I am bored ,wanna talk?

So i am sick for like 51 days …have some issues with my blood pressure and my neck so ii really cant do much except playing games or laying in bed …i dont have much to do…
If anyone wanna talk with me about anything like anime ,sports , religion ( i am christian), NOFAP or some other stuff you can write it below or dm me :smiley:


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Nice title

Yooo thx xD
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wats up

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hey, i have to do some work i really hate doing it
i need dopamine if im gonna go through it

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Lol hownare you going to get it

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honestly, I was stressed about it, to the point I relapsed

but now ill get it from Shoko, Cola, Doritos …
small delicous stuff
at night wine

XD good for you mate relapse is never the answer

Whatsup dog! What kinda Christian are you?

You’re right
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I am a catholic , what about you ?

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Church of Christ. I don’t know much about Catholics. Tell me about it!

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The head of the church is the pope , i mean it is a bit complicated xD …what is the church of christ ? But i mean as long as you believe that jesus died for our sins and try to live a clean life your type of lets say christianity is ok :smiley:

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Wow I realise how difficult that question seems now. Church of Christ doesn’t have one specific leader, but we do have Elders who run most of our events and set the rules for them. We don’t use musical instruments at my church, but when I get older I’ll probably find one that does because of my girlfriend. Pretty much the same beliefs as you. The only differences that I know of between us:

  • We fully emerse someone in water when they get baptized
  • We only use the Bible as a guidance book

Oh and do you guys like pay money for some stuff?


I mean we dont really pay but we give lets say a bit of money but only if we want …here we give it for the redtorations of the church mostly…but you can give it lets say for sacrifice…
I mean we also use the bible mostly but we believe also that you can pray to the saints that are in heaven so they can pray to god in heaven for us and i actually know some people thag had miracles in their lifes cos of it :smiley:


Where are you from ?

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The U.S.
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Nice :smiley: what state are you from ? somewhere in the east i guess or not

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I don’t give away that much info. I’m mostly anonymous here.

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Aha ok ok np :slight_smile: , if u want to talk about anything else with me you can dm me :slight_smile:

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what’s up? If you’re okay mentioning the condition.