How we create our own hell

Truly We Create Our Own Hell.

It is grating being around people with persistently negative mentalities once you become aware of it

To these people, everything has a reason for why it won’t work, Everything has a high possibility of going wrong

The worst assumptions of your mind never comes to pass - and if something goes ‘wrong’ (which is a value judgement based on your perspective anyway) then you will deal with it IF it comes to it. There is zero point wasting time on entertaining these negative ‘ghost’ events that will not even happen.

be around the right people and you learn and progress effortlessly through osmosis
Be around the wrong people and you become dragged down simply by being around them

It is imperative to curate an environment of positive mental programming, from other people, music, tv shows, movies, social media, etc.
All must be conducive to success and happiness.

Thought is the coin of heaven, Money is it’s earthly symbol

You must invest your thoughts as you do your money:

⁃ Invest = positive thoughts and assumptions of success
⁃ Spent frivolously = negative thoughts and wastes of time

Every moment must be invested wisely rather than spent.

The present moment does not fade into the past - It advances into the future to meet us, depending on how we chose to use it.

If we spend our days thinking of the bad things, of why everything is bad, then that version of reality will be coming round the corner to greet us.
Similarly you can picture the perfect vision of how you want life to be and how it WILL Be, in every way.

If God is the consciousness of your mind, then everything is possible through how we choose (as we have free will) to use that consciousness.
Our power as humans is to create whatever version of reality is pictured in our minds eye.

We stumble through life when we don’t have this knowledge. We think negatively then our minds express this onto the world and we think we are a victim of life instead of realizing we are experiencing what we have previously pictured.

You can be a victim of circumstance like everyone else, Or do whatever it takes to learn the tools to create your reality - then use them.



Wow man, great.
I should read that everyday,

What you wrote is so true. deep down we know it, but sometimes we get distracted and lose this concept.

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@Rab_J i appreciate your feedback, we have to be true to life and live an effective lifestyle.

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