Help me. I need someone

All of you are either on high streaks like 90+ or just reached 30 days. Most of you just relapsed after 7 days. But I can’t reach day 2. I’m alone. Is there anyone who can speak with me?


Yeah bro everyone here is with you.
I can help you out. Just stand strong and you’ll reach such high streaks without even knowing.


My highest streak is 11 days and now current is 8 days. My current goal is to break my highest record. You can join me. My sharing code: 4znard
We can challenge each other for certain days!


Look man, all of us have been where you are today. We’ve all felt hopeless but overtime you will grow stronger if you do not give up. I remember when I couldn’t even get past 2 days and I felt so helpless. But guess what, I never gave up and now (a year later) I am getting higher streaks. You have to persevere and not let that urge control your every move. You can add me and we can beat this addiction together!
Sharing code: whxe2l


I don’t have sharing codes. I’m an ios user.

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Then it’s all good man, I recommend daily workouts or running sometime in the morning so that you start your day off right feeling energized


What has worked for me is coming to this app everyday and reading others posts. You just have to want to change, one day at a time. Good luck

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This app is motivating me so so much, feels like a brother hood :muscle::muscle: