Continuing the discussion from HOW TO DEFEAT PORNOGRAPHY AND MASTURBATION by Viny Georges BEKO:

Chapter 1: Listen my generation!
From all times, men, under the influence of
their fallen nature, have turned away from God to
follow their own path. Influenced by the desires of the
flesh, they have found themselves on the path of
sexual perversion, a path that leads to eternal death,
The Bible expressly says that there is nothing
new under the sun, what has existed is what will exist
in the future. Masturbation, homosexuality, zoophilia
and things like that are not new, they have already
existed. If today we are reliving the same things, it is
proof that the Bible does not lie.
It is true that these practices have existed
before, but what is clearly different is that today these
problems have taken on a global dimension and with
a speed never seen before. The speed with which
these practices are spreading today is greater than in
previous years because of the Internet. Access to the
Internet is one of the elements that facilitate the
consumption of pornography by the old, the young
and even the very young. The statistics are really
It has been revealed by some studies that the
number of searches for pornographic materials from
the beginning of 2015 to date exceeds 3 000 000 000,9 out of 10 boys and 6 out of 10 girls are exposed to
pornography before the age of 18. Every 39 minutes
a new pornographic clip would be filmed in the United
States. While you are reading these lines, somewhere
in the world there is someone watching pornography
or masturbating. Do you see how the devil is working
hard to pollute our generation as much as possible?
The sad reality is that we continue to trivialize,
minimize and relativize the danger of the plague of
pornography. Many young people joke about it, they
think it’s a game to look at other people’s nudity. We
are shocked by the complicit silence of the authorities
who run our countries. The classification of
cinematographic works and its hypocritical warnings
do not allow society to prevent young people from
watching films that seriously harm their lives. This
proves that the solution lies elsewhere, not in the
hands of those who classify films (-10, -12, -18, etc.),
because today with the Internet everyone can watch
anything without being controlled.
The darkness that reigns over this generation
is only getting darker and darker. So should we panic?
No, we don’t. The darker the darkness becomes, the
more it allows the light to shine like never before.
That’s why through this book I would like to
shine, because the world gives me this opportunity.
The world gives me the opportunity to tell
psychologists, sex therapists, and sex specialists to
stop relativizing the problem of addiction to pornography and masturbation. This problem goes
beyond the physical sphere in which they operate, it
goes beyond the intellectual sphere and reaches the
spiritual sphere. The only one to deliver completely is
Jesus Christ by his supernatural power and no one
The world gives me the opportunity to openly
tell all those who promote pornography and
masturbation that they are waging war on Jesus
Christ. Their wisdom is actually madness and that
they are on the road to eternal death.
The world gives me the opportunity to tell all
those who are captive to pornography and
masturbation that it is possible to be delivered thanks
to Jesus Christ. This deliverance is free of charge, no
need to pay for hours of maintenance like at
psychologists. Am I downplaying psychologists? Far
from it! But let everyone do their job. I recognize the
contribution of psychology in this struggle, but it
alone is insufficient for total deliverance. In this book
I just want to highlight the fact that only Jesus Christ
can deliver from pornography and masturbation, and
it’s true! Only He can totally, completely and forever
set them free. I am a living witness of what I am
You can’t be a hostage of satan…
Who’s a hostage? A hostage is a person seized
or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition.
Legally the devil has no right to keep you in
pornography and masturbation because the price for
your sins has already been paid. God didn’t take us
back illegally, He paid a price to redeem us. Our sins
demanded punishment, and that punishment that
was to fall upon us, God has made it fall upon Jesus
Christ His Son. The price has already been paid,
and that price is the precious Blood of the Son of God.
We are free!
It is abnormal and illegal for the devil to hold
you captive to pornography and masturbation
because the Blood of Jesus Christ has already been
shed for you, and because of this you have already
defeated satan (Revelation 12:11). How then can the
overcomer fall so low and become a hostage of the
When God created man, He gave him power to
rule over all the earth, as we can read in Genesis
1:26; Then God said, Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness, and let him rule over the
fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over
the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
(Translated from the French version Louis Second)
And in the book of revelation we read And the
great dragon was cast out, the old serpent, called
the devil, and satan, which deceives the whole earth;
and he was cast out into the earth, and his angels
were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9 (Translated
from the French version Louis Second)
We do not know exactly when satan was cast
out into the earth, but one thing is certain, this scene
took place in the interval of time between his “revolt”
in heaven and the creation of man by God. For a
better understanding of the thought that I want to
develop, let us take the contracted forms (consider
only the words in bold) of these two verses. Let us
begin with the very last one which gives us “was cast
out… satan… into the earth”, and the first one
gives us “God said, let us make man in our
image… and let him rule… over all the earth”.)
