I’m new. I need y’all’s encouragement

Hello Guys!
I’m here to introduce myself. My name is Angel. I’ve always been considered a very good looking guy. I served 4 years in the marines. I have a house and a beautiful girlfriend and two lil fur babies named Ollie and Milo. I’m starting my journey today. I decided it’s been long enough. I was exposed to porn at a very young age and I quickly became obsessed with sex and women. Over the years I’ve had sex with various type of women. I’ve had a lot of sex. However there has been a few times I actually ya know came. I feel like I’ve been desensitized by this and I want to stop thinking about sex all the time. Until I met literally the love of my life. I was broken and I’m still broken with learning new things for my to improve on. Sadly my addiction is one of them. My gf only wants sex 1-2 times a week. She doesn’t really engage in sex very often. I just can’t cum without watching porn. She’s got a lot ambition ahead of her. I’m starting my journey for a better sex life with my girlfriend and for my mental health. I want to stop masturbating and not have the urge to watch porn. Thank you guys for reading and I hope I can have some conversations with you guys.


Welcome to this community. :raised_hands:
You are on good path. Keep Going Strong !! :boom:


We are all gonna make it. STAY STRONG!

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