I will be thankfull if you tell me

Guys what strategy do you follow
To do no fap for 1 year plus
Please tell me


Discipline :smiley::smiley::smiley::grin::grin::grin::grin::+1:t2::+1:t2:


I used sex addicts anonymous. It’s a tall order, but i hated pmo’s control over me that much. Nowadays i use an app called “fortify”

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I implement the book below


To have a plan and to be busy to enjoy to stay with yourself and learning new things is the best way… This will make you push your curious by knowing and engagement new things or people …
this busy man will make you not caring about urges (or let’s say , your commitment with no fap will take the side of stability ) because urges have to come but who wins ?
wins by being busy or deep breath just deep breath can make a great change from hard momemt to another smothy to feel thos appreciation …
Finally :grinning: yes , i did it :muscle::muscle:

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