark: Detumescene Therapy

Physical and Mental Well being
:white_check_mark: waking up by 5:00 AM
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Gayatri Mantra Jap - Twice a day (and affirmations)
:white_check_mark: Kegel Exercise (3 sets of 5)
:white_check_mark: Drinking 3+ L of water
:white_check_mark: Reading a religious/ethics book

Professional Growth
:x: 5 Hours of Study
:x: Maintaining a time logger
:x: Planning for the next day

:x: Better at tasks than the previous day
:x: Staying obsessed with my goals

note to self

Hair Care:
:white_check_mark: Shirshashan
:white_check_mark: Balayam
:white_check_mark: Detumescene Therapy

Physical and Mental Well being
:white_check_mark: waking up by 5:00 AM
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Gayatri Mantra Jap - Twice a day (and affirmations)
:white_check_mark: Kegel Exercise (3 sets of 5)
:white_check_mark: Drinking 3+ L of water
:white_check_mark: Reading a religious/ethics book

Professional Growth
:x: 5 Hours of Study
:x: Maintaining a time logger
:x: Planning for the next day

:x: Better at tasks than the previous day
:x: Staying obsessed with my goals

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Ea kaise kare??kuch batao bhai .mujhe sirf balayam ata he jaise dono hath ke nakhun ko ragadna…baki do nhi ata he

Shirshashan needs practice. Detumescene is just hair massage… you can get plenty videos on youtube

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By using a wall you can easily learn it bro. Search in YouTube to learn to do sirshasan using a wall. Do sirshasan, Sarvangasan and matsyasan together to get the most amount of benifits. All three and very beneficial for semen retention. Add some Pranayam as well; especially bhastrika, Kapalbanti etc.


Day1 of 180

Mandatory Tasks:
:white_check_mark: Wake up by 4:30
:white_check_mark: Affirmations(X2)
:white_check_mark: Pooja (X2)
:white_check_mark: Exercise
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Study for 6 hours
:white_check_mark: Reading a good book

Optional Tasks
Drinking 3+ litres of water
Maintaining a time logger
:white_check_mark: Keggel Exercise
:white_check_mark: Planning for the next day

This is my last attempt to break free from this addiction. My wedding date has been fixed. It falls on almost 180 days from today. In these 180 days, I have to become the best I can be. Someone my future partner can look up to and be proud of.

:pray: Hare Krishna


I don’t want to demotivate you but truly this is the last chance so don’t give up this time bro. :fist_right::fist_right::fist_right:
More power to you my friend . Hare krishna


1 week of my last battle is over… I am doing nofap along with a friend and we both are updating status in a whatsapp group. I have done very well this week. Looking forward to an even better week now.


2 weeks done… so far so damn good. never felt so good in my life before… This has been a consciously cleanest streak so far… Even though I stay alone whole day at home with my laptop and phone…I am able to have an immense control on myself…
Looking forward to an even better week from tomorrow.

I am strictly following 3 things told to me at a near by ISKCON temple:

  1. A - Association (always be with good people)
  2. B - Book Reading (reading good books DAILY)
  3. C - Chanting (chanting the holy name of the God)

:pray: Hare Krishna


And one more thing Brother
D - Diet (Have Prasadam or atleast Vegetarian Food)
Hare Krishna!

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