Insecure person

2 days ago i met a girl at a party, it was great this never happend to me, i felt like i was King of the world. Whe talked, whe danced, whe shared stuff, whe kissed. She really wanted to hear from me again so whe swapped numbers, next day i text her whether she got home safely, she texted back, then i tried to begin a conversation but then out of nowhere she started to Ignore me.

Now i feel like shit, like i was just some person she could kisses and then could forget about it.
It sucked and it made me very insecure about myself.

I dont know of i can do any of this, i dont want to feel this insecure ever again.


Chill out bro. Well done. And now you’re in the game :+1::wink:
It’s great you’ve met someone. I hope she is good enough for you/the right person that’ll bring out your best qualities.
She could just be playing games with you. Testing you to see how far you’ll go. How long until you break? Or how much you’re interested in her?

I suggest reading “No More Mr Nice Guy” and “what women want when they test men”

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Look Up Dr. David Tian. I have been involved in his work for a long time. Good man.

Also, i would recommend seeing a therapist to help you work through this. I got one at Dr. Tian’s recommendation, and while i am not “healed”, my life has become so much better.

You got this, bro. Keep chipping away till them diamonds come pouring out.


Aoshi, I see your counter was reset, what happened? Is everything ok?


Hey dude, thanks for your concern.
I’m very well :wink::+1:

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Did you replase or did you reset on propose :disappointed: @anon67854825

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