How to find code?

How do you find your code ? I want to participate in challenges a d stuff but in order to do that , I need to give a code. So yeah that’s all.


I’ll help you, Well go to companion then click on 3 dots in your right, after click on 3 dots then u got 4 option click on 4 option sharing code, you good to go


Hey bro, @AlexanderDaGreat

Here are the steps by which you can find your sharing code:

Go to that middle icon (3rd icon, known as Companion icon) :arrow_right: Pressed on the orange colour small round circle which have 3 dots on it, which you can see on the bottom left of the screen (like this :orange_circle:) :arrow_right: Click on that :arrow_right: There you’ll see MY SHARING CODE option. Click on that.

And there you go. You’ll find your sharing code

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