Just relapsed after 30 days, help!

Join me on a nf journey to rid ourselves of this disease

46b729 bring it on mate. :smile:

Whats your code?

I have added you mate

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Add me
Sharing code 2b6eb1
Bring it on

Add me too
Code : ad7870

I relapsed on day 2. I’m feeling so guilty but not gonna stop
Add me here is my sharing code 9787da


I have added you all, update how your streak is going here

Day 1
Feeling like winner

Just relapsed need motivation…

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A relapse does not equal utter failure man.
Tell us some positive stuff you experienced while on the last Streak. Did you learn something new about yourself? Did you feel some effects in your daily life, as small a detail as it may be? :slight_smile:

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Relapsed after 23 days… now ive installed an app blocker and put it on my browser, twitter, appstore etc and destroyed the password :smiley: . Same for my ps4, but im going to hide that password somewhere. Now my only access to ■■■■ is my pc, and im thinking about changing the password there aswell, because the whole ■■■■ blocking thing isnt working… http and https stuff

Just block your wifi for porn and delete all your vpns

Yeh man my highest streak has been 28 days, ive been fapping for near a year and found this app in late jan, i wanna stop this addiction cause im still young. #makeittoday90


How are your streaks going my dudes

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Relapsed yesterday feeling bad. Know i shouldnt

Relapsed again, salaam Prince quasim

My sharing code is cf9a15. You’re in good hands in this forum.

Anyone changed since then?