Let us arrange these two contracted forms and we will
have "satan was cast out into the earth, and God
said, Let us make man in our image, let him rule
over all the earth”.
Now the question is: " When God gave man the
power to rule over the whole earth, didn’t He know
that satan was already thrown down to the earth? "Of
course he did! God knew it. So, since God gave man
the power to rule over the whole earth while the
enemy was already there, it just means that God gave
man the power to rule even over the devil just as he
had to rule over the fish and all living animals. Man
was the master of the world. Before man’s disobedience the enemy didn’t have control over
anything at all.
The Bible says The Lord has kept the heavens
for himself, but he has given the earth to us humans.
(Psalms 115:16). The earth was not given to satan,
but to us.
It was after he had deceived man that he stole
the power that God had given to man in Genesis 1:26,
because the Word of God reveals to us that you are
slaves of the one you obey, either of sin that leads to
death or of obedience that leads to righteousness
(Romans 6:16). By listening to the voice of the devil
who led him to eat the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, man had become a
hostage of the devil. The logical consequence was that
his power to dominate the earth had gone to satan.
The enemy now had power over the world, that is why
he even had the boldness to tempt Jesus Christ by
saying that he would give him the glory of the whole
earth if he bowed down before him and worshipped
him. Blessed be our Lord who resisted him and
pushed him away (Matthew 4:1-11).
Jesus Christ
is the Man who came to repair all the damage we have
done in the Eden garden. He had to die in our place
and that is what He did.
The Bible tells us that after eating the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve
realized that they were naked and to cover their
nakedness they took fig leaves and sewed sashes
from them (Genesis 3:7). Later, the Father Himself
will give them clothes made of skin (Genesis 3:21).
This just shows the eternal love of our God for us in
spite of our failures and shortcomings. Let’s stop for
a moment and ask ourselves, whose skin was it? Was
it tree trunk skin or animal skin? I strongly believe it
was animal skin because Adam and Eve had already
used leaves from a tree to cover their nakedness. But
which animal was it? I strongly believe it was a lamb.
In my humble opinion, that same day a lamb was slain
for men, that we might be clothed with the garments
of salvation and covered with the mantle of
deliverance (Isaiah 61:10).
If Adam and Eve were dressed in skin clothes,
it means that on that day an animal was killed. It was
just the image of the Lamb of God that was to come
and be sacrificed in our place. God was quick to show
His love and bring us back to Him. In Genesis 2:17,
God is making a promise to man with the words, "If
you eat, you will die. But in His love He did not want
to lose us for eternity, so He took a lamb, who is His
own Son, and gave Him in our place, so that by His
death we might be delivered from the eternal power
of death and sin. This is how His love for us was
manifested through His righteousness. Because of His
righteousness He could not answer the Lord Jesus, in
His human nature when He said, "Father, if it is
possible, take this cup away from me.” There was no
other way by which we could be saved except by the
death and blood of Christ. The Lord Jesus recognized
this and submitted to the Father’s will and said, "Not
my will, but thy will be done.”
And since the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, we have been recovered from the Father, our
fault in the Garden of Eden has been forgotten and
erased along with all the consequences we would
normally have to face. This is why you must say to
pornography, masturbation, evil thoughts, and
unclean dreams; “You are illegal, Jesus has already
accomplished everything and I am no longer under
the power of sin because of His Blood”. This is not
something you are claiming, it is a truth that you must
rely on when you pray to your God and when you cast
out demons. You are free! How do you continue to live
as a captive? Wake up champion!
