I want to give up

Initial days are always hard. Even I failed 5-6 times before achieving this 17 days streak :grimacing::grin:

Stay strong and never think about giving up, because if you do… eventually one day you will give up.

Give up

Masturbation, porn and orgasm give these up

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Give me reasons not to relapse now!


Do you like how your live have looked like now? How long is your streak now?

No. It’s not a reason. 5 days

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So do you think your life will be better after you relapse? @Vardan51878

Just go to beat your monkey :meat_on_bone:…

If it’s the kind of “man” you like to be.

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It maybe it may not be. But thinking of future doesn’t work

@Vardan51878 do you really want to back to zero? For what reason you are here? For complaining and crying?

I’m not complaining and not crying

And what are you doing by writing “i want to give up”… What do you expect? You are adult man. You are Adult. Be responsible for yourself. Not crying. No complaining and wanting others to take care of you. This is not manly and not behave this way. Faping only makes you feel worse. Stop it. Suffer but stop it. Then on your face will appear a smile of pride of yourself. @Vardan51878


Alright here’s a reason, you’re on day 5 today, if you can manage to go for another 5 you’ll be on day 10
After 10 days nofap will be a bit easier, maybe you’ll go for another 20 days.
At day 30 you’ll remember how you sacrificed just a little to get where you are now.
Now if you relapse now, you’re motivation will be super low. You’ll probably binge for days, then make little streaks like 2/3 days.
25 days from now you’ll still probably be at day 3 or 5. Wondering where it all went wrong.


Why do you want a reason NOT to relapse? Actually a good reason is needed to fap, because it isnt logical, beneficial, or worthwhile in the least. I dont have any reason to fap. So I am free from the slavery of porn. This is what you should tell yourself.

Remember when you started out, you had enough reasons to stop using porn. All those reasons are still valid now as well.

Brother, doesn’t the simple fact that you came onto this forum asking for help out of a tough spot, reinforce the fact that you are slowly but surely healing away from porn, getting free from it? When you have the urge or thoughts about porn, don’t deal them with frustration, or pressure to NOT relpase, but greet them with elation and joy. You are a man who has chosen to be a non-user. Whenever the thoughts come, as they naturally will, all you need to do is think : “How amazing it is that I’m not watching porn now? How amazing it is that I am a non-user. I feel genuinely happy to be free from the influence and slavery of porn. How great is that I decided to be free from porn and am not using it now! Yeah!! Whooooo!!”

Seriously though. You are not a fapper. You don’t enjoy porn, you dont give a shit about it. You are the kind of man who doesn’t enjoy it in the slightest. It doesn’t give ANYTHING to you. This should be reason enough not to watch porn or masturbate right now. Go fill your head with dopamine, from the pleasure of being free from porn. The joy, the elation, the genuine happiness of being free from a terrible enslaver. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

edit : Another reason : You are not missing out on anything. You are not sacrificing or holding anything out. Giving up porn is not a sacrifice. You are not giving up shit. Let me state that again :

You are not making a sacrifice, or giving up anything for the greater good or anything. Porn is just plain loss. You are gaining something from not using porn!!

Dont envy the porn users who seem so happy. Dont envy the old you who used to happily jerk off to 2-d pictures on screens. He envied you. They wish they were you right now, you are free from porn. You are a non user.


Porn user is not an adult. And it’s not about the age

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Right it’s not logical

@Vardan51878 so do you want to be sitting in that shit?

Adultery is not about the age but about behaviour. I see that you know the answer very well… But Maybe you dont want to be adult? Maybe you don’t want to be responsible? Think about it.

@Vardan51878… You are still here? Did you fap?

Brother @Vardan51878 why are you just pointing negative things out every statement…you know you are a bit smarter because of your 5 days streak.
And you can judge statements and raise good points.
But you are doing this in negative direction.
But all this wisdom would be decreased for sure when you reach day zero. And then you will take a week or so to beat the chaser effect.

Why do you want to go 1 week back. On the other hand if you continue you’ll be at day 12 where you might want to reach impatiently.

It is up to you what you want to do. If you have already decided to go to zero day. None of us could help you. You want something magical to happen and you forget about your urges which is impossible. Remember your previous relapses. Nothing works when you give power to your lust.

No magic happens. Everyone here with high streak never gave up. He fought to the urges to his last breath. No magic happened to them. They too felt like giving up but they didn’t and this made them stronger.

If you give up you’ll be 1 week back. But if you don’t you’ll be stronger then before. But only you could decide your future. We guys are useless in front of your thinking. We can’t control your mind and hands​:joy::joy::joy:.

Guys to be honest I feel this topic a waste thing. Because a true fapstonaut will always ask for methods to deal with urges. And not like I want to relapse. Please help me relapse.

Brother @Vardan51878 this shows that you started half minded.

Find the solution inside you if agree. Only you could solve your want to give up problem.
For methods to deal with urges there are thousands of topics in the forums. Search them out.


When things go according to my wishes, it’s good to be an adult. An adult is not dependent and is responsible for both success and failure. When something is wrong, I don’t want to be an adult. Because it feels like being week and in this case dependence may be an ease.

I’m here brother don’t worry