Is it OK to get this feeling?


I am feeling disgusted to fap,even though when I’m aroused. I feel like I’m demeaning my soul by wasting previous bodily fluids into washroom. I’m really looking for a pu**y to discharged my sperms. Is this kind of feelings Ok to get for a 24 years old virgin who never ever kissed a girl ?


Don’t call me creepy. My soul is getting purified days by days,I hate pornography now a lot, don’t fap to woman now. Don’t stare at woman in public. Slowly but steadily I’m getting my self esteem back…

I think your mind is unable to produce enough dopamine, even porn is not enough. You did some extreme stuff lately, we know. Please keep yourself away from these things. You bound is deep, you will take more time to heal then a normal person. And Allah knows best.


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