Is there anyone fluent in sanskrit?

Hey guys

Just wanted to check. Is there anyone who is considerably fluent in sanskrit? I would like to strart to learn. I had started learning French as a language just as a hobby, but then i realised that i should learn sanskrit first. I need to be able to read and understand the ancient scriptures, the vedas, the upanishads and the smritis. Please help me out? As a teen in 2020, what would be the right ways for me to learn sanskrit ?


Hey neet
So I started learning spoken sanskrit and attended a 10 day session by Sanskrit bharti - Gujarat in mumbai . They conduct free sanskrit sessions. There is even a 6 month residential course available

Although I am not fluent I can speak basic sentences.
This further intrigued my interest.
I will join the residential course post my final exams.

I think the right way for learning Sanskrit is thought speech and study both of which can be fulfilled at Sanskrit Bharthi

Also there are a lot of videos available on youtube.
And you can download many books on learning Sanskrit from libgen …

Happy learning


Lol I learned little bit Korean so that I could understand BTS songs without subtitles…


Ive learned sanskrit in my school for 3 yrs… and I was good in sanskrit at that time.:innocent::innocent::innocent:that’s all.:joy::joy:


I had 98 marks in sanskrit in 8th class.


I know a discord server named Hinduism that hosts nightly Ramayana reading (where the host is fluent in sanskrit) and some others in that server as well. That’s afaik but Sankrit is on my radar to learn, would be great if they have it on DuoLingo or some app.


Creating a sanskrit learning app is a great idea.

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I have joined to 3 groups in Telegram for a sanskrit community.I join there very few as it is one out of many to-do list which I have.Currently I am finding my priorities.So that I would not procrastinate like as I do now.

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