Another thing, the day the enemy entered
Judas Iscariot (John 13:27), to deliver Jesus to be put
to death, frankly I don’t understand what was going
on in his head (I speak of the devil). He (satan) who
knows the Word of God, we suppose, because he had
used it to tempt Jesus Christ, had he lost sight of the
fact that the Messiah had to die to save men? If he
knew this, then why did he enter Judah Iscariot to
deliver Jesus Christ to be put to death! In another
Bible account, we see the enemy inspiring Peter with
foolish words to prevent the Lord from dying. That
day I imagine he knew that if Jesus died on the cross,
it would be over for him (satan). Read Matthew
The conclusions are as follows:

  1. Satan doesn’t master God’s strategies; he
    can’t even do that. That is why be sure that
    he will just be surprised how you will befreed from these addictions.
  2. Sometimes the devil has no control over his
    actions. There are times when God Himself
    uses him to accomplish something and to
    bring forth His glory. For example, in the
    story of Job.
  3. He’s not the strongest, he was defeated
    and he knows it.
    Jesus Christ will
    deliver you.
    I am going to show you a passage that will make
    you understand that the devil is not the strongest, he
    will soon be stripped, humiliated and annihilated.
    Isaiah 14:9-17
    9 The world of the dead eagerly waits for you. With
    great excitement, the spirits of ancient rulers hear
    about your coming.
    10 Each one of them will say, “Now you are just
    weak as any of us!
    11 Your pride and your music have ended here
    in the world of the dead. Worms are your
    blanket; maggots are your bed.”
    12 You, the bright morning star, have fallen from the
    sky! You brought down other nations; now you are
    brought down.
    13 You said to yourself, “I’ll climb to heaven and place my throne above the highest stars. I’ll sit there with
    the gods far away in the north.
    14 I’ll be above the clouds, just like God Most High”
    15 But now you are deep in the world of the dead.
    16 Those who see you will stare and wonder, “Is
    this the man who made the world tremble and
    shook up kingdoms?
    17 Did he capture every city and make earth a desert?
    Is he the one who refused to let prisoners go
    The end of time is approaching, the devil will
    be stripped of all power, people who will see him in
    hell will be astonished and say "is it really him? "He
    will be covered with worms, the ancient rulers of the
    earth who will be with him there will say to him, “You
    have become like us,” and they will laugh at him. This
    is the truth! This is to tell you that no matter what
    happens to you in life, Jesus Christ is powerful enough
    to deliver you, the enemy doesn’t weigh enough
    before the Lord.

My message to you!
Now that the Lord Jesus Christ has delivered
me from pornography and masturbation, which held
me captive for many years, I know how to overcome
this. I will speak in terms of principles, and I adviseyou to read this entire book to accurately capture the
thought I want to communicate to you.
When I was still captive to these sins, I also
sometimes did research on how to overcome them;
but I always came across overly scientific writings
accompanied by biblical verses. I’m not saying it was
of no use to me, but it was just complicated. I didn’t
understand anything! Instead, I was looking for
writings or sermons that could tell me clearly and
precisely what I needed to do to be delivered.
Glory be to God who saw my misery while I was
struggling alone to overcome these sins, He had
compassion on me, He called me, He helped me and
delivered me. I would already like to tell you that you
are not able to give up these practices because you
think that it is by your own efforts that you will be
delivered. It is Jesus who gives the strength to give
up these things, but that doesn’t mean that you will
have nothing to do and wait passively for your
deliverance. You have to fight!
In this book I will draw on my experience with
Jesus Christ, the story of my falls, my confessions and
the Lord’s forgiveness. It was not easy at all, but the
Lord Jesus Christ in His love supported me in my
weaknesses (every time I relapsed), and I dare to
believe that He will also support you in your
Considering the difficulties I encountered while
searching for books that could help me to overcomethese abominations, I will not be too scientific, I will
speak to you in a simple, clear and precise manner.
But that does not prevent us from explaining, through
science, some natural phenomena when necessary.
But always in a simple, clear and precise manner.
Take care to put into practice what I am going
to tell you through this book, not as a subordinate
who obeys his superior but as a brother/sister who
listens attentively to his brother’s pressing advice. I
know one thing my friend, when Jesus Christ delivers,
it is forever that this deliverance lasts. For His word
reveals to us that He is the One who opens and no
one will close, the One who closes and no one will
open (Revelation 3:7). I would like to tell you that if
Jesus Christ opens the door of this spiritual prison that
has been holding you for years, no one will be able to
do anything against you to hold you back, except
yourself, if you do not discipline yourself.
I wrote this book for you who know that
pornography is a sin but you don’t have the spiritual
strength to abandon it. I wrote this book for you who
are fed up with it and want to get rid of it at all costs.
