I am feeling depressed and lonely

I am feeling empty from inside. I don’t know what to do. God help me. I have no job at 26. I don’t know what to start , where to move. I think I have obtained bad luck because of PMO.



I would suggest getting a Pen and paper and writing your feeling, I do that too because for the last few days I have had feelings of being directionless too but when I wrote my emotions altogether on a single page, it helped me review my life and also it let me know about my do’s and don’ts.
Yeah, I hope it helps.
Sometimes we are overflowing with emotions, a lot of things about the past and future going through our minds but it when it comes on a single page, it helps us understand where are we doing wrong and what we really want.


There is no bad luck. There is only a bad mindset. You don’t need a perfect job from the beginning. Start small and develop from scratch. Sometimes, it’s best to start climbing from the bottom than trying to jumping to the top. Don’t blame PMO. Don’t blame yourself. No body is perfect and we all make mistakes and that’s a strong known fact for everyone. But not everyone is reminded of it.
We look to the past to learn from it and the present to live it. Forget about your feelings right now. Depression never was the solution. Open your eyes, you are blessed with the most wonderful gift. It’s none other than Life, my friend. Thank God that you still have many opportunities. So what you are 26! I Know people who are 52 and still don’t have a job. And I also know people who finally got a noble job after years of searching. I know an 82 years old woman who won the Nobel prize.
Buddy, look around you and be aware of the gifts that you are blessed with. Thank God for each and every breath. As long as you live from the inside you live from the outside.
Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can!! :star2:


Não fui citado, porém vou tentar te ajudar com base nas minhas experiências.

Eu já sofri bullying na infância e na adolescência, na primeira por causa de uns alunos e a segunda por uma empregada abusiva. Eu tentei empreendedorismo por 4 anos (dos 17 aos 21 anos), nunca conseguir obter sucesso. Decidir, fazer concurso público, porém os que estava estudando, subiram do nível médio para o superior. Atualmente, vou começar uma graduação de tecnólogo de 2 anos e vou voltar para os concursos, ganhar estabilidade e voltar ao empreendedorismo.

A vida te dar uma dura, você tem duas opções, culpar os outros, culpar a si mesmo e desistir, ou seguir em frente e dar a volta por cima. Decida o que você vai querer de agora em diante! Decida quem você quer ser daqui a 10 anos! E dê mais uma chance a si mesmo, porque você merece!

Abraços, meu brother!


I couldn’t understand these because I don’t know Portuguese. Still I could guess what you are about to tell. Thanks for your concern. ( Obrigado).



@anon30406793 Here’s what google translater gave me. It might not give all of the meanings correctly but the idea is there:



If you can afford seek for a psychological help. Or maybe you can search it for free.


My natural language is Brazilian Portuguese and the translation is accurate. :+1:


Bruh. What happened to your teaching job?
Never mind though. Since you are in India. I’d suggest choosing one government exam and giving your best for it. It might take a little time to complete the preparation. But I know you have already been preparing and teaching as well so choose an exam that relates to your areas of expertise and give your all in it. You’ll thank yourself once you clear it.
You can also look for some other teaching jobs or some other private job related to your field.
But utmost preferance is to be disciplined.
Whatever you choose to persue.


Feeling of loneliness comes just after watching too much porn and ejaculation.



I agree with that.
It just the dopamine withdrawal.
Dopamine in our brains decreases by a lot after a pmo session. Even lower than normal levels. That’s why that feeling.


I usually feel the same. I’ve a Masters on Social Psychology applied to Health (I finished on February of 2022, so this Year). I applied for some State jobs (in Europe, We have Private and Public employment offers), some part-time jobs, and eventually one Internship in my field. I know that the Life is Hard, but We must fight. I only have 2 Friends. And, apps like Tinder, even for Female friends give me some urges. But, We must never give up. And have patience as Bible says.


Sure you can blame PMO all you want, we all do
We don’t have any choice but to stand up and begin from where we are…no much talk…it’s irrelevant to be depressed

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I would say just one line… “Find the purpose of your life”. This is the solution for all your problems, as much as I can comprehend. One suggestion would be, start reading Gita and follow karmyog, that can help too.

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Those two friends of yours , if they are really true friends thats more than enough. Hope they stand up for you during tough and they enjoy when you are happy. Many friends are just opposite.


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