How to permanently delete your Nofap account?

@Taher any moderators?

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If you donā€™t mind if i ask why do you wish to leave nofap?

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No thanks! Itā€™s not like Iā€™m committing suicide.
And I donā€™t want to engage in that conversation.
Also @nagate I am NOT leaving Nofap per se. I am leaving Nofap Companion App and forum.

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Can anybody help me? I cannot seem to find that option of deleting account.

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PM the admin, only he can do it.


Thanks mate!

This minimum 20 characters limit sucks!

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Hey, did you find a method to delete account?

Just pm me for now, Iā€™ll add an automated way in future updates.


Thank you. BTW, is there a way to pm private? I mean I donā€™t know anything about this appā€¦ Iā€™m not carzy or somethingā€¦ just I donā€™t knowā€¦ so pm is like ā€˜pmā€™ or forum post?

Tap on the adminā€™s profile picture.
It will lead you to his details.
Scroll down and there will me an option of messaging.
By the way I too have an unpleasant habit of deleting accounts.
I was on Smule karaoke and when I tried to delete the account there wasnā€™t any option.
I was literally frustrated and visited site for like 100 times and googled it.
If this is like some syndrome,please tell me.

Thank you for information. Well, I dunno why I want to delete for sure, I just joined like 20 minute agoā€¦
Haha, Iā€™ll sure inform you if I find any info regarding ā€˜syndromeā€™

I couldnā€™t find the option on @Taher 's profileā€¦

That blue thing with ā€œMessageā€ written over it.

Thank you. It didnā€™t appear first.

Honestly, now I am scared too. I am like that still, when I make a new profile, I just have this urge to delete, is there a syndrome?

Please remove my account too in app and forum. Thanks

Please need to remove my APP account: johnlassa. Thanks

Hello, can you delete my account too?
Username: willyasyraf