Hi wanna join this fight with me

Hi I’m Levo; a 23 old male addicatd to porn around 6years. Tried nofap for 1years but could not completed 90days. But it cahnges many things in my life so i dont want to give up yet. before porn I was a serial fapper. I found nofap and decide to fix my broken life. Please help me on my journy.

Sharing code - 45c1c50 *

Current streak - 15 days *
Highest streak - 21 days *
Age - 23
Gender - M
Location - IN

It will be really good to share each others story; experience and motivate eachother.


Let’s not give up on this journey,


We can be in this together. It would be nice to have someone to share some insight with

Thanks guys added everyone let’s do it :smiling_face::innocent:

Hey bro…yaa sure we can fight it out together…share me ur code.
And also ill liek to talk to u thru whatsapp or messenger…this really helps.we can talk about urges and how to combat them

My sharing Code - 45c1c50

You happen to have discord?

Hey. Lets do this!

Heres my sharing code ed92586367b6ac94e

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Nope; I don’t have a discord or had bro☺

Let’s do this bro.

My sharing code : 79b68e

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Feel free to add me guyz

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