Okay. Then. We’ll take Average of total No ofdays and total no of Persons from that state. That’d be more fair.
Hmm… I guess we can add your state with you country. But still therr will be very less chances of other foreign states to win because of No of participants but still this challenge will last till 31 March 2022 Anything can Happen. Many people will relapse (ofcourse I don’t want people tp relapse) so anyone can win.
Hi everyone. Does anyone know If there’s a way I can Make the Scoreboard editable by everyone.?
Hey bro .How are you?🙋
Tag the moderator
State- Maharashtra
Streak- 5 days
Gujarat 2 days
Code a9p2p2
I wanna be in this challenge.
State - West Bengal
Current Streak - 7 days
Shring Code - 4agj6a
State : Uttarakhand
Sharing code : ivbzdu
Streak : 0 days
Hello brother. I am also from Himachal but now I live in Rajasthan.
As you already for Himachal . I would like to join as Rajasthani.
I love both .
Cs- 1 day
It’s okay. You’re in. All the best for your streak
Hi, guys. Sad news. I relapsed.Just a small YouTube video song. And it lead a chain of disastrous Thoughts and all 8 days of Hard-Work in Vain.
Restarting my journey and this time No mistakes. Not even a single YouTube Video
Day -0 Restart. ಥ‿ಥ
Keep it strong buddy. Just don’t allow your mind to think of anything sexual. The moment it slips into sexual thoughts, stop it consciously.
And also, please manage this challenge thread. The scores have not been added.
It’s mentioned in the Challenge. Scores will be updated on every Saturday. And thanks.
State - Rajasthan
Days - 5
Sharing code - ud250n
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