JESUS Can Help you too

I once read here that somebody said that listening to Gospel/Christian music made the urge in him to cease/reduce(I don’t remember the exact adjective he used). I am a living testimony of what JESUS Did for me in my stopping and total liberation from masturbation and pornography. It doesn’t really matter whether you believe me or not but what I am telling you not “suggesting” is that pick up your half broken life because you have practically spent half of it given to destroying yourself and give GOD a chance to put it together and see what becomes of it. I am not begging, I am simply informing you that incase you are interested there is The WAY out of all this! HE SAYS " I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, you are simply suffering from ignorance and death. " COME INTO ME ALL YE THAT ARE HEAVY LADEN AMD I WILL GIVE YOU REST". I am not quoting for christiany… things. I am telling you that except you give yourself to Grace that comes from this GOD, JESUS CHRIST although you have by self-effort pathetically stopped masturbating that urge to go back will never leave you, it will haunt you and you will only end up as a man with open sore but still alive. It got so bad for me guys, the devilish oppression got to a level I almost started going towards homosexuality, no joke, but it was a torment because though I had a Christian background I still wasn’t “born-again”, so by HIS Mercy thus helped me from still even beginning to fight against such. Until, until, until, until I cried “JESUS SAVE ME”, literally because we need to know you can’t fight spirits with the flesh, again I’m not suggesting this to you I’m simply telling you what you refuse to accept. if and I pray you want to, start a journey with salvation and deliverance from yourself which is really what got you where you are now, pls just say, just cry out, “this JESUS this boy speaks of Help me, have mercy on me” and I tell you with every assurance of my life that HE Will for there is nobody that will sincerely ask My FATHER for Help that will not get it. So pls if you’ve never known this JESUS that sets lives alive and turns you on into wonder, pls pray, “LORD JESUS I accept you into my life, pls be my LORD and Saviour, don’t let me run things again because do far it’s been a mess, Save me, Change my life, make it new and Help me LORD to live for you, I now confess you only as my LORD and Saviour”. Now please join a BIBLE Church anywhere close to you, if you don’t want to go, just go because of curiosity, to see what these people are even doing there


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