I wrote this book for you who are constantly asking
the question whether one day you will really be
delivered from these addictions. Because despair has
taken hold of you, you no longer even have the
strength to continue the fight. You say to yourself “I
have fought enough, I have the impression that God
will not forgive me anymore, it is better to continue
only with what I am doing”. I wrote this book for you
who are desperate and cannot find anyone who canhelp you overcome these sins because you are
ashamed to talk about them. You are afraid that
others will find out what you do in secret. Parents and
teachers know that you are an intelligent child and
that you are the role model, but deep down inside you
know that they are wrong, you are not what they
think of you.
Don’t worry, if deep down you desire to be
healed, the Lord will heal you. You’re not a hypocrite.
You’re a child of God. Jesus Christ comes to you today
through this book to set you free and to let His light
shine on your life, if you decide to open the door of
your heart to Him.
The first thing the enemy will try to inspire in
you is doubt. "If these principles worked for him, will
they work for you? Do you really think you can be set
free just by reading a book? ». These could be his
questions to sow doubt in you to discourage you. If it
happens that he inspires these thoughts in you, you
just have to understand that he is afraid that you will
find out the truth about his abominable works. I tell
you, this is the expression of his fear!
I know how these spirits work because I’ve
been disturbed and held captive for over seven years.
I will expose them, and you will see that it is possible
to defeat them. I pray that the Lord grants you
spiritual intelligence to understand what I am going
to say.
What the enemy fears most is the knowledge of the truth. He is so afraid of the truth that he works
incessantly to bring strategies that keep men
distracted. Because he knows that Truth sets free. Did
not the Lord say that His people perished because
they lacked knowledge? Everything satan does is
aimed at preventing us from knowing the Truth, this
knowledge that liberates. In order to have the full
knowledge of this Truth of God, I beg you to look and
listen to His Son Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is that liberating Truth came from
the Father, which the devil prevents us from knowing
and listening to. Since the Truth frightens the enemy,
I therefore advise you to seek it with all your heart.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life
(Matthew 14:6).
In the following lines, I will tell you all the
possible truths about these abominations and
especially how to overcome them by the power of the
Holy Spirit. You will have to collaborate with the Lord
Jesus Christ if you really want to be set free. Do not
think that Jesus will deliver you as if with a “magic
wand”. You will also have to make personal efforts to
allow the Lord to work in you.
I write this book with a kind of rage in my heart,
with a very holy anger, thinking of all the years that
the enemy had made me a slave to these practices.
When I see how he holds captive, until today, those
who matter to me, I revolt. How a defeated enemy
can continue to play with us in this way!
Read this book with an open heart and a mind
willing to give up evil. I pray that what you will do as
a reading is not just a simple reading but that it will
be a real contact with the Holy Spirit. I strongly
believe that the Lord will touch you after reading this
Maybe you’re as desperate as I was.
Sometimes I used to think and wonder what my fate
would be if I died. The answer was “blurry”. I couldn’t
see clearly what my fate would be after death and
somewhere in my heart I was saying “if I ever have
to go to hell it would be because of pornography and
I was desperate! I was already going to church
but I was still watching pornography and
masturbating…it was sad and shameful!
But one day I stopped going to church out of
habit, I decided to find this Jesus Christ they preach
us, and I found Him…and He delivered me. You too
do not despair, the fact that you came across this
book is not a randomness, it is a proof that the Lord
wants to free you from those abominations that defile
your body, soul and spirit. If you do not believe that
the Lord wants to deliver you, I believe in your place.
You think you’ll always be a slave to
pornography and masturbation? The devil takes
advantage of your weakness to confirm that! Then
you and the devil are wrong, there is someone who
breaks the chains of pornography and masturbation when you come to him for real, he is called Jesus
Christ, the Son of God.
You know my friend, the devil is like a
fisherman who goes fishing with nets full of holes, if
he catches a fish there is always the possibility for the
fish to escape; what the fish has to do is only to notice
the holes in the net and move slowly and surely to get
out. The problem is not that the enemy caught you
with the net of sin, the problem is that you didn’t see
the holes in that net to get out. This book is there to
show you the holes that are in this net of the enemy
so that you can get out, because that is not your
place. Your place is among the sanctified! Wake up


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